Portsmouth joins cathedrals across the country as a focal point for a nation in mourning.

Muffled bells will ring out at noon today from Portsmouth Cathedral, flags have been lowered to half-mast, and books of commemoration are now open as cathedrals across the UK prepare to be the focal points for a nation in mourning.

People are invited to come and reflect, light a candle, offer a prayer, or join special services. Portsmouth Cathedral will be opening for extended hours throughout the mourning period, daily from 8:00am–7:00pm.

Dean Jo Kelly-Moore, who chairs the Association of English Cathedrals, said: “The Queen has been a beacon of hope, faith and unity in our country and throughout the world; a constant in the midst of so much change. Our Queen has also been a great support to the cathedrals of this land and the Commonwealth.”

Tributes have been flooding in since the announcement of her death yesterday with many people from around the Diocese of Portsmouth visiting the Cathedral to pay their respects.

The Dean of Portsmouth, The Very Revd Dr Anthony Cane said “At this sad time for our nation and the Commonwealth, we at Portsmouth Cathedral join the people of this diocese in expressing our affection and gratitude as we mourn the death of our Sovereign. Her Majesty the Queen has not only served this nation and the whole commonwealth with great distinction throughout an outstandingly long reign, she has been a particular inspiration to people of faith through her personal commitment to God and the way this has shaped her life of service.”

All are welcome to join services at Portsmouth Cathedral which throughout the mourning period, which will include prayers and reflections in honour of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

Today (Friday 9 September) at 5:45pm Choral Evensong we will say special prayers for the repose of her soul, and next Sunday (18 September) a Commemoration and Thanksgiving for the Life of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II will take place in the Cathedral at 3:00pm.

Further information about visiting the Cathedral can be found on the website portsmouthcathedral.org.uk/visit and further information about the special service on Sunday 18 September will be available from the Cathedral website.