Revision of Electoral Roll

This year's APCM and Parish Meeting will take place on Thursday 25 May and the Electoral Roll will take place between 10 and 26 April. During this time, copies of the current Electoral Roll will be available to view in the Cathedral or at the Cathedral Offices. Forms will also be available for new or returning members of the congregation to join/re-join the Electoral Roll.

The revised Electoral Roll will be published, as required, at least 14 days before the APCM and Parish Meeting. Only those on the revised Electoral Roll will be entitled to vote at the APCM.

This year's APCM includes the election of three representatives for Deanery Synod in addition to that for our two Churchwardens, one of which is also elected as a member of Chapter. The APCM will also include a briefing on the Cathedral's progress towards becoming a our progress towards becoming a registered Charity under the 2021 Cathedral's Measure which will change the way in which the Cathedral is governed.

However, the Electoral Roll is more than just voting rights, it is also a tangible commitment of each person as to their shared Christian stewardship within our Cathedral Community.

If you have any questions, please speak with a member of the clergy or the churchwardens.