Portsmouth Cathedral

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Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 13th October 2019

In 2008, in the wake of the banking crisis, when trust in banks and the financial sector was extremely low, a researcher at Bath University began a study of the key elements that created trust in business. Her name is Veronica Hope Hailey, and her work is worth looking up on the internet.

Put simply, her work noted the corrosive effects of spin in reducing levels of trust, the need to involve all stakeholders in decisions, and the importance of building up reservoirs of trust in good times so that there was the good will to get through tougher situations. She identified four key elements of good leadership to building a culture of trust. Firstly, that the leaders have ability: that we feel that they know what they are doing. Secondly, reliability: that leaders will stick with decisions and follow them through, rather than giving up or chopping and changing. Thirdly, integrity: that leaders demonstrate moral principles upon which they base their decisions. Lastly, benevolence: that they care about those over whom they exercise authority.

Part of the current political crisis around Brexit is about a lack of trust. A lot of current political rhetoric manifests a lack of trust in politics, and also attacks the trust that remains in the system. I think a fair question to ask of government and politicians at the moment is the degree to which they display ability, reliability, integrity and benevolence in debate and policy. These are the four key ingredients to running a successful democracy in which voters and politicians trust one another. The last two decades has seen widespread questioning of all four elements of trust, and our politics would benefit from leaders demonstrating an ability to deliver on realistic policies, that these policies are pursued consistently, that there are some real principles underlying policy beyond winning votes, and that policies are put forward that are genuinely in the interest of the country.

Regardless of the outcome of Brexit at the end of the month, our society needs to rebuild bonds of trust. The Christian faith has at its core the ideas of reconciliation, forgiveness, hope and trust. On Sunday morning we remember those Seafarers who lost their lives serving the needs of others, and we have the opportunity to reflect that our nation’s political discourse should be one in which benevolence and integrity are central.

The Reverend Canon Dr Anthony Rustell

Residentiary Canon


Welcome to all those joining us this morning for the Annual Service for Seafarers which is followed by a reception in the Nave.

The List Details of our services are available in the Cathedral or on the website.


Ride and Stride Grateful thanks are due to those who generously sponsored Clare and me for last month’s ‘Ride and Stride’ event, raising money for the Hampshire and Islands Historic Churches Trust. I’m pleased to report that the final amount was £540, and that when Gift Aid is taken into account, the figure will rise substantially. Half of this amount will in due course come back to the Cathedral. The effort of thirty miles of cycling, via fifteen churches, seems eminently worthwhile. Thank you again. The Dean.

Churches Homeless Action Christmas Voucher Scheme Details of the annual scheme which distributes vouchers through agencies which support the homeless will be available later this month. On this Homeless Sunday please pause and think about how you can respond to the needs of local people.


Letter from the Dean An update on staffing, housing and the development of a shared strategy and vision is available in the Cathedral and on the website.

Great South Run The Revd Ruth Tuschling will be running next Sunday in aid of Mind (linked to our Annual Theme: Living Well) and can be supported through her Just Giving page https://bit.ly/2AVaTvX.

Vacancies – full details of the following posts are on the Cathedral’s website.

Head of Fundraising and Events We are looking for an outstanding and innovative full time Head of Fundraising and Events. The post is funded by the Cathedral’s Sustainability Fund. Closing date 28th October. Interviews Thursday 14th November.

Education Assistant - Pop Up Cathedral We seek an Education Assistant to work on our new outreach project. A large pop-up gazebo will be taken out to schools so that classes will be able to take part in a range of activities. 10 hours p/w, temporary six month contract. Closing date 23rd October. Interviews Thursday 31st October.

Jane Lemon A Memorial Service for the designer of the Sarum Group vestments and frontals for the Cathedral will take place at 3.00pm on 22nd October at Steeple Langford.

A Turbulent Priest 7.30pm Wednesday 23rd October at St Mary’s Church, Portchester Castle, PO16 9QW. A musical comedy about the life and times of Thomas Becket and King Henry II… but with some serious issues relevant to today! Tickets £8.00 from St Mary’s Parish Office 023 9232 1380 or stmaryoffice@btconnect.com.

Food Bank There is an enormous demand for this service and supplies in local depots are very low. Please continue to support us with contributions of dried and tinned food, cereals, long life milk, house hold items and toiletries.

Pastoral Care If anyone has a pastoral concern and would like to speak to someone, please contact Canon Jo on 023 9275 2335 or the Dean on 023 9282 4400.

Chapel of Healing and Reconciliation The scaffolding in the South Transept will remain in place for a further fortnight to allow the cornice to be redecorated.

One World Week 20th - 27th October ‘Climate changes everything now is the time to act’. Details of events are available at https://bit.ly/2kSTNui.


Lunchtime Live 1.10pm Thursday 17th October with Kurt Rampton (organ). Free event.

Recovered Histories 18th - 27th October. Journeys Festival International presents an exhibition of new work by printmaker George Sfougaras, inspired by members of the refugee and asylum-seeking community. Details of events in Portsmouth available at https://bit.ly/2moSVhp.

Next Sunday In addition to 8.00am and 6.00pm services there will be a said Eucharist with hymns at 10.30am. Please check the road closures and parking restrictions that will be in place for the Great South Run.

Symbolism and Self 4.00 - 5.30pm Monday 21st October. Join the Dean and the artist George Sfougaras for a Coffee Shop Conversation exploring ‘Recovered Histories’. Tickets are FREE but booking essential via https://bit.ly/33b38hs .

The 39 Steps a live radio drama 7.30pm Friday 25th October in the Nave. BlackBox Theatre Company’s stunning new adaptation of John Buchan’s classic ripping yarn. Adult £12.50, Concs £10.00, Family £38.00. Tickets available through the Cathedral Shop, or online from Ticket Source or 0333 666 3366.

Living Well - “Lighten Our Darkness” – sermons on aspects of Mental Health: 6.00pm Sunday 27th October ‘Caring for carers’ with The Revd Anne Lindsay, former Chaplain to Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust.

Discovering the Guildhall: Community Talk 2.00pm Tuesday 29th October in Becket Hall. Portsmouth Guildhall (The Guildhall Trust) is undertaking an exciting heritage project designed to gather, share and bring to life people’s memories. As part of the project they have been recording older people’s memories, collecting archive material, researching the building and associated events. These interviews will become part of a digital archive to create two short documentary films and an exhibition at the Guildhall in January 2020.

100 Years of Mental Health in Hampshire 1.00pm Wednesday 30th October in Becket Hall. Exhibition and talk based on memories of St James and Knowle Hospitals. Money raised will be used to support the work of the Good Mental Health Cooperative in offering opportunities for people recovering from mental ill-health. Tickets £10 and £15 through Eventbrite.

All Souls’ Eucharist 5.00pm Saturday 2nd November. A reflective service of readings and music within the Eucharist, with the opportunity to remember and light a candle for loved ones. All are welcome. If you would like a name to be included at the service of someone who has died in the past year, please add it to the list in the Welcome Area.

Christmas Fair 11.00am–2.00pm Saturday 30th November. Our major annual fundraising event with many stalls, raffle and Santa’s Grotto.


All those who were baptised last week including: Thomas

All those involved with safeguarding children and vulnerable adults

The homeless and all those who support them

All those in need including: Donald, Robert, Poppy, Barry, Tim, Stuart, Derek, Maureen, Joey and Paige.

And those who have died: Bernard Taylor (Memorial Service 12noon Thursday 17th October at St Mary’s Church, Hayling Island) RIP.

For a complete listing of this week’s notices click here