Portsmouth Cathedral

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What is the significance of the lamb in the window?

Can you see the Lamb on the left-hand side if this window? Can you see the flag he is carrying? The Lamb and flag has been used as an Easter image for many centuries.

The flag is usually a red cross on a white background, reminding us of the cross of Jesus. And the Lamb is often used to represent Jesus, who is called "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" in St John's Gospel. Jesus died on the cross at Passover, a Jewish festival when lambs were killed as a sacrifice, and rose to life again on Easter Day - so the Lamb is shown alive and carrying the flag as a banner of victory over death. 

The Creed window also has pictures of God's creation - can you see flowers and fruit? a lion and an eagle (and a black and white killer whale if you look closely)? There are symbols of Jesus like the Lamb, and the bread and grapes representing the Last Supper and holy Communion. And there is a picture of a dove which is an image for the Holy Spirit. So the window as a whole illustrates the Creed, a statement of our faith in God which we say together in services - "I believe in God the Father... I believe in God the Son... I believe in God the Holy Spirit..."

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