Portsmouth Cathedral

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Notice of Consultation 8 September to 10 October 2023

Portsmouth Cathedral is reviewing its Constitution and Statues as it prepares to come under the jurisdiction of the Charity Commission in addition to the Cathedrals Commissioners.

What is happening?

Under the Cathedrals Measure 2021, all English Cathedrals are required to become What is charities registered with the Charity Commission and the consultation is a part of this process.

Why is this happening?

In 2017, a Church of England working group reviewed and made recommendations on the governance and regulation of all cathedrals. These recommendations formed the basis of the new Cathedrals Measure 2021 which was passed by the General Synod in 2018 and received Royal Assent in 2021.

Why is it important?

The Constitution and Statutes are important legal documents which set out how the Cathedral is governed.

How have the documents been prepared?

The new Constitution and Statutues have been drafted based on a template provided by the Church Commissioners. The views of the Bishop, Chapter, Cathedral Council and comments already made by the wider Cathedral Community have been taken into account with advice taken from the Church of England’s legal advisers.

Where can I learn more?

A Q&A session will be held at 4.00pm on Sunday 1 October in Becket Hall, Cathedral House.

Find more frequently asked questions on the Cathedrals Measure here →

Download documents

Cathedral Constitution

Cathedral Statutes

Notice of Consultation

The Chapter would welcome written feedback from everyone to consultation@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or by post to: Liz Snowball, Cathedrals Measure Lead, Cathedral Offices, 63-68 St Thomas's Street, Old Portsmouth, PO1 2HA

The deadline for feedback is 11.59pm on 10 October 2023.

Thank you for your interest and participation.

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