Weekly Notices | 2 April 2023

A reflection from David Price

The Great Week is upon us. Thus the Eastern Churches style what we most often refer to Holy Week.
One of the most fascinating parts of my job is taking random questions from choristers about godly things – usually in the middle of a piece of music we’re furiously working at of course, but we always try and find time for a question and answer session. ‘Why is it called Good Friday? for instance pops up regularly from new recruits. ‘What does wrath of God mean?’ was a good opportunity for me to call on our brilliant Curate Hannah to talk with our youngest children about themes around that thorny theological debate. Some of this week’s questions included ‘Where was Peter crucified?’ ‘What’s happened to all the Christians in the Middle East?’ and ‘Has Judas gone to Hell?’ – all pretty earth shatteringly complicated questions for 8am in the morning!
Holy Week is a bit of a rollercoaster of dramatic events, but particularly Palm Sunday morning as Our Lord was welcomed into Jerusalem as Messiah and Saviour; however, liturgical tradition now has us tell the story of the whole week leading to the Crucifixion by the end of the service. At Pompey Sundays this will take the form of a dramatic reading complete with donkey and at 11 we shall gather outside the West Doors for the procession of palms and use Matthew Owens’ musical setting of the St Matthew Passion to tell the story. Our Holy Week preacher, Canon Riem arrives to preach from Sunday Evensong onwards (further details below in the notices).
We get back on the liturgical rollercoaster on Maundy Thursday when we mark the significance of the gift of the sacraments both at the morning Chrism Service for diocesan ministers and in the evening for our thanksgiving service and Watch. Good Friday will be marked through four significant acts at 10am for Children, 12noon Preaching, 3pm Liturgy of The Passion and 7pm Crucifixion by Stainer. A number of our own choristers and cathedral community will be baptised and confirmed on Saturday night alongside candidates from across the diocese – we give thanks for all that has brought them to this important moment in their Christian journey.
Last Saturday a Chorister asked another question; but this time it was in the form of an aria in our performance of Handel’s Messiah – ‘If God be for us, who can be against us?’. We can discover that answer on Easter Day.
Dr. David Price,
Organist & Master of the Choristers

Community News

Celebrate Holy Week with us at Portsmouth Cathedral

This week we welcome you to the services of Holy week and the Triduum.  On Palm Sunday, we mark Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, which has been celebrated on the Sunday before Easter since the first centuries of Christianity.
Our Holy Week preacher, Canon Roland Riem will be joining us from Sunday to Friday with his sermon series: The Agonie and The Answer: Christ’s Passion through the Poetry of George Herbert. On Maundy Thursday, we welcome clergy and lay people from across the Diocese to our Chrism Eucharist in the morning, and in the evening, our Eucharist will be followed by a Watch of Prayer. 
On Good Friday, we will remember the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ, with a children’s service (with the making of the Easter Garden) at 10:00am, and the traditional three hours’ devotion, culminating in the Good Friday Liturgy, from 12-3:00pm.
See all our services on our website →

More dates announced for Yoga led by Kat Waters

More dates have been released for a unique yoga experience in the beautiful and peaceful setting of Portsmouth Cathedral. Led by experienced yoga instructor Kat Waters, these classes will help you to improve your flexibility, strength, and balance, while also providing a much-needed opportunity to relax and de-stress.
Read more and book online →

Popular Messiah concert highlights the importance of classical music!

Our Cathedral Choir term concluded last week with a performance of Handel’s Messiah alongside a superb array of former Portsmouth singers – Solomon, Ed and James singing the alto, tenor and bass solos lines. Our skilful baroque orchestra was led by Julia, a founder member of Red Priest, the iconic instrumental ensemble which pioneers delivery of early music to new audiences with imagination and colour.
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Revision of Electoral Roll

This year's APCM and Parish Meeting will take place on Thursday 25 May and the Electoral Roll will take place between 10 and 26 April. During this time, copies of the current Electoral Roll will be available to view in the Cathedral or at the Cathedral Offices. Forms will also be available for new or returning members of the congregation to join/re-join the Electoral Roll.
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Canon Kathryn appointed as new Archdeacon of the Meon

Bishop Jonathan has appointed Canon Kathryn Percival to be the new Archdeacon of the Meon. Kathryn, who is currently Canon Chancellor and Vice Dean of Portsmouth Cathedral, will become part of the bishop’s senior staff team, serving and enabling the ministry of parishes in the Bishop’s Waltham, Gosport, Fareham and Petersfield deaneries. Her last Sunday as a Residentiary Canon here will be 11 June, and she will be collated and installed as Archdeacon of the Meon at Evensong on 2 July.
Dean Anthony said “Warmest congratulations to Canon Kathryn on her appointment as Archdeacon of the Meon.   From a Cathedral point of view this news is bittersweet, as we are so grateful for all that she (and James, Dom and Eliza) have brought to our life and work over the past three years.   For all that, this is an excellent and exciting appointment, and Canon Kathryn is assured of our prayers, thanks and very best wishes, as she continues here as Canon Chancellor for the time being, while also preparing for her exciting new post.   We look forward to continuing to see her regularly at the Cathedral in her Archdiaconal role!”
Read more on the Diocesan website →

Get 10% off The Dean’s Tipple Gin in our Easter Shop!

For ‘egg-cellent’ treats and pretty gifts to celebrate the joy of Easter and the hope of Spring, look no further than the Cathedral Shop.  Find delightful decorations, scrumptious choices of confectionary, inspirational cards and books. You’ll also be able to pick-up our very own Dean’s Tipple Gin with 10% off using code ‘easter-tipple’ at the checkout and in-store.
Shop online →

Come and join us for an Easter Family Trail this Half-Term!

Can you find all the egg-clues hidden around the Cathedral this Easter? Come down to the Cathedral for a free Easter Family Trail this half-term, from Monday 10 April until Sunday 16 April, 10am - 4pm every day. When you find them all, submit your entry to be in for the chance to win a special Easter prize!
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Our Cathedral will be open for longer!

Portsmouth Cathedral is pleased to announce new extended opening times, starting from the beginning of April. The Cathedral will be open from 9:00am to 6:30pm on Mondays to Fridays, 9:00am to 4:00pm on Saturdays, and 8:00am to 6:30pm on Sundays.
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Warm Spaces: Thank you and thinking ahead…

A big thank you to everyone who has helped at any point over the past 4 months when we offered a weekly Welcoming Warm Space on Mondays at the Cathedral in Becket Hall. The project was initially planned until the end of March - like a number of others in the region.
The Senior Management Team (The Dean, Canons Kathryn and Jo and the COO) is currently reflecting on what we might continue to offer in terms of pastoral, social, practical or spiritual support: please let us know if you have any thoughts, requests or suggestions.
Canon Jo

Cathedrals at Night: Eurovision Celebration

Celebrate all things music and Eurovision at this year's Cathedrals at Night. Our Cathedral will open for free for all to explore our Cathedral or join in the fun of Eurovision. Join us to watch the show, take part in our Eurovision themed interactive quiz. The Cathedral will be open Saturday 13 May from 7:00pm until Midnight, with the Eurovision screening starting at 8:00pm.
Find out more →

Daily Prayers for the Coronation of HM King Charles III

A beautiful little booklet of prayers has been published for the four weeks leading up to the Coronation, from Easter Day, until Saturday 6 May 2023.
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Easter Lilies In Memoriam

Remember a loved one this Easter: donate £5 for an Easter Lily that will form part of our beautiful floral display at Easter. Their name will also be included in our Easter Lily Memorial Book.
The date for the name of your loved one to be entered in our Easter Lily Memorial Book is tomorrow, 1 April 2023, after this point you can still donate but the name may not be able to be included.

You can donate in person at the Cathedral using the forms at the Welcome Desk, or you can alsodonate online →

Review of Cathedral Safeguarding Provision

As the Cathedral reviews our governance and operations in preparation for our registration as a charity under the new Cathedrals Measure, Chapter, following professional advice, we have taken the decision to place lay safeguarding responsibility under the care of Liz Hastings, the Cathedral’s designated professional safeguarding lead.  This enables streamlined communication and reporting and means that we can draw on the wealth of expertise and experience which Liz brings to her role.  We have been working with her for some time and have benefitted greatly from her advice. 

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We are recruiting a new Canon Chancellor and Vice Dean

The Canon Chancellor and Vice Dean is an appointment made by the Bishop of Portsmouth, in close consultation with the Dean of Portsmouth and the Cathedral Chapter. The successful candidate will report to the Dean, and is responsible to the Chapter. The purpose of the role is to play a full part in Chapter’s responsibility for the governance and strategy of the Cathedral under the 2021 Cathedrals Measure, and in delivering the Cathedral’s Vision and Strategy.
Learn more and download a Application Pack here →

Worship & visiting

Every day, Portsmouth Cathedral is open for worship, prayer, and visiting. Unless otherwise specified, services do not require booking. Our website contains orders of service as well as information about visiting the Cathedral.

Spiritual Advice

Anyone who wishes to talk to one of the Ministry Team for spiritual advice and confession are welcome to get in touch. The Holy Week preacher, Canon Roly, has also said he would be willing to talk to people, by appointment, and could be available for example before the 8pm Address and Compline services.

Maundy Thursday

Anyone wishing to take part in the Foot Washing during the 7.00pm Eucharist of the Last Supper is invited to contact Canon Jo. Also, people are encouraged to sign up for the Watch of Prayer which follows the service - 30-minute slots from 9.00pm to midnight. Please sign the list in the Welcome Area to say what time you are able to do. Further details from Canon Jo.

Taizé-style worship this Sunday

With one of the busiest times in the liturgical calendar just around the corner, we welcome you to our Taizé-style worship, which offers peace, quiet and reassurance: and an encounter with God through singing and stillness. Taking place in the St. Thomas Chapel this Sunday at 8:00pm.

Holy Communion with prayers for prayers for wholeness – this Wednesday

Our next Holy Communion with prayers for prayers for wholeness and healing will take place at midday on Wednesday during Holy Week, and will include the opportunity for anointing, further counsel and conversation if anyone wishes.

Prayers and Intercessions

We pray for all who will be baptised and confirmed at Easter particularly for those from our Cathedral choirs and congregation: Grace, Jenna, Maxine, Daniel, Fraser, Hugh, Liesel, James, Imogen and Davina along with all who have participated within our confirmation course, and Rachael who will be received into the Church of England.
We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community:  Edward, Richard, Chris, Judith, Jean, Alan, Margaret, Alistair, Beverley, Ann, Yvonne, Hazel, Sophie and all those in need.   
Long-term sick including: Rachel, John, Graeme, Peter, Rosemary, Sean, Suzy, Andrew, Sarah, Alison, Jane, Jill, Martyn and Renee.   
We pray for those who have died recently, including: Jeanne Ridley (Funeral 12:15pm Wednesday 4 April at the Oaks Crematorium), Anne Powell, Ray Keele RIP.

Upcoming Services & Events

Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

Have news or story you’d like to share? Submit a notice 📰