Weekly Notices | 16 March 2025

A Refelection from Canon Harriet

Portsmouth Cathedral aims to be a beacon and a safe haven, anchored in Jesus Christ.

Speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor and needy. (Proverbs 31:8-9)

This passage from the book of Proverbs is often used to remind us that at the heart of the Christian faith is a call to love and protect, and speak out for, those who have no voice in society, those who are in need of protection and safety. And of course, in the Gospels, we are reminded of Jesus’ reiteration of the Law—love your neighbour as yourself.

These Christian imperatives inform our commitment to safeguarding everyone who comes to the cathedral and is part of the cathedral community. That includes those who visit to worship and attend events, and those who work here, as volunteers or as paid staff. Our commitment to safeguarding also encompasses the way in which we respond to those who may be victims and survivors of past abuse, and those who may present a risk to others.

The care and protection of children, young people, and vulnerable adults involved in cathedral activities is the responsibility of everybody who participates in the life of the cathedral.

We are committed to keeping everyone safe, and to do that we will:

  • Promote the welfare of children, young people and adults

  • Work to prevent abuse from occurring

  • Seek to protect those that are at risk of being abused

  • Respond well to those that have been abused

  • Take care to identify where a person may present a risk to others and offer support to them whilst taking steps to mitigate such risks.

This Sunday we are launching our new Portsmouth Cathedral Safeguarding Handbook. The handbook groups together all the relevant policies, procedures, and guidance related to safeguarding at the cathedral. The intention behind this new handbook is to help staff and volunteers access information more easily, and to provide practical guidance for some of the issues and concerns that we may face in our various roles within the cathedral. It is of course relevant to members of the congregation and community also, and you can access an electronic copy of the handbook on the cathedral website.

You may also have noticed that we have new “Promoting a Safer Church” posters located around the cathedral building, which replace the older turquoise ones. When you next visit, please take some time to familiarise yourself with the information on these posters. 

All staff and volunteers will also receive an addition to their cathedral lanyard—a small tag that outlines what to do if you have a safeguarding concern at the cathedral.

On Sunday, after the 11am Eucharist, Canon Harriet will be available to talk to over coffee, with the new lanyards, and copies of the new Safeguarding Handbook. Please come and have a look!

The Reverend Canon Harriet Neale-Stevens
Canon Chancellor and Vice Dean

Dates for your diary…

Community News 

Experience the magic of early music in the breathtaking Portsmouth Cathedral

Over four days from20–23 March 2025, the Festival of Early Music brings together world-class musicians for an inspiring programme of performances, celebrating the rich and expressive sounds of the past. Whether you are an early music enthusiast, a history lover, or simply curious to discover something new, this festival offers an extraordinary opportunity to hear timeless music performed in a truly unique venue.
A special edition of Lunchtime Live will feature outstanding musicians in an informal setting, showcasing the beauty and depth of early music in the cathedral’s remarkable acoustic. The internationally acclaimed Square Pianist will transport audiences back to the Portsmouth of the early 1800s in a performance celebrating the 250th birthday of Jane Austen. Featuring music from Austen’s personal collection, this evocative programme will explore the musical thread running through her life and works, complete with original Regency instruments and replica costume.
The spellbinding voices of The Gesualdo Six will fill the cathedral with soaring harmonies and intricate polyphony, bringing Renaissance and early choral music to life with breathtaking precision and emotion. Adding a fresh and playful twist to the festival, Messy Messiah presents a lively and engaging reimagining of Handel’s beloved masterpiece, offering an energetic and accessible take on one of the most celebrated works in early music. The festival will also weave early music into the cathedral’s Sunday services, creating an immersive and atmospheric experience that connects music with worship in a truly special way.

🎹 The Square Pianist (20 March, 8:00pm) — Book online
Step back in time with music from Jane Austen’s collection, performed on an original Regency instrument, complete with historical insights and period costume.

🎶 The Gesualdo Six (21 March, 8:00pm) — Book online
Experience Queen of Hearts, a programme dedicated to both spiritual and earthly queens, performed by this internationally renowned vocal ensemble.

✨ Handel’s ‘Messy’ Messiah (22 March, 6:00pm) — Book online
A fresh and lively reimagining of Handel’s masterpiece, featuring Portsmouth Cathedral Choir, soloists, and orchestra.

Learn more and book online →

Explore the Cosmos: Luxmuralis brings the universe to Portsmouth Cathedral with ‘Space’

Portsmouth Cathedral is thrilled to announce Space, a breathtaking immersive light and sound installation by Luxmuralis, running from 25–29 March 2025. This extraordinary event promises to transform the Cathedral into a celestial journey, immersing visitors in the wonders of the cosmos through stunning visuals and evocative soundscapes.  Read more →

Tickets are now available for this five-night-only event. With demand expected to be high, securing tickets early is essential. For more information and to book, visit our website →

Evening Organ Concerts

Enjoy an inspiring series of evening organ concerts in the beautiful surroundings of Portsmouth Cathedral. We are delighted to welcome talented performers including Kim Chin (2 May)Matthew Owens (16 May)David Price (6 June) and REDUCTIO (20 June). Experience magnificent music in a unique and atmospheric setting. Tickets are available to book now!

Help us to help you!

For all those who volunteer with us whether it's regularly in the Shop or as a Guide or keeping the Cathedral looking beautiful as a Holy Duster, Memorial Gardener or assisting with the Flower Guild, or perhaps you help to run Pompey Sundays, Pompey Tots or our Lunch Club. You are maybe a Bellringer, Sidesperson, part of our Consort Choir, help with the Sunday refreshments or regularly as an Event volunteer. Or perhaps you help once a year at our Christmas fair. If so, please read on…
As you know, a few months ago, we switched to a new system called Church Suite. One of the things we can do with Church Suite is to securely hold your emergency contact information.
Please complete this short form so that should the need arise; we can help you as much as possible.
Thank you for all that you do for the mission of our Cathedral church.

Invitation to licensing service

You are warmly invited to the licensing of our former curate, the Revd Catherine Edenborough, as Associate Priest at Holy Trinity with St Columba, Fareham, on Tuesday 18 March 2025 at 6:30pm.  The service will take place at Holy Trinity Church, West Street, Fareham, PO16 0EL.

If you can attend, if possible please reply to the Parish Office (email: office@htscf.org.uk or 01329 232688) to confirm, as they are planning refreshments.
Parking is available in Holy Trinity Church Car Park to the rear of the church and is accessible via Western Road, off the Portland Street Roundabout. Follow this link for a map and the car park postcode.

INEQE Safeguarding Audit – Tell us your views!

INEQE Safeguarding Group have been asked to carry out Safeguarding Audits of the Church of England to make sure dioceses, cathedrals and palaces are doing all they can to create environments where everyone feels safe, valued and respected. 
INEQE will be visiting the Diocese of Portsmouth and Portsmouth Cathedral in the week beginning 2nd June 2025. In the meantime, and as part of the audit process, INEQE hope to engage with those who work, visit or worship at the Cathedral through an online survey to gain feedback and information relevant to the audit.
The survey is anonymous and confidential. INEQE would therefore ask you to be open and honest with your responses. The survey results are received directly by INEQE’s Audit Team and not by the Church of England.
Please note that if you are part of the cathedral worshipping community, you should complete the survey for “The Cathedral Worshipping Community” (and not the “Parish Community”).
The survey is now live and will close at 11:30pm on 2 April 2025.

You can complete the survey here →

Baptism and Confirmation Preparation

The next confirmation will take place at the Easter Vigil on Saturday 19 April.  If you have not yet been confirmed (or baptised) and would like to consider doing so please contact Canon Harriet or Canon Jo. They will be pleased to have an informal chat with you and arrange preparation.

Worship & Visiting

Every day, Portsmouth Cathedral is open for worship, prayer, and visiting. Unless otherwise specified, services do not require booking. Our website contains orders of service, as well as information about visiting the Cathedral.

Services this Sunday 

Sunday 16 March – Second Sunday of Lent

 8:00am - Holy Communion
9:30am - #PompeySundays
11:00am - Choral Eucharist sung by the Cathedral Choir (Boys) with Installation of a Member of Chapter
5:45pm - Choral Evensong sung by the Cathedral Choir (Girls)

Prayers & Intercessions

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community:  Richard, Gerald, Phoebe, Peter, Elizabeth, Chris, Tom, Pauline, Marion, Ian, baby Lottie and baby Etta.

We continue to pray for the long-term sick, including:  Suzy, Jill, Alison, Alistair, Richard, Graeme, Rosy, Spencer, Mathai, Philip and all in need.

We remember those who have died recently, including:  Barbara Sykes (funeral on Monday 17 March 11:15am at Portchester crematorium), Dorothy Hewett (funeral on Wednesday 19 March at 1:30pm), Dave Yates (funeral mass Tuesday 25 March 12:15pm at St John's Cathedral), Lorna Green (Cathedral memorial service on Friday 28 March) Erling Lindskog and Toby RIP.

 Upcoming Services & Events

Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

Have news or story you’d like to share? Submit a notice 📰