Portsmouth Cathedral

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Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 23rd February 2020

‘Thanks for posing,’ is not a remark I hear every day, but Neil Pugmire (Diocesan Communications Adviser) did say this to me last Thursday! He had been taking some photographs to be posted on-line during Lent to illustrate actions in support of the Bishop’s Lenten Appeal 2020: ‘Care for God’s Creation’. Earlier Neil and I had agreed that he would only photograph actions that were authentic, in the sense that they reflect what I will actually be doing during Lent in response to the ‘An Action a Day’ activities identified on the diocesan website. So yes, amongst other things I will be supporting ‘Meat Free Mondays’, and using my bike rather than the car.

Small actions of this kind, at one level rather trivial, can make a real difference if undertaken by enough people. The wholehearted participation of the Cathedral community can make a real difference.

As Archbishop Justin says in introducing his 2020 Lent book (Saying Yes to Life by Ruth Valerio; available in the Cathedral Shop): ‘Sadly, Christians have not always given God’s creation the reverence it deserves… As people of faith, we cannot just say what we believe. We are obliged to live out the life that Christ calls us to live, to care for our neighbours, for the creatures and the creation that God has so generously given us.’

Ruth Valerio’s excellent book ends with the image of the Church as a sleeping giant awakening to the responsibility to care ‘for the whole community of creation’. As part of this awakening, she encourages all of us to pray, act and give:

Prayer is where we start, because prayer connects and transforms and reminds us of our dependence on God – and inspires us to

Act, as we ‘are facing a climate crisis, species loss and plastic pollution, [interweaving] with other issues, causing conflict, poverty and suffering.’ Action is imperative, including

Giving, and delighting in ‘being generous to others rather than focusing on buying more things for ourselves.’

This Lent, I invite you to join with me, our Bishop and Archbishop and the wider church, in prayer and generous daily action in caring for God’s creation. Let the sleeping giant awake!

The Very Revd Dr Anthony Cane Dean of Portsmouth


Cathedral Fairtrade Breakfast will be available from 8.30am-10.15am and from 11.30am in the Nave. For further details about Fairtrade Fortnight events in Portsmouth see https://bit.ly/2OBb2fb.

Becket’s Bunch Our Sunday school will meet in the Bishop Kenneth Room during the 10.30am Eucharist.

Becket 2020 Please join us at 6.00pm this evening for our next sermon in the series as part of our 2020 celebrations. ‘Looking Ahead: the Hope and Glory’ with Canon Julie Price from Warblington and Emsworth.

The Service List is available in the Cathedral or on the website. Our Lent and Easter leaflet with details of services and events is also available.


The Cathedral’s new Strategy and Vision The consultation on the new Strategy and Vision will begin in March. All members of the congregation are warmly invited to participate in consultation events on Tuesday 11th March 7.00pm after Evensong and/or Sunday 15th March 12 noon after Eucharist. Please refer to the Dean’s letter distributed with these notices.

Vergers video on Facebook For those who have not had the opportunity to see the excellent lapsed-time video of our vergers at work please visit the Cathedral’s Facebook page.

Pastoral Care If anyone has a concern or would like to speak to someone, please contact Canon Jo 9275 2335 or Canon Kathryn 9282 3300 extn 229.

Safeguarding The Dean’s sermon on Sunday 16th February highlighted the importance of safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. Attention was drawn to the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) independent safeguarding audits of all cathedrals. Portsmouth’s audit will take place 22nd-24th June this year. The text of the sermon and information on Cathedral Safeguarding, including our Safeguarding Policy and who to contact if you have any concerns, are on the website https://www.portsmouthcathedral.org.uk/safeguarding-1.

Lent Resources ‘Saying Yes to Life’ by Ruth Valerio is available in the Cathedral Shop priced £9.99. Reading notes for the book can be found at https://bit.ly/2HHDc4y. Also available in the Shop and inspired by the book is a forty day reflection booklet for adult’s ‘#Live Lent Care for God’s Creation’ £1.75 each and a children’s version ‘#Live Lent Care for God’s Creation for kids’ £1.25 each. Further details available at https://bit.ly/2P78buY.

Confirmation preparation If you are interested in preparing for Confirmation at the Easter Vigil a group for adults will meet on Sunday afternoons at 4.00pm from 1st March. A group for young people can be arranged midweek as required. Please contact Canon Jo or Canon Kathryn for details.

Palm Sunday Crosses Last year’s crosses to be burnt for use as ashes on Ash Wednesday can be returned to the vergers or left in the Welcome Area.

@CofEPortsmouth Copies of the latest edition of the diocesan magazine are available in the Cathedral.

Fish and Chip Quiz Night the final figure of £456.00 was raised for the Society of St James.

Table Talk at The Dolphin An informal group for Lent, meeting at The Dolphin, to discuss big issues (hope, evil, justice, forgiveness, suffering, death) in a short time. Every Tuesday in March (3rd-31st) 7.30pm-8.15pm. All welcome. No booking required; just turn up to all or some of them. Please contact Canon Kathryn for further details.


Shrove Tuesday Join us from 10.00am-5.00pm for pancakes in the Nave. £1.50 per pancake. Proceeds in aid of the Portsmouth Cathedral Choir Association.

Lunchtime Live 1.10pm Thursday 27th February with Catherine Olver (organ). Free with retiring collection.

Cathedral Club 2.45pm Thursday 27th February in Becket Hall. ‘Round the world in 93 days’ by Mr Angus Ross. Donation £1, free tea/coffee and biscuits. All welcome.

Evening Organ Concert 7.30pm Friday 28th February with Dr David Flood, Organist and Master of the Choristers at Canterbury Cathedral. Tickets £10.00 (£8 concessions) on the door or through Eventbrite.

Faith in Politics 7.30pm Friday 6th March. ‘Political use of Biblical language’ with Professor Graeme Smith. Over the next year we will host events on the first Friday of the month to look at the issues of modern politics and the role that faith, trust and confidence has to play. The series will hear from local politicians, academics and clergy as we seek to look at the interface between politics and faith. All welcome to attend. A leaflet of future dates is available in the Cathedral.

Mediaeval Pilgrimage: faith, fun or folly? 7.00pm Wednesday 11th March in the Nave. A free illustrated talk by Professor Nicholas Orme, Emeritus Professor of History at Exeter University and Lay Canon of Truro Cathedral.

A Reflective Afternoon in an Emsworth home and garden 2.00pm-4.30pm Wednesday 18th March. ‘Everyday Pilgrimage’ led by Canon Jo Spreadbury. To book a place and to arrange transport, please contact the Cathedral Shop.

Pilgrimage Passion 18th - 21st March. A Lenten exploration of the Passion Story. Four days of music, reflection and journey in faith. Donations welcomed.

Handel’s Messiah 7.30pm Saturday 21st March. Tickets £25.00, £20.00 (concessions), Under 16’s £5.00. Available from the Cathedral Shop and Eventbrite.


All those in need including: Bob, Barry, Tim, Derek, Joey, Paige, Nigel, Trevor, Roy, Emrys, Reuben and Neil.

And those who have died: John Woolnough (Portchester Crematorium 1.45pm Thursday 27th February) RIP.

For a complete listing of this week’s notices click here