Portsmouth Cathedral

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Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 17th November 2019

The weeks between All Saints and Advent are sometimes referred to as the ‘Kingdom’ Season. We give thanks for those who have gone before us and we look forward to the reality of God’s Kingdom which lies ahead for us all.

So this Sunday it is appropriate that we are hosting a service at 2.00pm for the Rowans Hospice which is celebrating its 25th anniversary. The hospice was founded in 1994 and the original building first opened in October that year. Since then much has developed, many individuals cared for and many thousands of families have been supported. There is now a Living Well centre helping people to live with life-limiting illness, and also specialist help and counselling available for children and young people facing bereavement with the wonderfully named Meerkat service that they offer.

Also as we come to the end of our own Living Well annual theme for 2019, we will have Bishop Christopher attending Evensong on Sunday, and presenting the awards from his Bishop’s Lent appeal to local mental health charities for young people after the service. Our Living Well theme will conclude the following week with a final sermon in the Lighten our Darkness series on Sunday 24th – plus the chance to discuss aspects of the sermons we have heard, and other issues that people wish to explore, with an informal conversation evening on Wednesday 27th at 6.30pm after Evening Prayer. If there is interest in more opportunities to look at mental health issues in future, then please let one of the Canons know, so we can gauge further ideas or occasions that could be offered.

The Reverend Canon Dr Jo Spreadbury

Canon Precentor


Welcome to all those attending our services this morning and to those joining us for the Rowans Hospice 25th Anniversary Service this afternoon and Choral Evensong this evening with the presentation of the Bishop’s Lent Appeal monies.

The Service and Events Lists are available in the Cathedral or on the website.


Art and Christianity Awards Congratulations to Birmingham Cathedral for winning the temporary art installation at this year’s awards which were held on Wednesday. Soup of Souls, the art installation by Pete Codling from our 2018 Annual Theme: Time art residency support by the Arts Council was one of the shortlisted entries.


Cathedral Assistant Curate We are very pleased that following the Bishop’s proposalit has been agreed that Catherine Edenborough will serve her title at the Cathedral following her ordination as deacon next Petertide. She will become Assistant Curate (self-supporting part-time) from July and more details on her role will be made available in due course. Her training incumbent will be the new Canon Chancellor, Kathryn Percival. In the meantime we offer both of them our prayers as they prepare for their work here. Further information was distributed with the notices last week.

Chapter met to discuss, amongst other things, the 2020 budget. Chapter has asked for a budget by the end of November that addresses the underlying issues associated with the Cathedral's ongoing multi-year budget deficits. Chapter and Cathedral Council will meet on 26th of November on the 2020 budget.

College of Canons We look forward to welcoming the Archdeacons, Honorary and Lay Canons meeting for the annual meeting of the College of Canons being held this Thursday.

Christmas Fair Saturday 30th November. Donations of games, china, glass and collectables, Christmas decorations, artificial flowers, clay plant pots, jewellery, nearly new or new clothing and scarves, preserves (jams, marmalade and chutney), toiletries, toys and children’s clothes, bottles of wine and boxes of chocolates for the Tombola can be left at the Cathedral Shop or brought to the Coffee Morning to be held on Friday 22nd November in Becket Hall 10.30am – 12noon. Please also start baking cakes to be donated the day before or on the day (these need to be marked if they have been frozen or contain nuts).

Cathedral Shop Advent candles, calendars, Christmas cards, ornaments, decorations and gifts are now available. The shop will be open after the 10.30am service on Sunday 17th and 24th November for people to also buy their raffle tickets for the Christmas Fair.

Parish Lunch Club The club will soon require a cook with friends to form a team to cook for the club once a month on a Tuesday. Please contact the Cathedral Offices.

Friends of Portsmouth The Autumn Newsletter has been sent out to members. If you would like to know more about the Friends please pick up a leaflet from the Welcome Area or contact friends@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

Pastoral Care If anyone has a pastoral concern and would like to speak to someone, please contact Canon Jo on 023 9275 2335 or the Dean on 023 9282 4400.

Churches Homeless Action Churches across the city are collecting supermarket gift vouchers (£5.00 value) to be distributed through charities which support the homeless. Please hand any donations to the Cathedral Offices or Shop by Friday 15th December.

Oxfam Building a Better World. Climate, Poverty and Justice 6.45pm Thursday 21st November at RC Cathedral Discovery Centre, Bishop Crispian Way, PO1 3QA. Tickets £10, Students £5 (includes supper) to raise money for Oxfam water projects in Africa. Tickets from Owen Plunkett 023 9225 4959 or Sue James 023 9225 0267.

Advent Carol Service at the House of Bethany 7.30pm Wednesday 4th December. Join the Sisters of Bethany for their annual Advent Carol Service. £3.00 per person in aid of ‘Light for Bulgaria’. To purchase your ticket please ring 023 9283 3498 or email ssb@sistersofbethany.org.uk.


Lunchtime Live 1.10pm Thursday 21st November with Alastair Savage (violin). Free with retiring collection.

Choral Evensong with Celebration of Cathedral Sing! 6.00pm Friday 22nd November. 150 children from church choirs and schools across the Diocese will take part in a special Evensong with the Cathedral Choir to commemorate St Cecilia’s Day. The service will include a performance of Howells’ A Hymn for St Cecilia. All welcome.

Living Well “Lighten Our Darkness” – final sermon: 6.00pm Sunday 24th November ‘Older people’s mental health’ with The Revd Canon Nick Fennemore, Head of Chaplaincy for Southern Health NHS Trust.

Informal discussion and conversation with the Dean, Dr Kevin O'Shea and Canon Angela Tilby for anyone interested in following up on the series: Wednesday 27th November at 6.30pm in the Cathedral after Evening Prayer.

Cathedral Club 2.45pm Thursday 28th November in Becket Hall with Sachin Gunga. Donation £1, free tea/coffee and biscuits. All welcome.

Advent Carol Service 6.00pm Sunday 1st December. A sequence of seasonal music and readings foretelling Christ’s coming as the Saviour of the world. All welcome.

Silver Screen: Holiday Inn (1942) 2.00pm Tuesday 10th December in Becket Hall. All welcome. Free event, tickets available from the Cathedral Shop.

Installation of Canon Chancellor and Vice Dean 6.00pm Sunday 15th December. Please join us as we welcome Kathryn Percival and her family to Portsmouth. The service will be followed by a reception.


Harry and Megan who will be confirmed here next Saturday.

All those in need including: Bob, Poppy, Barry, Tim, Stuart, Derek, Joey, Paige, Nigel, Patricia and Trevor.

And those who have died: Anne Charlesworth and Doris Hedges RIP.

For a complete listing of this week’s notices click here