Portsmouth Cathedral

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Changes to services and visiting the Cathedral

After the recent announcement from the Prime Minister regarding the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions, we have been reviewing what these changes mean for services and visiting the Cathedral over the coming weeks and months.  

We understand that changes to guidance may come as concern to some members of our community, especially those who are vulnerable or still shielding. These concerns have been taken into consideration for how we operate going forward from the 19 July, ensuring all feel safe as we open our building further for services and visitors.   

Over recent months we have been pleased to safely reopen the Cathedral for services, sight-seeing and private prayer. Changes have been made incrementally allowing us to evaluate alterations, and we will continue this process through conducting a transition period between 19 July and 1 September. This transition period will allow us to make adjustments that ensures the Cathedral is a welcoming safe space for all, whether you are fully vaccinated or still shielding.   

“We are very aware that the announcement of the ending of Covid restrictions has resulted in a range of reactions, from delight to anxiety. Over the summer our aim is to strike a balance between benefiting from the new situation and ensuring everyone who comes to the Cathedral feels safe and welcome. Further changes will follow, after careful review, in September.’ The Very Revd. Dr Anthony Cane, Dean of Portsmouth.

From Monday, 19 July

  • We plan to open the Cathedral from 10am-3pm during the week

  • Toilet and baby changing facilities will reopen

  • Face coverings will now be voluntary, but still encouraged in the Cathedral and during services

  • Social distancing between other household groups will still be encouraged

  • Check in for track and trace will still be encouraged

  • Hand sanitiser will still be available for use throughout the building

  • Morning Prayer will continue online

  • Monday-Friday Midday Eucharists will continue in the Cathedral

  • Evening Prayer will continue online, except when there is Choral Evensong, which will be in the building (see here for dates)

  • Pre-booking on Eventbrite will no longer be needed for Sunday Services (unless otherwise stated)

Further changes will be announced (e.g., congregational singing) when new guidance is available from the Church of England and Government. We will also let you know about planned changes from 1 September, including the return of Morning Prayer to the Cathedral, followed by a Morning Eucharist. We hope that this transition period will make all who visit feel safe and welcome, ensuring we stay on-track into the Autumn when all adults will have been offered a second vaccination.  

If you have any questions or queries about the transition period or changes to visiting the Cathedral, please don’t hesitate to contact us.