Renewal of Electoral Roll
Every six years we are required under Church Representation Rules to completely renew the Electoral Roll. This needs to be done in 2025 and the Rules require everyone currently on the Roll to reapply.
Your membership is an important sign of your commitment to the Cathedral and parish. The Roll assists us with our sense of Christian fellowship, and keeps us in touch with people's needs and with the gifts and talents that we all bring to the Cathedral and the wider church. Your membership also entitles you to vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM), and potentially to be a Churchwarden, a Deanery Synod representative or indeed elected member of the Cathedral Chapter.
I do hope that you will renew your membership, or if you have not been on the Roll before will consider joining now. It is an exciting time for Portsmouth Cathedral as we approach our centenary in 2027, and plan for the future through a Masterplanning process reviewing the entire Cathedral estate, including the Cathedral Green.
This year's APCM is to be held on Thursday 22 May at 6.30pm following Choral Evensong at 5.45pm (to which you are warmly invited). At that meeting one member of the Cathedral Chapter will be elected. We will be inviting nominations for this important trustee role next month once the new Electoral Roll is published. We also need one new Deanery Synod representative. I would be pleased to hear from anyone interested in either of these roles.
This year we encourage you to use an online form to renew your membership of the Electoral Roll. If, however, you would prefer to use a paper form they are available in the Cathedral.
General Data Protection Regulations require us to obtain your consent before holding your personal details and contacting you and the conditions of the use of your data if supplied for the Electoral Roll are limited. If you would like us to be able to contact you for other reasons including news, events and fundraising please indicate this on the forms.
Please ensure that you application is completed by the closing date of Tuesday 10th April. If you have any queries please do speak to Terry Ward our
Electoral Roll Officer or contact the Cathedral Office.
With many thanks for your support and part in our community,
Dean Anthony