Cathedral Council News

On Tuesday evening, Cathedral Council met to receive the 2021 Financial Accounts. Richard Abraham, the COO, gave an overview of the financial performance of the Cathedral over 2021 and discussed the financial challenges already presenting in 2022.

Cathedral Council unanimously agreed to receive the Accounts.

Council warmly thanked all staff and volunteers for their efforts that have resulted in significant improvement in Cathedral finances over the past year or so. (An update on the 2021 Financial Accounts is included elsewhere in these Notices).

The Dean gave an update on Vision and Strategy as well as the new Cathedrals Measure.

Joint Council and Chapter meeting

The next meeting of Cathedral Council is a joint meeting with Chapter on 23 June 2022. This will begin the process of discernment about what may succeed Cathedral Council when Portsmouth comes under the 2021 Cathedrals Measure in early Autumn 2023. Plans for wider consultation, including with the congregation, of how we will implement the new Measure here at our Cathedral will be announced subsequent to this meeting.

2021 Financial Accounts

The 2021 Fi 2021 Financial Accounts which have been approved by Chapter and received by the Cathedral Council will be formally presented to the APCM on Tuesday, 24 May 2022.

A copy of these Accounts can be found on our downloads page, or there is a hard copy available to view in the Cathedral in the Cathedral. Paper copies can be made available for those who wish to have them; please ask for a copy from the Cathedral Offices.


Over the past two and half years, we have focused on bringing the finances of the Cathedral back into balance. Even through the pandemic, staff and volunteers worked to contain expenditure while increasing investment and diversifying our activities. The 2021 Annual Review, that will be published shortly, gives a fantastic overview of all the activities - both old and new – that have helped us to live out our mission to be ambitious for the future and to be “aBeacon and Safe Haven, Anchored in Jesus Christ” here in Old Portsmouth and throughout the Diocese.

2021 saw the Cathedral post a £64,419 surplus before unrealised gains turning around years of deficit budgeting as the chart below illustrates:

Chapter is very grateful to the congregation for the increase over the past two years in Planned Giving that now is just over £100,000 per annum when gift aid is included or about 10% of our annual operating budget. Chapter also would like to acknowledge the financial support over 2021 of the Church Commissioners, the Cathedral Choirs Emergency Fund, the Cultural Recovery Fund for Heritage, and the UK Government’s Job Retention scheme (Furlough programme).

Strong Financial Headwinds for 2022 and beyond.  

The 2022 budget projected a £97,000 deficit. This target is already proving problematic to achieve as our energy, building and repair costs, for example, have already risen and are projected to rise further this year and next. We are now projecting the 2022 deficit to rise above £100,000. We continue to monitor budgets closely. Also, already after only four months in post for Jemima Crayden, our new Events Manager, we are seeing income from events beginning to significantly increase. We are about to begin recruitment for a Visitor Experience Manager (100% funded by the Cathedral Sustainability Fund) and this post will help us to bring new visitors in the Cathedral and generate more revenue from tourism to support mission.

Chief Operating Officer Richard says, ‘All of these activities and more will help to provide the income necessary to support our missional activities. We will continue to work to achieve annual balanced budgets even as our ambitions remain large, and the external financial environment is in “choppy waters” to say the least. Your continued financial support of our activities is a key part of ensuring we will continue to be that bright beacon and safe haven.’.

Annual Meetings with Election of Churchwardens, Chapter and Cathedral Council members

At the Cathedral's Annual Meetings on 24 May at 7:00pm, there is the opportunity to elect our Churchwardens, and two members of Chapter (the Cathedral's governing body).

One of the Chapter members must also be a Churchwarden. Sheila Picton, who has served as Churchwarden for six consecutive terms of office, stands down at the election as required by the Churchwardens Measure. We are indebted to her and Ronald Rabbetts, for all they do in enabling our life and work, and to members of Chapter for their vital role in overseeing our overall strategy, and key decision making. We are also grateful to members of Council for their role in the Cathedral’s current governance structure which is due to change next year under the 2021 Cathedrals Measure.

You are invited to consider if either of those roles might be for you - and if so, to discuss this with Dean Anthony. He would be delighted to have several conversations, with a whole variety of people! There is also an opportunity to stand for election as one of our congregational representatives on Cathedral Council. If you would be interested in this role please contact Dean Anthony or the Chair of Cathedral Council, Kate Branigan.

Nomination forms are available online and in the Cathedral.

A copy of the Minutes of the 2021 meetings are available in the Cathedral and on our downloads page.

Apologies for the meeting should be sent to the Dean’s EA,

Help for Ukrainian Refugees

Our Diocese, working with Citizens UK, has committed to finding 50 hosts for Ukrainian refugees, together with others to befriend and support. If you would like to know more, visit the Diocese website or speak to Canon Nick Ralph.

Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral

The next Choral Evensong which members of the Friends are particularly invited to will be held on Tuesday 24 May. Details of the Quiz Night to be held on 31 May, which everyone is welcome to attend, will be included in next week’s notices. For more information about membership of the Friends, please visit our website or contact

Foodbank Donations

Many families are feeling the struggle of the recent cost of living crisis, your support of the Roberts Centre Foodbank has never been more important. Donations of food and toiletries are particularly needed at the moment and greatly appreciated by those using the service.

Please bring your donations to the Foodbank collection point in the Welcome Area during the Cathedral’s daily opening hours.

Worship and Visiting

Portsmouth Cathedral is open daily for prayer, services and visiting. Booking is not required for services, unless otherwise indicated. You can find out more about visiting on our website, where you can also download orders of service or find our Covid-19 visitor information.

Beating the Bounds

All are invited to join us for this historic tradition that we are celebrating again this year! Join us on Sunday 22 May, Rogation Sunday, as, following the 11:00am City Service Eucharist we will walk the boundary of the Cathedral parish.

This includes going along the seafront towards Clarence Pier and then through the City to the Guildhall. The new Lord Mayor, who will have been at the Eucharist, will meet us at the Guildhall as we continue to pray for God’s blessing on our parish and our City through this coming year. We will take this opportunity to pause for a picnic also on the Guildhall Steps.

We would normally take the train one stop to Portsmouth Harbour, but due to engineering work, we will walk along Park Road. (rail-replacement bus is also available). We will then take the Gosport Ferry across the harbour and back - in recognition that our parish boundary is on the Gosport side of the channel! - finally walking outside the Dockyard and on to the International Ferry Port.

The total distance one way is about 4 miles, with all welcome to join for the whole route or for a portion. At the end, anyone still feeling fit can walk back (about 1½ miles direct) or we will find a bus or share a ride back from the Ferry Port.

Please bring drinks and a sandwich; and sun cream if fine, or waterproofs if wet! It is a fun and friendly occasion, enjoying the open air together and discovering more about our Cathedral parish. Do join us!

More information and expressions of interest, please contact Canon Jo.

Preaching Series

Continuing our Sunday Evensong series of sermons by our Honorary Canons we look forward to welcoming the Venerable Peter Sutton, Priest in Charge Empshott, Greatham and Hawkley with Priors Dean on Sunday 15 May at 5.45pm.

Prayers and Intercessions

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Tom, Beverley, Richard, Jane, Alan, Amanda, Derek, Denise, Alan, Rachel, Lucy, Martin, Susan, Jean, Alan, Rita, Graeme, and all those in need.

Long-term sick including: Alison, Christopher, Clifford, Jane, Johnny, Melissa, Jenny, Suzy, Sarah, Bob, Izzy, Clare, Libby, Hilary, Andrew, and Peter.

We pray for those who have died recently: Irene Williams, Edward Parker-Jervis, Roy Purnell, Jane Connolly, and Matthew Jackson RIP.

Upcoming Services & Events

Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

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