Portsmouth Cathedral

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Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 5th January 2020

This is a gift of a year for strategists in places and organisations as diverse as Croydon, India, and Westminster Abbey, as with a reference to perfect eyesight, they’ve all talked about their ‘2020 Vision’.  In the coming days, we celebrate the Epiphany, the revelation of Christ’s identity to everyone who has eyes to see.  Perfect vision – indeed perfect anything – is perhaps not the most helpful aim for anyone human at the beginning of a new year.  But the invitation to see the vision of perfection and to live in the love He brings is another thing altogether.  We might be full of New Year’s resolutions, but we just need this one - to let God direct our gaze so that we can be filled with the light of his Son. 

This is also the Year of Cathedrals and Pilgrimage – a recognition that in these buildings, people often find themselves seeing in a new way.  (In the words of one visitor: ‘Something about this place has got to me.’)  The glimpses of light caught here, through beauty, peace, worship, art, music, and people, might lead to anything from a small refocussing to completely different lenses, as we all discover God’s 2020 vision for us.  Happy New Year!

The Revd Canon Kathryn Percival
Canon Chancellor


Welcome to all those attending our services today. Please join us at the Epiphany Carol Service this evening at 6.00pm.

The Service List and Advent Christmas Epiphany Listings are available in the Cathedral or on the website.


Pastoral Care If anyone has a pastoral concern and would like to speak to someone, please contact the Canon in Residence through 023 9282 3300 or the Dean 9282 4400.

Churches Homeless Action Many thanks to all those who responded to this year’s appeal. 108 supermarket vouchers totalling £540.00 were passed on to charities which support the homeless for distribution at a Carol Service held at St Mary’s, Fratton.

Donations to refurbish the South-West Door The total raised has now reached over £3,400 including donations from Portsmouth Cathedral Development Trust and the Limoges Trust. We are very grateful to the donors and trusts for their generous support towards this fundraiser to mark the installation of Kathryn Percival. Donations can be made via the collection boxes, the Cathedral Office or https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/cathedralsouthwestdoor.

Outward Giving The Cathedral, as part of its 2019 planned outward giving, has made donations to: our Sunyani partnership, The Fisherman’s Mission, The Roberts Centre, Open Church (Homelessness Project), Lovel46 (Modern Slavery) and Home-Start Portsmouth. Please remember in your prayers the vital work of these organisations.

Naivety – A contemporary nativity Pete Codling’s exhibition in the Nave until 27th January. The symbolism, allegory and metaphor used in the images is powerful and thought provoking. Not everyone will ‘like’ the contemporary references, but they are a striking invitation to reflect more deeply on the nature of the Christmas story and its significance today. A review has been published in the Church Times. Prints of the works and of Soup of Souls, the exhibition earlier in the year, are also on display and for sale. There will be an opportunity to hear about the work from Pete after Choral Evensong on Thursday 23rd January.

2020 Budget Information on the 2020 budget was distributed with the notices on 15th December. If you have any questions or would like further details then please contact Chief Operating Officer, richard.abraham@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Christmas and foreign stamps Used stamps can be donated to the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance in the box at the Cathedral Shop.

Cathedral Guides Our team of friendly and knowledgeable Guide Welcomers and Guides are looking for new members. The training course of five one hour sessions on Wednesday mornings starts on 15th January. If you are looking for a new volunteering opportunity and would like to join the group which helps introduce visitors to the Cathedral please contact our Head Guide, Margaret Wilson.

Living Faith Course Spring 2020 7.00pm–9.00pm starting Wednesday 8th January for 10 weeks in The Dolphin. Application forms are available in the Welcome Area. Please contact Sue.Chatband@portsmouth.anglican.org for further details.


Tear and Repair The work of Nicola Clare Moody through her collaboration with Azalea Luton a charity that works with women caught in commercial sexual exploitation. Five woven hangings using the language of textiles to communicate different narratives will be on display in the Cathedral from 7th - 23rd January. Nicola will give a talk about the creation of “Tear and Repair” on Thursday 23rd January 2.30pm – 3.45pm. All welcome.

La Nativité du Seigneur – Olivier Messiaen 8.00pm Friday 10th January. Seasonal recital by Sachin Gunga of this stunning series of meditations for organ. All welcome.

A Concert of Art Song 7.00pm Saturday 11th January. The music of Purcell, Schumann, Britten and others sung by the Choral Scholars of Portsmouth Cathedral. Free admission with retiring collection.

Becket 2020 is the 850th anniversary of Becket’s martyrdom and the 800th anniversary of his translation at Canterbury, the new shrine becoming a focus for thousands of pilgrims. As part of our 2020 celebrations at Portsmouth Cathedral we are inviting all parishes to join in a variety of pilgrimage days and activities during the year. Each month from January to November at 6.00pm Sunday Choral Evensong we have invited one of our Honorary Canons to preach.

12th January Baptism: Beginning the Journey Canon Tom Kennar (Havant) Feast of the Baptism of Christ: Becket’s baptism an ours

23rd February Looking Ahead: Hope and Glory Canon Julie Price (Warblington and Emsworth) The closest Sunday to the date of St Thomas’ canonisation

8th March Lent: Wilderness and exile Canon Kevin Arkell (Newport) Becket spent 6 years of his time as Archbishop in exile

26th April Journeying with Christ Canon Bob White (St Mary’s, Fratton) The Emmaus road story and Becket’s vision of the risen Christ

Lunchtime Live 1.10pm Thursday 16th January with Sanctus (soprano saxophone & organ). Free with retiring collection and light refreshments.

Fish & Chip Quiz Night 7.00pm Saturday 18th January in Becket Hall with proceeds to the society of St James, helping the homeless. Tickets £12.00 (Vegetarian option available) are on sale from the Cathedral Shop.

Muslim Christian Evening 7.00pm Tuesday 21st January. Please join us for this important event of friendship, music, prayer and food with our friends from the Wessex Jamaat. Please sign the sheet in the Welcome Area if you are attending and can bring vegetarian food to share.


All those in need including: Bob, Poppy, Barry, Tim, Derek, Joey, Paige, Nigel, Patricia, Trevor, Roy, Emrys and Gillian.

And those who have died: Brian McCoy, Stuart McCullagh and John Jenkins RIP.

The full notices are here.