Portsmouth Cathedral

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Sing Joyfully - our new music campaign

This weekend we are delighted to share our new music campaign – Sing Joyfully – with you. This ongoing campaign aims to raise awareness of, and increase support for, our music department and choirs.

Did you know that every year our choirs amass over 550 hours of singing across six services a week? We train over 50 choristers and six Scholars annually, and our Cathedral Sing outreach project works with over 1,000 pupils from primary schools around the diocese.

Dean Anthony writes: “Choral music is at the heart of the worshipping life of Portsmouth Cathedral, whether at large diocesan and civic services, or a quieter mid-week Evensong. Not to have it would be like spring without birdsong! The often-quoted maxim ‘he who sings well, prays twice’ expresses something of the emotional and spiritual power of music. Having the opportunity to make that music as a chorister, and to experience it in the congregation, is a gift beyond price. Your support to enable us to continue offering that gift would be hugely appreciated. 

So how can you help us? We know that many of you are already so generous with your regular planned giving. Thank you.

But do consider getting involved with Sing Joyfully in other ways. Perhaps you have friends or family members who might be interested in donating? Maybe you would like to support a chorister for a year in thanks for a significant anniversary or to remember a loved one? Have you been thinking about including a gift to the cathedral in your will?

Find out more online, in our new Sing Joyfully booklets which are available in the cathedral, or by contacting Sophie on sophie.henstridge-brown@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or 023 9289 2964.

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