Portsmouth Cathedral

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Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 8th December 2019

The second Sunday of Advent is traditionally the time when the church thinks of prophets and prophecy. In the week of the General Election, it feels like we are living somewhere in between Isaiah’s prophecy and vision of an ideal society in Isaiah 11, and John the Baptist’s condemnation of the self-satisfied and complacent – in his case that applied to the religious authorities in Matthew 3.

We do not live in an ideal society but neither do we live in one which is completely evil and lost. Whatever anyone else may think or do, there is a responsibility on us, in all our thoughts, prayers, and conversations, to build up rather than break down, to add light rather than heat, and to give hope especially to those with little or none. Views will be held passionately, but the challenge is to continue to find reasons to respect those with whom we differ and no pass or permission is given to stop loving them

The Reverend Canon Nick Ralph

Residentiary Canon


Welcome to all those attending our services and to the family and friends of Rupert who is being baptised today.

The Service List and Advent Christmas Epiphany Listings are available in the Cathedral or on the website.

Naivety – A contemporary nativity We are pleased to have Pete Codling’s exhibition at the west end of the Cathedral between now and 27th January 2020. The symbolism, allegory and metaphor used in the images is powerful and thought provoking. Not everyone will ‘like’ the contemporary references, but they are a striking invitation to reflect more deeply on the nature of the Christmas story and its significance today.


Christmas Fair A huge thank you to everyone who helped with the Christmas Fair by baking cakes, making donations, buying items, setting up stalls, supporting and helping with the stalls on the day, tidying up afterwards and counting the takings! The final figure raised currently stands at £6,904.31. A big ‘thank you’ to Nicky Taylor for coordinating and organising this year’s event and especially to Ann Wilson and Linda Swinburne. Thank you to everyone involved which is very much appreciated!

Changes in the Finance and Investment Committee Caroline Hewitt has, for personal reasons, resigned as the Chair of the Finance and Investment Committee (FIC). The Dean writes, ‘I am most grateful for the significant contribution Caroline has made as Chair of FIC, and as a member of Chapter. We, as a Cathedral Community, are indebted to her for this. I am delighted to announce, though, that Caroline will stay on as a member of FIC, and we will in this way continue to benefit from her expertise and experience. We are now actively seeking a new Chair of this important committee, which carries with it membership of Chapter’.

2020 Budget Chapter approved the 2020 budget earlier this week. It is a budget that begins to address the significant deficits the Cathedral has been running in recent years, while also resourcing us to increase our overall income. A longer communication about this will be issued with the Sunday notices next week.

New Head of Fundraising and Events We are delighted to announce that Sophie Henstridge-Brown from the Royal Opera House (and the congregation of Southwark Cathedral) will join us as our new Head of Fundraising and Events, starting on 18th February 2020. Please see the notice boards and our website for further details about Sophie, including how one of her ancestors was a signatory on Charles I’s death warrant.


Churches Homeless Action Churches across the city are collecting supermarket gift vouchers (£5.00 value) to be distributed through charities which support the homeless. Please hand any donations to the Cathedral Offices or Shop by Sunday 15th December.

Christmas Home Communion If you are aware of anyone who is unable to come to church over the Christmas season and would like to receive communion, please contact Canon Jo on 023 9275 2335.

Cathedral Shop Christmas ornaments, decorations and gifts are now available. The Cathedral Christmas Card, which features two images from Pete Codling’s Naivety is now available priced £2.50 for five cards, proceeds in aid of the Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral.

Cathedral Guides Our team of friendly and knowledgeable Guide Welcomers and Guides is looking for new members. The 2020 Training Course of five one hour sessions on Wednesday mornings starts on 15th January. If you are looking for a new volunteering opportunity and would like to join the group which helps introduce our visitors, local, national and global to the Cathedral please contact our Head Guide, Margaret Wilson.

Christmas Poinsettias The Flower Guild would welcome donations for poinsettias to decorate the Cathedral for Christmas. Pease hand envelopes marked 'Flower Guild' to the shop or put in the collection box. Thank you.

Christmas and foreign stamps Used stamps, especially Christmas and foreign ones can be donated to the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance through the box in the Cathedral Shop.

Pastoral Care If anyone has a pastoral concern and would like to speak to someone, please contact Canon Jo on 023 9275 2335 or the Dean on 023 9282 4400.

Living Faith Course Spring 2020 7.00pm – 9.00pm starting Wednesday 8th January for 10 weeks in The Dolphin. Application forms are available in the Welcome Area. Please contact Sue.Chatband@portsmouth.anglican.org for further details.

‘Bout Bethlehem A Christmas Celebration! 7.30pm Monday 16th December St. George’s Church, Chichester, PO19 7AD. Join St Richard Singers with conductor Sachin Gunga. Tickets £12.00, £5.00 students, U18’s FREE (includes mulled wine and mince pies). Reserve your tickets at SRSTickets@gmail.com or buy on the door.


Silver Screen: Holiday Inn (1942) 2.00pm this Tuesday in Becket Hall. Free event.

Installation of Canon Chancellor The Revd Kathryn Percival will be installed as Canon Chancellor and Vice Dean during Choral Evensong at 6pm on Sunday 15th December. Please join us as we welcome Kathryn and her family. We have agreed with Kathryn to mark her installation by raising funds to improve the fabric of the Cathedral. The southwest door is in urgent need of repair. Portsmouth Cathedral Development Trust has donated £3,100 to start the appeal and donations can be made through https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/cathedralsouthwestdoor or the Cathedral Offices.

Cathedral Christmas Carol Services All welcome to join us at our four beautiful service of carols and readings by candlelight. Saturday 21st, Sunday 22nd, Monday 23rd at 7.00pm as well as Tuesday 24th December including Blessing of the Crib at 6.30pm.

Crib Services Christmas Eve 2.30pm and 4.00pm. Presents for under the Christmas tree can be brought to the service and will be distributed through the Roberts Centre.


All those in need including: Bob, Poppy, Barry, Tim, Stuart, Derek, Joey, Paige, Nigel, Patricia and Trevor.

And those who have died: Anne Charlesworth, Doris Hedges, Carlos Paradas and Brian McCoy RIP.

For a complete listing of this week’s notices click here