Portsmouth Cathedral

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Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 26th January 2020

Third Sunday of Epiphany

Next week the United Kingdom will leave the European Union. This will be a significant moment for our nation: some will be pleased that the Referendum result has been honoured, others will regard it as a sad and misguided step for the nation. Regardless of your perspective, Leave or Remain, we will all collectively face the same challenges together over the next decade.

The next few years will be particularly significant in revealing the truth behind the claims both sides have put to our national community. After a good deal of debate we will discover what Brexit will mean for our society and economy. For those who have put forward various arguments, especially those whose policies will now be put into effect, there awaits a moment of judgement in which we see which claims were true. Are we going to see a sudden rise in freedom and living standards, or will there be mass redundancies and food shortages? Or will neither in fact take place? Only time will give us an answer.

Christian's believe that God’s will and truth is known in and through history. In becoming man the Son of God enters into our history to reveal God’s truth through events. Epiphany season is centred on the events in which Christ’s glory is manifested at Bethlehem to the magi, at his baptism in the Jordan, at the wedding at Cana, and at his Presentation in the Temple. The Gospels note that, as well as bringing God’s glory near to humanity, these events also bring about judgement: the light of revelation is about showing forth truth, which is something that those who peddle half-truths or untruths fear and oppose.

A key role for the church in the coming years will be to hold up a mirror to those in power and seek to hold them to the promises that they have made, especially regarding the poor and vulnerable. This will be a really important role: there is already a low level of trust in politics, and it should be a priority for the church to see that this is not eroded any further. It should be our hope that through proper scrutiny that holds government and politicians to account truth is known and trust grown.

The Reverend Canon Dr Anthony Rustell

Residentiary Canon


Welcome to all those attending our services and to the family and friends of Evie who is being baptised today.

The Dean is presiding and preaching at St Michael & All Angels, Paulsgrove this morning.

Cathedral Placement Welcome to Philippa Good, curate at Farlington, who is here on placement for a fortnight.

The Service List is available in the Cathedral or on the website.


New FIC Chair Chapter has appointed Mary Makin as the new chair of the Finance and Investment Committee, a role which carries with it membership of Chapter itself. Mary has worked at senior levels in the finance departments of Winchester and Portsmouth dioceses, latterly as acting Diocesan Director of Finance. The Dean writes, ‘We are most fortunate to have Mary with her wealth of experience joining us in this important role and at a time when we have significant issues of financial sustainability to address’.

Fish and Chip Quiz Night Many thanks to all those who supported last week’s quiz. A total of around £500 was raised for the Society of St James. They have recently launched ‘The 2020 Challenge’ asking people to set themselves a challenge to help vulnerable people facing homelessness to turn their lives around. Further details at https://ssj.org.uk/2020challenge/.

Muslim/Christian Evening Thank you to all those who attended this annual event. https://www.portsmouthcathedral.org.uk/portsmouth-cathedral-news.


Safeguarding Training The newly arrived Canon Chancellor and the Chief Operating Officer are attending the Church of England’s Safeguarding Training for Senior Leaders on Monday. The Dean and Canon Jo have previously undertaken this important training.

Grants and Gifts The Religious Archive Group (RAG) and a member of the congregation have generously donated funds necessary for the Cathedral to purchase environmental monitors to enable better recording of temperature and humidity of items held in our archives. The Cathedral is most grateful to these two funders. We are also very grateful for the work of our Volunteer Archivist, Jo Godfree and her team in preserving this legacy and to Adrian Reed for his technical expertise and advice.

Becket’s Bunch Sunday School will restart on Sunday 2nd February, meeting during the 10.30am Eucharist service in the Bishop Kenneth Room.

Pastoral Care If anyone has a pastoral concern or would like to speak to someone, please contact Canon Jo on 9275 2335 or the Dean on 9282 3300.

Re-furbishing the South West Door Fundraiser This is the last week to make a donation. These can be made at the Cathedral Offices or via https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/cathedralsouthwestdoor.

Susan Boyle Concert If anyone knows Lavinia who won the tickets at the Christmas Fair please could they ask her to contact the Cathedral Offices.

Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral visit to Canterbury Cathedral Tuesday 7th July, the 800th anniversary of St Thomas Becket’s Translation, when his body was moved from the crypt to a new shrine in the chancel of the Cathedral. Choral Evensong that day will be sung by the Choir of Canterbury Cathedral and Portsmouth Cathedral Choir. Cost £25.00. If you would like to register your interest in this visit please fill in a forms from the website or in the Cathedral.

The IDWAL (Inter-Diocesan West Africa Link) Newsletter January 2020 is available on the Cathedral’s website and noticeboard.

Rainbows and Brownies Spaces available to join Rainbows (girls ages 5-7) and Brownies (girls ages 7-10) who meet on Mondays in term time in Becket Hall. Further details please email portsmouthcathedralbrownies@outlook.com.

Events at the House of Bethany Please let the Sisters know if you wish to attend on 023 9283 3498 or ssb@sistersofbethany.org.uk.

• Quiet Day 10.00am-4.00pm Saturday 8th February conducted by the Venerable Peter Sutton. £6.00 bring a packed lunch, tea and coffee provided.

• Quiet Afternoon 1.30pm-4.30pm Monday 10th February with the Rev Brian Pickett.


Pete Codling’s Naivety – A contemporary nativity until Monday.

Lunchtime Live 1.10pm Thursday 30th January with our Cathedral Choral Scholars (voices). Free with retiring collection.

Cathedral Club 2.45pm Thursday 30th January in Becket Hall. “Photographs of the Holy Land”. Donation £1, free tea/coffee and biscuits. All welcome.

Candlemas Carols 6.00pm Sunday 2nd February. Please join us at the final of our carol services based on the theme of the Coming of Christ, which included Advent, Christmas and Epiphany. The Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas) marks the end of the Christmas season.

Requiem in a Day – Choral Workshop and Concert 9.00am – 8.15pm Saturday 8th February. Come and sing Matthew Coleridge’s beautiful and deeply moving ‘Requiem’ in a workshop and concert performance directed by the composer. For further details and to book your place please visit https://matthewcoleridge.com/portsmouth/. Concert after the Choral Workshop 7.00pm Saturday 8th February. Free admission with retiring collection.

Portsmouth High School’s Gala Concert 7.30pm Tuesday 11th February. Tickets £6.00. For further details please contact 023 9270 1617.


All those being baptised: Evie

All those in need including: Bob, Barry, Tim, Derek, Joey, Paige, Nigel, Patricia, Trevor, Roy, Emrys and Reuben.

And those who have died: Stuart McCullagh and John Jenkins RIP.

For a complete listing of this week’s notices click here