Portsmouth Cathedral

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An opportunity to find ‘Hope in the Darkness’ at Portsmouth Cathedral.

This Wednesday, The Reverend Catherine Edenborough, will be leading an evening of reflection and prayer for what has been a trying year for many. Originally planned to take place in the Cathedral itself, due to recent government restrictions on public worship, we will be bringing the Cathedral to you at home.

As it is helpful to reflect and gather as a community, join us on Zoom this Wednesday evening for an informal evening of reflection, prayer and hope in these strange Covid-19 times. 

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It will be a contemplative journey enabling people to sit with the uncertainty of these times and know that they are held within some greater. An opportunity to reflect on 2020, to pray and find hope in the darkness.

As the nights draw in and Covid restrictions get tighter, the evenings session offers a opportunity to acknowledge and share not only the feelings we have, but also that we are held in something greater than this situation. God’s love reaches out to us, offering us hope in good times and bad.

Although we would have loved for this evening to take place in the Cathedral, we’re glad that we are still able to connect with you online, join us as we stream live from the Cathedral, and take you on a journey of reflection and prayer around the Cathedral following our meditative installations.