In the addresses throughout the week, with the help of music by Dieterich Buxtehude, Membra Jesu Nostri, we will reflect upon the Body of Christ. We shall together think about the feet, knees and hands of Jesus on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. On Maundy Thursday as we celebrate the Institution of the Eucharist, we shall explore what it means to receive Christ’s Body and Blood. On Good Friday our focus will be on the broken heart of Jesus and on Easter Day as we proclaim that Christ is Risen, we will ask ourselves what it means to come face to face with Jesus in our daily lives.
Read MoreThis Sunday is designated nationally as Woman Composer Sunday, with music across both morning and evening services celebrating some fantastic composers!
Read MoreIt’s only 281 sleeps until the Christmas Fair! Let’s make it the best fair with some serious forward planning. You may think me mad but some stalls like Jam and Preserves rely on your creative skills throughout the year.
Read MoreOur Boy Choristers, Choral Scholars and Lay Clerks are just back from a brilliant tour to sing in Denmark. Two of our newest choristers, Theo and Thomas tell us what it was like to experience their first cathedral choir tour.
Read MoreOn Saturday 2nd March there will be an opportunity to participate in one of the Bookfest activites at the Cathedral. A Creative Writing Workshop exploring the ups and downs of writing mystery and thriller stories in unusual locations. Led by Jackie Green and Christine Lawrence.
Read MoreOn Saturday 2nd March there will be an opportunity to participate in one of the Bookfest activites at the Cathedral. A Creative Writing Workshop exploring the ups and downs of writing mystery and thriller stories in unusual locations. Led by Jackie Green and Christine Lawrence.
Read MoreAs I reflect on my first month as the new Head of Fundraising for Portsmouth Cathedral, the journey has been nothing short of inspiring and transformative. Transitioning from a national children's charity to the heart of Portsmouth's spiritual and historical hub has been an invigorating experience, marked by exciting challenges and promising opportunities.
Read MoreCome along to our free Half Term Family Activity days in February Half Term.
Read MoreMidnight Mass at Portsmouth Cathedral is just around the corner, and we want to ensure your experience is seamless and memorable. Here are some essential tips for attending the service at the Cathedral, which will also be broadcast live on BBC One and on iPlayer.
Read MoreAs Christmas approaches, Portsmouth Cathedral is gearing up for a weekend filled with festive events and services that promise to bring joy and warmth to all. From the much-loved annual Christmas Fair to Carols on the Green, and a special #PompeySundays Christingle service.
Read MoreOn Sunday 19 November, the Church of England marks Safeguarding Sunday.
Read MoreAnne Wright, Carole King and the Revd Catherine Edenborough invite you to explore the idea of Advent as preparing for the revolution by looking at the song of Mary and other poetry in a variety of ways.
Read MoreWould you like to help our festive day of fun at the Christmas Fair run smoothly? We need volunteers to help with setup on Friday 8 December and to run a variety of stalls on Saturday 9 December. But there are lots of other ways you can help in this crucial fundraising event…
Read MoreVolunteers are at the heart of everything we do at Portsmouth Cathedral, from welcoming visitors to arranging flowers. We’re always pleased to welcome new people to the volunteering teams and we currently have new opportunities in several areas.
Read MoreOver this past week, the Cathedral has hosted the annual conference of the Chief Operating Officers (COO) and Chief Financial Officers (CFO) who help to lead and conserve the Nation's forty two English Cathedrals.
Read MoreWe’ve been delighted to hear from some of you this week how your jam, jelly, pickle & chutney making is going… but more donations of jars are still needed.
Read MoreTired of ever increasing energy bills? Worried about the impact burning unnecessary fuels is having on the environment? Well here is the opportunity, during Sustainability September, to take a practical look at our own energy use and finds ways to decrease our impact on the climate (and our energy bills).
Read MoreWhilst you are out and about or at home sorting a few things please keep the Christmas Fair in mind...
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