Portsmouth Cathedral

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What can be seen in the East Window?

At the centre of the East window is a picture of Jesus risen from the dead above a smaller picture of Jesus on the cross. In between an angel holds a banner with the words 'Behold I am alive for evermore'. Two more angels are shown dancing above the head of the risen Jesus.

The picture of Jesus shows him wearing a red cloak and carrying a flag with a red cross, a symbol of his victory over death. His right hand is raised in blessing although you can see the scars of the cross still, with the marks on his hand, chest and feet. One of Jesus' friends called Thomas refused to believe in the resurrection until he saw Jesus' wounds and the marks of the nails from the cross. When Jesus appeared to Thomas he showed him his hands and his side, and Thomas believed, calling Jesus "My Lord and My God". So pictures of the risen Jesus at Easter always show the marks of the cross, reminding us that in Jesus there is life after death and hope after despair.

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