Weekly Notices | 12 March 2023
A reflection from Canon Kathryn
You have failed.
I wonder how those words make you feel. Perhaps ashamed, unworthy, cast down. We don’t like talking about our own failures much. But conversely, I think it’s human nature to enjoy talking about other people’s failures really quite a bit, whether they be those of politicians or celebrities, or acquaintances. Somehow, the part of us which hates to fail is reassured by thinking about other people’s mistakes. We can see this at work in ourselves and in our society: for example, some of the most poisonous writing, in the press and on social media, is that which relentlessly points the finger of judgment at others’ perceived shortcomings.
The Church of England’s theme for Lent this year is ‘Dust and Glory’ – a ‘journey of faith, failure and forgiveness’. It reminds us that although we, creatures of dust that we are, constantly mess things up, the only judge who matters (indeed, the only one who should be judging) is the one who, through his costly, loving grace transforms our failures into new life and new hope.
For this to happen, we need to do a difficult thing: to let go of our failures, and let Jesus see them, and take them, and work with them. One of my own current failures is that I haven’t really spotted what I am meant to be doing with Lent until part of the way through. But I have now discovered that this year’s work is to keep on offering up my failures, freely, acceptingly – even joyfully. I don’t always manage it, of course, but slow as I am, when I do, I’m amazed by the grace and acceptance with which they are met. I have been helped by a conversation with a wise spiritual guide, who said of his own experience, ‘Sometimes, when I’m trying to help someone, I say the wrong thing. But then I just trust that God will work with the jagged edges’.
It's not too late to pick up the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent book (‘Failure: what Jesus said about sin, mistakes and messing stuff up’ by Bishop Emma Ineson) from our shop, and you can find out more about the associated resources on the The Church of England website.
The Reverend Canon Kathryn Percival
Canon Chancellor and Vice Dean
Dates for your diary…
Choral Evensong with Lent Sermon Series: Now is the Healing Time - 12 Mar
Lent course: Christ and the Chocolaterie – 14 Mar
Parish Lunch Club - 20 Mar
Lunchtime Live: Simeon Walker - 23 Mar
Handel's Messiah - 25 Mar
Community News
Last Saturday we were pleased to be joined by the Solent Symphony Orchestra for their Spring Classics concerts. See more upcoming concerts here →
Easter Eggs - Signs of Hope and New Life
You are invited to support the Portsmouth Deanery in its annual appeal to collect Easter Eggs to share with those who are supported by The Roberts Centre.
As well as financial challenges there is also a strong sense of being overwhelmed by the situations we are facing and a weariness and sense that the world is perhaps a dark and unfriendly place. In our Churches our Easter message is one of hope, new life and light in the darkness. We hope that the sharing of an Easter Egg – a sign of that hope, life and light will in a small way bring some light and hope into the lives of those who receive them.
Eggs can be left in a donation box in the Cathedral Welcome Area during standard Cathedral opening hours, or at St Mary's Church, Fratton 9:00am-12:00pm midday each day.
Appointment of Learning and Schools Officer
We are delighted to announce the appointment, following interviews, of Diana Hutchins as Learning and Schools Officer.
Diana who will join the team in mid-August said “I am very excited about my appointment as the Learning and Schools Officer at Portsmouth Cathedral, after a 32-year career as a qualified and practising Infant School teacher.
I am married to Richard who is a Vicar in the Portsmouth Diocese and we have two sons who are both at university.
My heart is to see children of all ages connect with the Christian faith, expressed through my leadership of Sunday Children’s work and Messy Church in my local churches. The Cathedral is uniquely placed in our Diocese to reach out to church and non-church schools and their children and I relish the opportunities to come.
I look forward to meeting and getting to know you all when I take up the post in mid-August."
Easter Lilies In Memoriam
Remember a loved one this Easter: donate £5 for an Easter Lily that will form part of our beautiful floral display at Easter, their name will also be included in our Easter Lily Memorial Book.
The date for the name of your loved one to be entered in our Easter Lily Memorial Book is 1 April 2023, you can donate in person at the Cathedral using the forms at the Welcome Desk, or you can alsodonate online →
Chapter and Finance and Investments Committee Meetings
At its business meeting on Wednesday Chapter received departmental reports and discussed the Cathedral’s Safeguarding arrangements as part of its regular review. On Saturday, Chapter will receive a financial update as we near the end of the first quarter of the year and review policies and documentation in relation to the Cathedrals Measure.
The Finance and Investment Committee meets on Tuesday with the accountants, Sheen Stickland, to consider the draft 2022 Financial Statements.
Help our flower team for Mothering Sunday
Would you like to get-involved with our Cathedral Flower Team to help make posies for our Mothering Sunday services? Pop by on Saturday 18 March, from 9:00am in Bishop Kenneth Room. Whether it’s something you’ve never tried before, or you’re a green-fingered expert, come and meet the team who help regularly fill the Cathedral with wonderful flora.
If you would like to learn more about volunteering with the Cathedralvisit our website →
Fairtrade Fortnight 27 February–11 March
Fairtrade Fortnight ends this weekend, but the work of improving lives and standards of production and fighting climate change goes on. We’d like to offer a huge thanks to all who attended and helped at the Fairtrade Breakfast, which raised over £300! This will be divided between the Cathedral and the Fairtrade Foundation who award and monitor the Fairtrade mark and give towns, schools and churches Fairtrade status.
We are proud to support Fairtrade at the Cathedral, please help to maintain those titles buy buying Fairtrade products whenever possible, thank you!
Bags for the Roberts Centre
At this time of great need, we are asked to increase our donations to the Roberts Centre Food Bank. Morrison’s have kindly donated some carrier bags for us to fill with donations, and the bags are available in the Welcome Area. Please take a bag, fill it with non-perishable donations, and bring it back to the Welcome Area.. (Terry will be collecting the donations on Monday mornings.)
Memorial Bench for Nadjia Carpenter
The death of Nadjia Carpenter, our Volunteer Coordinator, in October 2022 brought and continues to bring much sadness to the Cathedral Community. In her short time with us, Nadjia was a vibrant and valued member of the Cathedral team and wider community.
The Cathedral is marking her life with a new circular wooden bench that will be located around an existing small tree on the South West part of Cathedral Green. We hope that the bench will be installed by the end of May 2023.
If you would like to contribute towards Nadjia’s bench you candonate here →
Dean Anthony at Commonwealth Flag Raising on Monday
Dean Anthony, in his role as a Chaplain to Portsmouth City Council, is leading the Commonwealth Affirmation at the Commonwealth Flag Raising on Monday.
Read more on the Portsmouth City Council website.
Worship & visiting
Every day, Portsmouth Cathedral is open for worship, prayer, and visiting. Unless otherwise specified, services do not require booking. Our website contains orders of service as well as information about visiting the Cathedral.
Prayers and Intercessions
We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Edward, Beverley, Judith, Don, Jean, Alan, Margaret, Chris, Alistair, Lucy, Ann, John, Yvonne, Oonagh, Hazel and all those in need.
Long-term sick including: Sarah, Alison, Jane, Jill, Suzy, Andrew, Rachel, John, Richard, Graeme, Peter, Rosemary, Sean, Martyn, Tom and Renee.
We pray for those who have died recently, including: Anne Powell (Memorial Service 2pm Tuesday 28th March), James Taylor , Marnie Linington, Jean Wilsdon, Joanne Zanelli, Helga Blaim, Ray Keele and Anna Matthews RIP.
Upcoming Services & Events
Getting in touch
Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!
Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.
Have news or story you’d like to share? Submit a notice 📰