Weekly Notices | 2 March 2025
A reflection from Canon Jo
Lent begins on Wednesday
“I invite you in the name of the Church,
to the observance of a holy Lent,
by self-examination and repentance;
by prayer, fasting, and self-denial;
and by reading and meditating on God’s holy word.”
These words are from the introduction spoken at each of our services on Ash Wednesday – next week: Wednesday 5th March.
You might be familiar with the idea of giving something up for Lent and taking something up for Lent. I am going to try a (single-use) plastic-free Lent once again (although it will be harder as the Package-Free Larder shop has sadly closed). Even if you don’t go plastic-free, think what small things might be possible to get a bit nearer Net Zero Plastic, perhaps?!
Some people try to spend a little extra time each day in prayer or stillness. And Lent reading has always been something we are encouraged to do. A particular book, or a series of meditations each day in Lent, can be a help in exploring our lives and our world in the light of God’s love and wonderful mercy towards us.
The Cathedral shop has a great selection of Lent reading to offer this year. So I recommend the following and invite you to think which you might feel drawn to, to help your keeping of a holy Lent:
Wild Bright Hope - The Big Church Read Lent Book 2025
This book (originally edited by Justin Welby) encourages us to embrace a more hopeful perspective, and to consider how we can play a part in bringing in the kingdom of God.
Lentwise: Spiritual Essentials for Real Life - Paula Gooder
As we journey through life, we face challenges - both big and small. What spiritual essentials will help us survive life's storms? This book offers fresh insights from John's Gospel to help us deal with the rigors of real life.
The Whole Easter Story - BRF Lent Book 2025 - Jo Swinney
This 40-day Devotional explores how the cross transforms not just our own individual connection with Jesus, but also our relationships with each other and our world. Proceeds will go to A Rocha’s global conservation efforts and there are stories from A Rocha as part of the reflections. A good tie-in with our new Canon of Honour, installed on Sunday, being the A Rocha CEO Andy Atkins.
Searched Me Out & Known Me - Charlie Bell
This book invites us to journey Lent with the Psalms. The fifteen chapters explore a range of themes, including Reliance, Lament, Sanctification, Abundance, Service, Power, Fear, Companionship, Faith and Hope.
Doorways to Hope – Christopher Chapman
Subtitled ‘Forty ways to create a better world’
When so much seems to be falling apart, and it is a struggle to find grounds for hope, this book explores the nature of hope and offers ways of cultivating and practicing it.
And while not specifically a Lent book, some might enjoy:
A Truth Universally Acknowledged - 40 days with Jane Austen
- Rachel Mann (This fits particularly with the 250th anniversary of Austen’s birth this year!)
Also, by our newly installed Canon Theologian, Sharon Prentis, I recommend again her reflections on saints from different cultures and traditions: Every Tribe: stories of diverse saints serving a diverse world.
Dates for your diary…
Lunch Club - 3 Mar at 12:00pm
Friends Coffee Morning - 4 Mar at 11:00am
Ash Wednesday Holy Communion - 5 Mar at 8:00am
Mynheer Exhibition - Sarum Cycle - Daily from 5 Mar – 20 Apr
Ash Wednesday Midday Holy Communion - 5 Mar at 12:00pm
Ash Wednesday Eucharist with Sung Litany and Imposition of Ashes - 5 Mar at 5:45pm
Lunchtime Live Performance - Jean-Samuel Bez (violin) - 6 Mar at 1:10pm
Solent Symphony Orchestra - Spring Classics Concert 8 Mar at 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm
Lent Course: Picturing the Passion – starts 12 Mar at 6:30pm
Community News
Spring Classics Concert with the Solent Symphony Orchestra
The Solent Symphony Orchestra invites music lovers to its third Spring Classics Concert at Portsmouth's historic Cathedral. Featuring Elias Simojoki, the Concerto Award prize winner from Portsmouth Music Festival.
The Solent Symphony Orchestra, conducted by renowned conductor Steve Tanner, provides the perfect accompaniment. The ensemble's musicians are among the best in the region, and their passion for classical music is reflected in powerful and expressive performances. The combination of the orchestra and Elias’ solo performance turns into a musical feast where the audiences can fully enjoy these masterpieces of the classical repertoire.
Rossini - Cenerentola Overture
Borodin - In the Steppes of Central Asia
Hummel - Trumpet Concerto in Eb
Dvorak - Symphony No 7 in D minor
Palm Crosses
Please bring in your last year’s palm crosses and place in the basket in the Welcome Area by Monday 3 March, so that they can be burnt for use on Ash Wednesday.
Experience the magic of early music in the breathtaking Portsmouth Cathedral
Over four days from 20–23 March 2025, the Festival of Early Music brings together world-class musicians for an inspiring programme of performances, celebrating the rich and expressive sounds of the past. Whether you are an early music enthusiast, a history lover, or simply curious to discover something new, this festival offers an extraordinary opportunity to hear timeless music performed in a truly unique venue.
A special edition of Lunchtime Live will feature outstanding musicians in an informal setting, showcasing the beauty and depth of early music in the cathedral’s remarkable acoustic. The internationally acclaimed Square Pianist will transport audiences back to the Portsmouth of the early 1800s in a performance celebrating the 250th birthday of Jane Austen. Featuring music from Austen’s personal collection, this evocative programme will explore the musical thread running through her life and works, complete with original Regency instruments and replica costume.
The spellbinding voices of The Gesualdo Six will fill the cathedral with soaring harmonies and intricate polyphony, bringing Renaissance and early choral music to life with breathtaking precision and emotion. Adding a fresh and playful twist to the festival, Messy Messiah presents a lively and engaging reimagining of Handel’s beloved masterpiece, offering an energetic and accessible take on one of the most celebrated works in early music. The festival will also weave early music into the cathedral’s Sunday services, creating an immersive and atmospheric experience that connects music with worship in a truly special way.
🎹 The Square Pianist (20 March, 8:00pm) — Book online
Step back in time with music from Jane Austen’s collection, performed on an original Regency instrument, complete with historical insights and period costume.
🎶 The Gesualdo Six (21 March, 8:00pm) — Book online
Experience Queen of Hearts, a programme dedicated to both spiritual and earthly queens, performed by this internationally renowned vocal ensemble.
✨ Handel’s ‘Messy’ Messiah (22 March, 6:00pm) — Book online
A fresh and lively reimagining of Handel’s masterpiece, featuring Portsmouth Cathedral Choir, soloists, and orchestra.
Learn more and book online →
Cathedral Choir Tour to Estonia and Latvia
Thanks to Bishop Kenneth Stevenson's links with Estonia through the Porvoo Declaration we have been visiting Puhavaimu Church, Tallinn on and off since 1998. This was our fifth trip, but the first for ten years and for our Girl Choristers.
Puhavaimu Church holds the original copy of the Royal Naval and Royal Air Force memorial to the 1919 Baltic Campaign that saved the Baltic States from Soviet aggression and guaranteed their independence until 1945. A replica memorial is in our Navy Aisle unveiled in 2006 and we sang at the third version of the memorial in St Saviour's Church, Riga earlier this week.
Thanks to all the choir for making the trip so special and to the support of the Choir Association which made the trip possible.
Little Hope Gallery Exhibition - Open until 2 March
Portsmouth Cathedral are delighted to host one of the only exhibitions of Ukraine's Children's art. Little Hope Gallery is an international program of exhibitions created and supported by volunteers who have served in Ukraine since the full-scale war started in 2022. The programme aims to help heal traumatized, injured, orphaned, and displaced Ukrainian children through their artwork.
Each piece of art is a piece of a child's soul, and nothing stands between a child's heart and the paintbrush. The children paint with joy, hope, resilience, and in the brightest colours. By bearing witness to their art, you become part of their programme of healing, because the children know that through you, they are seen, and their stories are told, and their hearts will be lifted.
The exhibition is open daily during Cathedral opening hours until 2 March.
Cathedral Placement
Next week we will welcome Mary Hearn with us on a discernment placement. She will be here on Tuesday and Wednesday and then a further two days the following week, plus two Sundays. Mary lives in Gosport and is involved at Holy Trinity, Gosport, and is currently one of the candidates on the Diocese's rapid discernment process, testing whether she feels called to ordained ministry. She will be gaining a wide variety of experience and taking part in various services and activities in her time with us.
Picturing the Passion: Lent Course 2025
This year our Lent course will be led by different members of the cathedral clergy as we explore Lenten themes through the work of artist Nicholas Mynheer, and in particular his Sarum Cycle of paintings. This cycle of 13 paintings will be on display in the Cathedral from Ash Wednesday though Lent and Holy Week, and forms an expressive depiction of the death and resurrection of Jesus. The Lent course will run for 5 weeks, beginning on Wednesday 12 March, 6:30pm - 7:45pm, in Bishop Kenneth Room (Andrewes Room on 26 March and 2 April) and will be followed by Compline in St Thomas's Chapel at 8:00pm.
To book click here →
Specialist Tour Tuesdays
Join us for a range of hour-long tours led by one of our knowledge Guides throughout 2025 to learn more about Portsmouth Cathedral!
Architecture Tour - 18 March 1:00pm
An in-depth hour-long guided tour, that delves into the Cathedral's 800-year history and architectural features.
Book in our shop or online →
Friends Talk - Serving as Lord-Lieutenant: A Role of Duty, Honour and Community – 13 March
The Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral are delighted to host Nigel Atkinson Esq, HM Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire, for an insightful and engaging talk exploring the role of the Lord-Lieutenant in the modern world.
This promises to be a fascinating and inspiring event, offering a rare glimpse into a role that blends history with contemporary community leadership.
Free to attend -secure your space by booking online, donation greatly received.
Learn more about the Friends →
Out and About
Dean Anthony attended the Consecration of the Right Reverend Luke Irvine-Capel as Bishop of Richborough at Canterbury Cathedral on Thursday. Bishop Luke and his family are based in Portsmouth Diocese.
Canon Harriet will be attending the Portsmouth Community Iftar at the Guildhall on Sunday afternoon. The event is hosted by Councillors Asghar Shah and Abdul Kadir on behalf of Pompey in the Community and funds raised will be donated to the Lord Mayor’s Appeal 2024/2025.
INEQE Safeguarding Audit – Tell us your views!
INEQE Safeguarding Group have been asked to carry out Safeguarding Audits of the Church of England to make sure dioceses, cathedrals and palaces are doing all they can to create environments where everyone feels safe, valued and respected.
INEQE will be visiting the Diocese of Portsmouth and Portsmouth Cathedral in the week beginning 2nd June 2025. In the meantime, and as part of the audit process, INEQE hope to engage with those who work, visit or worship at the Cathedral through an online survey to gain feedback and information relevant to the audit.
The survey is anonymous and confidential. INEQE would therefore ask you to be open and honest with your responses. The survey results are received directly by INEQE’s Audit Team and not by the Church of England.
Please note that if you are part of the cathedral worshipping community, you should complete the survey for “The Cathedral Worshipping Community” (and not the “Parish Community”).
The survey is now live and will close at 11:30pm on 2 April 2025.
You can complete the survey here →
Baptism and Confirmation Preparation
The next confirmation will take place at the Easter Vigil on Saturday 19 April. If you have not yet been confirmed (or baptised) and would like to consider doing so please contact Canon Harriet or Canon Jo. They will be pleased to have an informal chat with you and arrange preparation.
The Cathedral’s governing body, Chapter met on Monday. Pippa Bostock, who was appointed as a Trustee in December was welcomed at this first meeting of 2025. Chapter received updates on the Cathedral’s finances and operations including preparations for the INEQE Safeguarding Audit, Chapter reviewed and agreed a new Cathedral Safeguarding Handbook, which will be published and made available on Sunday 16 March, and which draws together into one document all our safeguarding related policies and guidance.
Installation of Canons
Choral Evensong on Sunday includes the installation of The Revd Sharon Prentis as Canon Theologian, Andy Atkins, CEO of Arocha as a Canon of Honour and Philip Poulter, the Diocesan Secretary, as a Lay Canon. All are welcome at the service which will be followed by a reception in the Nave.
Career Opportunity - Chief Operating Officer
Join the team leading the iconic Cathedral of the Sea. As Portsmouth Cathedral’s COO, you will deliver the Chapter’s strategy, oversee day-to-day operations, and ensure the Cathedral thrives as a centre of ministry, mission, heritage and events.
Closing date 9:00am, Monday 10 March.
Details and how to apply here →
Worship & Visiting
Every day, Portsmouth Cathedral is open for worship, prayer, and visiting. Unless otherwise specified, services do not require booking. Our website contains orders of service, as well as information about visiting the Cathedral.
Services this Weekend
Saturday 1 March
9:30am – Diocesan Synod Eucharist
2:00pm – Memorial Service
Sunday 2 March – Sunday next before Lent
8:00am - Holy Communion
9:30am - #PompeySundays Eucharist
11:00am - Choral Eucharist with Baptism sung by the Cathedral Choir (Boys)
5:45pm Choral Evensong with Installation of Canons sung by the Cathedral Choir (Girls)
8:00pm Taizé Service
Prayers & Intercessions
We pray for: Sophia, and Harry, Arthur and Annabelle to be baptised this Sunday - and their families and Godparents.
We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Phoebe, Peter, Elizabeth, Tom, Pauline, Chris, Paul, Marion, Ian, baby Lottie and baby Etta.
We continue to pray for the long-term sick, including: Spencer, Suzy, Jill, Alison, Alistair, Richard, Graeme, Rosy, Mathai, Philip and all in need.
We remember those who have died recently, including: Barbara Sykes (funeral on Monday 17 March 11:15am at Portchester crematorium), David Yates (funeral mass Tuesday 25 March 12:15pm at St John's Cathedral), Dorothy Hewett, Michael Brotherton, David Carpenter, Veronica Shuttleworth, Erling Lindskog RIP.
Upcoming Services & Events
Getting in touch
Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!
Get in touch with us by email to info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.
Have news or story you’d like to share? Submit a notice 📰