Portsmouth Cathedral

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A CAFA thank you!

Over this past week, the Cathedral has hosted the annual conference of the Chief Operating Officers (COO) and Chief Financial Officers (CFO) who help to lead and conserve the Nation's forty two English Cathedrals.

Our Chief Operating Officer Richard says, "On behalf of my CAFA colleagues, I just want to thank our team of staff and volunteers who through their efforts enabled us to have a hugely successful conference.  As one of my fellow COO's tweeted afterwards 'Particular thanks to the team at Portsmouth Cathedral who have been generous and welcoming hosts throughout.'  So my thanks and that of the CAFA Executive to you all and to the congregation for being flexible as we changed opening times and the locations of services and activities to accommodate this conference.  I think we did Pompey proud!"

The theme of the conference this year was "Thriving in Turbulent Times." Guest speakers included Portsmouth Naval Base Commander, Commodore John Voyce; the Chief Executive of the polling firm Ipsos (or MORI in old money), Kelly Beaver, MBE; James Tarbit, International CEO of Ipsos Karian & Box (Employee and Volunteer Engagement); Cllr. Gerald Vernon-Jackson, CBE on the City's approach to Net Zero, Helena Wilkinson from the accountants Price Bailey; Joanna Moriarity, from Green Park Recruitment; and Liz Redway from Redway HR as well as colleagues sharing their experiences of managing cathedrals in these very challenging and turbulent times.

You can learn more about the Cathedral Administration and Finance Association (CAFA) from the CAFA website.

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