Weekly Notices | 16 June 2024

A reflection from Canon Nick

On Tuesday evening, the Cathedral was packed for Evensong which was then followed by a series of presentations over some refreshments. Unusually, it included both the Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire and of the Isle of Wight and many other people who have not stepped inside the Cathedral for many years as well as many who do! The occasion was the relaunch of the Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral and the presentations set out its purpose - broadly to encourage connection with all those who have an interest in or want to support the maintenance and development of the Cathedral, and its mission and ministry, whether they are worshipping members or not. There are more details here:
The Friends have a vitally important role to play, and this enables people who live further away or who are members of other churches or who have no faith at all even to support what goes on here, for which we are all extremely grateful. This should not be confused, however, with the need for regular giving from those more closely involved with the Cathedral and as part of the season of generosity, we are also looking at our general stewardship and giving to the Cathedral for its day-to-day work. You may find that you receive a letter this week from the Dean, mine has just arrived. You can find more details here:
It sometimes comes as a surprise to people to discover that Cathedrals and churches, however old, are not supported by the state for their fabric or maintenance, as happens in France and several other countries. The entire weight of that and much of its work falls on those who generously give to the Cathedral of their time, talents, energies and money. There are some grants from the Church Commissioners to pay for some ministry costs but nothing like enough to keep everything going that we currently do. We depend on people’s generosity, on your generosity for that, from regular giving especially and this is a good moment in the year to consider what you give to the Cathedral and to other Churches and causes. Everyone is invited to think about this and to return a pledge form for an amount that they feel comfortable with by Sunday 7th July which is our patronal festival.
Thank you to all of you for what you do in support of Portsmouth Cathedral in whatever way you do it, whether by praying, volunteering, staffing, visiting, or simply enjoying it!
Nick Ralph
Residentiary Canon

Dates for your diary…

Community News

The Season of Generosity 2024

The annual season returns for a 5th year. Yesterday, Thursday 12 June marked the start of this year's Season of Generosity, an annual reminder for all of us to consider the ways in which we give to the Cathedral, both in time and skills, and also financially to support the building, music, and mission.
All those who regularly give financially to the Cathedral should have received a letter and first edition of our Supporters' Update by post, our new termly way of keeping our supporters up to date with projects across the Cathedral that their donations are making possible. Additional copies of this update are available in the Cathedral and aligned with our efforts to reduce our carbon impact, supporters can request to only receive these updates digitally in the future through a link included on the publication.
You will also see our new Head of Fundraising, CP Robinson at many services and events across the next fortnight of the season. Please feel free to ask him any questions about fundraising in the Cathedral or share any ideas you have about how we can better raise vital funds, communicate with our supporters, or reach new audiences of donors.
We are inviting all to consider their giving to the Cathedral and return a pledge form by Thursday, 4 July - whether you are able to increase your giving or not, even reaffirming your existing support in challenging times is greatly appreciated. All pledges will be dedicated in the morning services of Patronal Sunday, 7 July.
You can read more about this year's Season of Generosity here.

General Election 2024 – Hustings at Portsmouth Cathedral

A General election Hustings will be held at Portsmouth Anglican Cathedral (Old Portsmouth) on Thursday, 20 June at 8:00pm. This will provide an opportunity for the people of Portsmouth South, to hear parliamentary candidates answer questions from their prospective constituents about key issues in the run up to the election on Thursday, 4 July 2024. The hustings will be chaired by the Dean from St John’s Roman Catholic Cathedral, Fr James McAuley.
Candidates present will be (in alphabetical order)

  • Signe Andrea Biddle, Conservative & Unionist Party

  • Elliott Lee, Green Party

  • Stephen Morgan, Labour Party

  • Charlie Murphy, Liberal Democrats

  • Jacob Lee Short, Portsmouth Independent Party

  • Mark Zimmer, Reform UK

This event is free to attend, and all attendees must pre-register to attend. While registering online, you will have the chance to submit questions for the candidates. Please be aware that questions posed to the candidates will be chosen in advance.
Click here for more information and booking →

The General Election - Pray Your Part

Pray Your Part is an invitation from the bishops of the Church of England to encourage prayer and participation in the life of our nation and communities, both as voters and as citizens.
This 21-day journey of prayer and reflection is designed for use in the run-up to the UK General Election. Each day explores a different theme, with a short Bible reading, reflection and prayer for a different aspect of our common life.
You can receive the daily reflections online, or there is a printed booklet (some copies are available from the Cathedral shop).

Exciting News for Seafood on the Green - Saturday 22 June

The Portsmouth Cathedral Choir Association are excited to announce that we are expanding the menu at Seafood on the Green this year to include Seafood Paella! So do join us for an unforgettable experience for seafood lovers, with a variety of locally sourced dishes.
Taking place on the picturesque green at Portsmouth Cathedral, providing a stunning backdrop for the foodie festivities, take the opportunity to enjoy freshly prepared dishes, including seafood platters, pâtés and delicious desserts. There is something for everyone! Whether you're a seafood aficionado or simply curious about trying something new, Seafood on the Green is the perfect opportunity to discover the unique flavours of the sea.
All profits from the event go towards supporting the Portsmouth Cathedral Choir Association, so you can indulge in delicious food while supporting a worthy cause. It's the perfect way to spend a summer day, don't miss out on this opportunity to experience one of the highlights of Portsmouth's foodie calendar.
For more information, please visit our website at portsmouthcathedral.org.uk. If you have already decided to come this year, then please fill in our expression of interest form here and help us reduce food waste.

Congregational Lunch - 23 June

All are welcome to join us at a Congregational Lunch on Sunday 23 June. So that we know how many to cater for, please let us know if you and your family are able to stay after the 11am Eucharist by clicking here or filling the form on the welcome desk.
On this occasion we will be enjoying lasagne with garlic bread and salad (veggie, vegan and GF options available) - homemade or donated by some of our wonderful volunteers - followed by delicious, sweet pies (e.g. apple, lemon, cherry etc) with cream.
Please let us know which options you and anyone coming with you would prefer. You can stay on after the 11am Eucharist or return after the 8am or 9:30am #PompeySundays service.
All invited to share in this community focused summer gathering – to spend time and share a meal together, and maybe make some new friends. No charge but any donation on the day would be welcome.
Please contact Canon Jo with any questions/offers of help.

Wine Tasting Evening - 27 June

Something a little different for us here at Portsmouth Cathedral - Wine Tasting - A Taste of France - with Julie from Wine Next Chapters.
Julie is WSET qualified having travelled across many wine regions around the world and spends some of her time working with two nearby English Vineyards. Julie will be guiding us through tasting 4 French wines, one with Bubbles, a White, a Rose and a Red with some delicious French cheeses to enjoy alongside.  The wine will be supplied by the lovely and local Camber Wines and will all be from smaller family run vineyards with stories to tell. This is set to be a delicious, fun and informative evening.
Do join us beforehand for Evensong at 5:45pm
Tickets are available from our shop or online here.

Friends Relaunched!

Over 125 guests attended the Friends’ Evensong and Relaunch event in the Cathedral on 11 June.
The event was also attended by distinguished guests from the local community, and along with The Very Reverend Dr Anthony Cane, Dean of Portsmouth, we were delighted to welcome all our guests, including The Right Reverend Jonathan Frost, Bishop of Portsmouth, Nigel Atkinson, HM Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire, Susie Sheldon, HM Lord-Lieutenant of the Isle of Wight, Cllr Jason Fazackarley, Lord Mayor of Portsmouth, Councillor Louise Clubley, Mayor of Fareham, and Councillor Peter Wade, Mayor of Havant, Cllr Peter Wade amongst many other Friends and dignitaries.
Many of our guests attended Choral Evensong before the event itself. Appropriately, 11 June was the feast of St. Barnabas the Apostle, known as “The Son of Encouragement” or “The Encourager”. This theme was picked up by Friends’ Chair Krysia Butwilowska, as she, in turn, encouraged those present to engage with the Friends and all the good work we do on the Cathedral’s behalf.
After Evensong, which was celebrated in the Quire as usual, congregation and guests were invited to the Nave for refreshments and to hear Bishop Jonathan, Dean Anthony and Friends’ Chair Krysia speak about the Friends’ organisation and the role it plays in supporting the Cathedral and its mission.
Join the Friends. If you are not already a Friend, please consider joining.  The annual subscription starts at only £15 per year.  Please click here to learn how simple it is to join the Friends and support their activities.
Chair of the Friends, Krysia Butwilowska says, ‘It was marvellous to see so many of our supporters in the Cathedral and for them to hear from the Dean of all the amazing things the Cathedral is doing to benefit life here and in the wider City and Diocese.  I am very grateful to the dignitaries and to all our wonderful Friends for supporting this event.  But this is only the beginning as we look to both support the current work of the Cathedral and to financially support the marking of its 100th anniversary as a cathedral in 2027.’

The answer is 173!

Yes, that’s right it’s just 173 sleeps until the Jam & Preserves Stall will be selling your wonderful creations again.
The Summer has arrived and with it an abundance of fresh fruit.  If your garden or allotment is overflowing, then please consider making something for the Jam & Preserves stall at this year’s Christmas Fair on Saturday 7th December.  The stall was a hit last year making £437! Thank you to all who made and donated produce, but with a range of summer fruit creations such as Strawberry & Rose petal conserve, Raspberry & Passion fruit or Summer Berry & Juniper jam perhaps it could do even better. 
If you need jars or have some to donate for others to use, label free please, then drop then into the basket in the Cloister.  Thank you and if you are Jam making, please send a picture of your bubbling pans.
Save the date - Portsmouth Cathedral Christmas Fair, on Saturday 7 December from 11am.
Send pictures to rachael.forder@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Chief Operating Officer addressed Church Commissioners' AGM

For the second year running our Chief Operating Officer (COO), Richard Abraham, was asked to speak at the Church Commissioner’s AGM. This year held at Birmingham Cathedral on 13th June.
Last year he spoke about the financial turnaround currently underway at our Cathedral.   This year he highlighted the work done here over the last ten years that has resulted in a decrease in the Cathedral’s carbon footprint of over 58% (45% weather-adjusted) and all this accomplished on a limited budget! .
‘I am grateful to the Commissioners for this opportunity to share ideas with them and colleagues from across the Church of England about the Net Carbon Zero (NCZ) work here at the Cathedral of the Sea. I am hugely grateful to the work being done by our Climate Champion, Sue Ward and her committee along with the work of Adrian Reed, our Energy Consultant.  A great Cathedral effort.” says Richard.
To learn about church commissioners please click here

Fabric Advisory Committee Update

The Cathedral’s Fabric Advisory Committee (FAC) met on Monday, 3 June 2024 for a regular meeting.
The Committee reviewed the recently complete Conservation Management Plan (CMP) and have recommended it to Chapter for their approval.
Each cathedral is required to have a CMP and ours was last updated over ten years ago. The CMP is designed to help the Cathedral better understand the church building and site and its use by the community, identify potential and constraints to its conservation and renewal and develop management policies. The CMP, alongside Quinquennial Repairs Plan, plays a key role in helping to support our fundraising activities. 
FAC also reviewed and approved some energy improvement works subject to funding.  This work will build on our already successful track record evidenced by the decrease of our carbon footprint by 58% (45% weather adjusted) over the past ten years.
This meeting also marked the final meeting of the current FAC Chair, Jane Jones-Warner.  Jane has been a member of the Committee since 2012 and chair since 2016.  The Dean paid tribute to her work and commitment to the Cathedral in this voluntary role and assorted gifts from the Cathedral Gift Shop, including the Dean’s Tipple, where presented to her as a token of our thanks.
To learn more about FAC’s work at cathedrals please click here

We’re looking for a new Cathedral Cycle Champion

After three hugely successful years as our Cycle Champion, Hannah Gunga, is stepping back.
Hannah has done an amazing job as our inaugural champion organising cycling opportunities and leading the annual Portsmouth leg of the Cathedral Cycle Route Relay route. We are now looking for an enthusiastic successor to further our efforts in this area.
The role involves being an advocate for cycle use in our personal lives and in our journeys to and from the Cathedral.  The Champion works with the staff team to help publicise events.  The Champion will help to ensure that we increase the ability of those visiting and worshipping at the Cathedral to use pedal power to get to and from here (e.g. bike storage, safer routes).
As we look to go from the A Roche Eco Silver Church status, we achieved in 2023 to Eco Gold Status over the next few years, increasing the opportunity to use sustainable means of transportation will be a key element to helping us achieve gold status, reducing our carbon footprint along the way.
So, are you up to helping your Cathedral in this important role?  If so, please speak with or email our COO, Richard Abraham – richard.abraham@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Worship & Visiting

Every day, Portsmouth Cathedral is open for worship, prayer, and visiting. Unless otherwise specified, services do not require booking. Our website contains orders of service, as well as information about visiting the Cathedral.

Prayers & Intercessions

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community:  Chris, Wendy, Aidan, Jan, Tom, Rosy, Richard, Catherine, Debs, Bevan, Zoe, Gordon and all in need. 
We continue to pray for the long-term sick, including John, Andrew, Jill, Suzy, Philip, Mathai, Alistair, Alison, Graeme, Rachel and Muriel.
We remember those who have died:  Peter Reeve, Margaret Purnell, Clive Johnstone, Renee Baird, Gill Syms RIP.

 Upcoming Services & Events

Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

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