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Good Friday: The Three Hours

  • Portsmouth Cathedral (map)

Preaching of the Passion with a sequence of addresses from our Holy Week preacher, alongside reflections, readings, prayers and music. Liturgy of the Passion sung by the Cathedral Choir, with traditional Good Friday Liturgy.

"Good Friday is the most solemn day in the Christian year, the day when we remember Jesus death on the cross. All are welcome to join us to mark Good Friday in the Three Hours’ Devotion from midday to 3:00pm.

The Preaching of the Passion. Holy Week preacher, Canon Roly Riem, gives a sequence of addresses. His reflections will be interspersed with readings, prayers and music.


The Liturgy of the Passion. The traditional Good Friday liturgy includes a retelling of the story of Jesus' Passion and concludes with the opportunity to receive the Sacrament consecrated at the Maundy Thursday Eucharist of the Last Supper. Music will be sung by the Cathedral Choir."