Portsmouth Cathedral

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Thank you for your generosity – 2023 Season of Generosity

This year marked the third year that the Cathedral has run its annual Season of Generosity. This Season provides us all with a chance to reflect on our gifts to the Cathedral be that our time, our financial support, and our prayers for our collective community.

We are pleased and thankful for the response to this year’s Season especially given the financially challenging times we are living in. Over the course of the four weeks of the Season, planned giving for this coming year was increased by 5.19%. We are grateful to those who increased their giving and those who sustained at their current levels.

Since 2020 planned giving has increased by over 40% and now this additional 5.19% will help us to continue to deliver on the of the aims and objectives of being that “beacon and safe haven, anchored in Jesus Christ”.

This Sunday during the services the pledge forms will be received, and thanks given to God.

Dean Anthony says, ‘In my sermon on the Sunday during this year’s Season of Generosity, I used the phrase ‘time, talents and treasure’ to sum up what is involved in responding to the call of Christ to be more self-giving. Having now seen the response to that sermon and the more than three hundred letters sent out in my name, I can now add a fourth ‘t’ word to that list: thanksgiving. In difficult financial times, I am grateful for the truly generous response of so many as we seek to be a Cathedral that really is a ‘beacon and safe heaven, anchored in Jesus Christ’. Thank you so much.’

Chief Operating Officer Richard says, “Whilst I wear a number of different hats here at the Cathedral, I am often the one who talks about the money needed to support our missional activities. Since arriving here four years ago, I hope the steps that we have taken have helped to reassure all that the funds entrusted to us are well used. We continue to take steps to manage expenditure, increase income and to widen engagement, but at its core the Cathedral is supported by the congregation as a worshipping community, a volunteering community and one engaged in the financial stewardship and support of all our activities. As the SMT sponsor for the Season of Generosity, I just want to add my thanks to those of the Dean not just for this Season’s response, but for the increased support over the past three years that, in these inflationary times, is even more important to support the work and mission of your Cathedral.”

Did not have an opportunity to pledge yet? It’s never too late so if you did not get a chance during the Season, but would like to become a member of the planned giving programme or to increase your financial support for the Cathedral.

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