Weekly Notices | 14 July 2024

A reflection from Catherine Edenborough

The activities we have in the Cathedral this week seem to represent so much of what the Cathedral is about:

  • More than 1300 Year 6 school children will have been here attending workshops and leavers’ services before they move onto secondary education.

  • - Twenty people from around the diocese, including two from the Cathedral, will come to be confirmed (and some baptised) by the Bishop on Saturday evening. 

  • On Sunday at the 11am Eucharist, we will be joined by members of the Mary Rose Trust to commemorate the lives lost when the Mary Rose sank in the Solent on 19th July 1545.  It will be 40 years since a member of the ship’s company was buried in the Cathedral.

These three events, alongside many more happening here this week, show how we are a centre for education and learning, that we are all about sharing the gospel and building people up in their faith, and that we have relationships across the city and act as a focal point for all connected with the sea.
The school leavers had been working on a year-long project with the theme of Gamechangers, in which they have been thinking about the people who make a difference in society, and how they as individuals can all be gamechangers too.  They were each invited to make a clay figure to bring along to the service and the figures have been gathered at the east end in St Thomas’ Chapel.  The large sea of sculptures is impressive - reminding us of both God’s creativity in making us all different and that we belong to something beyond ourselves - the body of Christ.
It is a good prompt to reflect on the part we play as individuals here at the Cathedral as well as how we contribute to the shared work of proclaiming the good news of God’s transforming love in this place.
With God’s grace we can all be gamechangers and the Cathedral as a body has a role as a gamechanger in the city and the diocese.  Game on!
Catherine Edenborough
Cathedral Curate

Dates for your diary…

Community News

Summer activities for you & your family


“Bridgerton” comes to Portsmouth - 20 July

Saturday, 20 July promises to be a day of learning and enjoyment here at the Cathedral for fans of the TV show “Bridgerton", Jane Austen and/or of all things Regency. 
There will be a day of talks and workshops culminating in a Regency Rendezvous Evening Ball in the evening. A live band will perform Regency music for the Ball.
Participants will spend an interactive day learning more about the codes and signals of each dance where fan movement, or indeed just how a fan was held, meant quite different things.
The day is aimed at all levels from beginners to experts of dance. Also, for those just interested in this period of history and understanding more about it. 
Come to all three events on the day or just one or two – the choice is yours.
If looking for an enjoyable day and/or if you enjoyed our tango dance experience, or our Annual Barn Dance or Ceilidh, then book your tickets here.

Season of Generosity 2024

Click here to view our "Thank You" Video
Thank you to everyone who returned a pledge for the Season of Generosity 2024, including those who have reaffirmed their existing support to our mission and work. This year's season has seen a great response from those able to consider increasing their financial support to us culminating in many thousands of pounds a year more which all helps to keep our building open, our choristers training, surrounding schools engaged, daily worship taking place, art exhibitions, music recitals, conservation work and much, much more.

Summer at the Cathedral for Families

During the summer holidays there will be a series of Wednesday Workshops where families can come and explore Portsmouth Cathedral. Follow different trails around the Cathedral and take part in some craft activities. Drop-in, no booking. Free entry
Wednesday 24 July 9.30 - 11.30 & 1.30 – 3.30 Family
Stained Glass Windows 

Wednesday 31 July 9.30 - 11.30 & 1.30 – 3.30 Family
Arches and Roofs 

Wednesday 7 August 9.30 - 11.30 & 1.30 – 3.30 Family
Monuments and Memorials

Specialist Summer Tours

Discover more about Portsmouth Cathedral this summer! This summer join us for Specialist Summer Tours. Discover more about the history of our wonderful building, as you join us for these new tours! 

Stained Glass Tour - 23rd July 1pm - 2pm SOLD OUT
Portsmouth Cathedral offers an hour-long guided tour focusing on its stunning stained glass. This tour presents a unique opportunity to delve into the rich tapestry of stories depicted in the cathedral's vibrant windows. Adults can enjoy this historical and artistic experience for £5, while a reduced rate of £3 is available for children 16 and under. Please note there are limited spaces on the tour, and they must be booked in advanced.
Architecture Tour - 30th July - 1pm - 2pm
Portsmouth Cathedral offers an in-depth hour-long guided tour that delves into the cathedral's 800-year history and architectural features. Adults can enjoy this experience for £5, while a reduced rate of £3 is available for children 16 and under.
Please note there are limited spaces on the tour, and they must be booked in advanced.
Memorial Tour - 6th August - 1pm - 2pm
Portsmouth Cathedral offers a new tour focusing on the memorials within its historic walls. This tour presents an opportunity to delve into the rich history and honour the memories preserved at one of Portsmouth's most revered landmarks. Adults can explore this poignant aspect of the cathedral for £5, while a reduced price of £3 is available for children 16 and under.
Please note there are limited spaces on the tour, and they must be booked in advanced.
Click on corresponding tour names to book your place – spaces are limited.

Brass Rubbing Trails

Embark on a journey of creativity and discovery at Portsmouth Cathedral's Brass Rubbing Trail! A great activity for families where you'll get a hands-on history!
Portsmouth Cathedral is hosting a brass rubbing trail this summer, inviting people of all ages to participate in this engaging activity. For a small fee of £2 per pack, available at the cathedral shop from 10 am to 4 pm Tuesday – Sunday, visitors can enjoy this creative experience. The event is scheduled to run from July 22nd to September 1st, offering a unique way to explore the cathedral and its history.

School Leavers' Services and Activities

This week we have had the pleasure of welcoming hundreds of Year 6 leavers from Church of England schools across the diocese to Portsmouth Cathedral. The children have taken part in morning workshops, focussed on the theme of "gamechangers"; reflecting on people who have made a big difference to the lives of others, and how they too are "game changers" in their own time.  They've also taken part in singing workshops with our music department before joining together in the afternoon for the Leavers' Service itself, led by Bishop Jonathan and Bishop Ian. 
Building on the theme of "gamechangers", Year 6 children have been learning about Anthony Gormley and in particular his sculpture "Field of the British Isles", which comprises of 40,000 clay figures each individually made.  Each Year 6 child has made their own clay figure, unique to them, and these can be seen in St Thomas's Chapel in Portsmouth Cathedral for the duration of this coming week - do have a look!
It's been a wonderful week!
The workshops and services have been organised by the Diocesan Education Team in conjunction with the Cathedral and I'd like to take this opportunity to heartily thank Diana, our Learning and Schools Officer, for her significant role in ensuring everything ran smoothly; our Cathedral Education volunteers for their time and energy in running the different workshops; to David and Sachin for their musical input; and the volunteers who kindly arranged lunch each day.

Canon Harriet

July Jamming Sessions

Delighted to hear about your Jam making...
Thank you to all of you who have been busy making jam over the past few weeks, making the most of the abundance of fresh summer fruit.  Sarah kindly sent in her pictures of bubbling pots of Strawberry and also Blueberry jam – Thank you Sarah! 
If your garden or allotment is overflowing, then please consider making something for the Jam & Preserves stall at this year’s Christmas Fair on Saturday 7th December. If you need jars or have some to donate for others to use, label free please, then drop then into the basket in the Lower Cloister. Thank you and if you are Jam making, please send a picture of you bubbling pans.
Save the date - Portsmouth Cathedral Christmas Fair 11am Saturday 7 December Send pictures to rachael.forder@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Chapter News

Chapter meets on Thursday for its last scheduled meeting before the summer recess..

Please find the agenda on our downloads page →

New Signage

We have some exiting news! Starting from early July, visitors to the cathedral can look forward to new interpretive signage that will provide insights into the building's extensive history. This initiative marks the beginning of a comprehensive project designed to enrich the visitor experience. Rayne, Visitor Experience Manager, has been leading the project and would like to thank all those involved.

Cathedral of the Sea exhibition in the Ambulatory

With our annual Seafarers' Service on the 30 June followed by our Patronal Festival on the 7 July and the Mary Rose Sunday this coming weekend, there is a display around the Ambulatory of the many wonderful and unusual images we have in the Cathedral of ships and sailing vessels. These are accompanied by some prayers relevant for our own day, as well as some fascinating historical details.

Mary Rose Service - 14 July at 11:00am

We will be joined again this year by members of the Mary Rose Trust on Sunday 14 July to commemorate the lives lost when the Mary Rose sank in the Solent on 19th July 1545. Sea Cadets from T. S. Mary Rose in Basingstoke will also take part.
It was 40 years ago, in 1984, that a member of the ship’s company was buried here in the Cathedral, with some of the ceremonial drawn from the Tudor age, and the music sung then will be recalled in our service this year on 14 July.

Summer Songs of Praise - 14 July at 5:45pm

Led by Canon Angela Tilby, a chance to sing and enjoy some of our favourite hymns and hear how they have inspired individuals from our Cathedral community.
A new sort of service here for some summer Sunday evenings, Canon Angela will introduce the hymns and the contributors. Angela worked on Songs of Praise during her BBC career.

Our Sarah Shreeve: New Head of Education Policy for the Church of England

We are delighted to announce that Sarah Shreeve, a member of the #PompeySundays congregation and one of our Deanery Synod reps, is to start a new job for the national church as Head of Education Policy. 
She will be moving from her role as Head of Early Years and Primary at the education charity, Teach First, to lead the education policy team for the Church of England across all stages including higher and further education.  With Bishop Jonathan’s role as lead Bishop for education, Portsmouth will be playing a significant part in the Church’s initiatives around education!
Sarah says: "I couldn't be more excited to be starting my new role as Head of Education Policy with the National Church Institutions in August. I trained to teach and built my career here in Portsmouth and taught across various primary and special schools in the city before moving into teacher education and training teachers in schools across the region and, in turn, the country.
At this time of change (after nine years at Teach First), I am incredibly thankful for the support of the Cathedral and in particular the #PompeySundays community, both in recent years while I've been studying for my doctorate, working in the political and policy space and moving forward in my career, but also as I prepare for this new season at the NCIs. Working as I will be across churches of all traditions, and with educational establishments from Early Years all the way up to Higher Education, the joy of being part of such a multi-generational, inclusive and diverse worshipping community will continue to sustain and inspire me in my work. I hope it will also prove a salve to some of the frustrations that can come in working with politicians, at Westminster and in contested policy spaces. In my interview it was a privilege to talk about the innovation and creativity we've seen through establishing and growing the #PompeySundays community, and I look forward to working closely with the Growing Faith foundation to see how we can continue to learn with and from each other. I truly believe teaching and education is a vocation and am thrilled to be following God into this new position."
We pray God’s blessing on Sarah as she prepares to start the role.

Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral Yearbook

The 2024 Friends Yearbook will be posted to members next week. If you would like to know more about membership of the Friends, please contact friends@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

DELAYED - Scaffolding Advisory

Scaffolding is now due to come down shortly. Works have been delayed until later in the year because of scheduling difficulties on the part of the contractor.

Safe arrival of baby Green

We are delighted to announce, on behalf of Malina and Adrian, the safe arrival of baby Sophia on Sunday.
Mother and daughter are doing well.  Big brother Oscar taking on his new responsibilities!
Much love and best wishes from all the Cathedral community.

Summer Celebration Update

The Summer Celebration on June 1st was a fabulous community event and raised over £2500, so thank you to all involved! The Douse the Dean stall delighted the young and old alike and even the participants enjoyed themselves as you can see from the fabulous picture of Canon Harriet (from the news article linked here) in the stocks, created by the Portsea Men’s Shed.
The dedicated teamwork of the volunteers allowed a range of stalls to run alongside those from small businesses and local charities, supporting the work of the Roberts Centre and Veterans’ Outreach Support. The atmosphere outside was fabulous with singer Stacey Mogg delighting guests with her dulcet tones.  The BBQ, Bar and Strawberries and Cream were enjoyed by both familiar faces and new The Cathedral Shop benefited from increased visitor numbers and Ems Friendly Farm, back for their second visit, was a hit with the children. Volunteer Coordinator Rachael commented, “Thanks to everyone who was involved in making this event a success, both to those who volunteered on, and before, the day and to all those who donated and made goods.”

Vacancies: Come work with us

Cathedral seeks sessional Visitor Experience Assistants

  • Are you interested in history, religion, architecture, visitor experience and/or events management?

  • Do you enjoy interacting with visitors?

As part of an exciting new programme, Portsmouth Cathedral has a number of sessional visitor experience assistant roles available. 
Working with our existing marvellous volunteer welcomers and guides, these part-time roles will help us at peak times, normally the summer holidays, Christmas and Easter when we experience an increase in the number of people visiting the Cathedral. Your role will be to be the face of the Cathedral, welcoming people in and inviting them to explore our glorious Cathedral and learn more about the building, its history and its purpose.
If this sounds of interest, please click here for the Application Pack

Worship & Visiting

Every day, Portsmouth Cathedral is open for worship, prayer, and visiting. Unless otherwise specified, services do not require booking. Our website contains orders of service, as well as information about visiting the Cathedral.

Prayers & Intercessions

We pray for all to be Confirmed here on Saturday, and among them Bertie Cradock and Joe Pearce.

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community:  Chris, Wendy, Tom, Rosy, Jan, Richard, Zoe, Yolanda, Paul, Gemma and all in need.  

We continue to pray for the long-term sick, including:  Catherine, Gordon, John, Jill, Andrew, Suzy, Philip, Mathai, Alistair, Alison, Graeme, Rachel and Muriel.

We remember those who have died recently. We pray for the families of Laurence Measey (burial of ashes on Sunday) and Christine Sykes (burial of ashes on Wednesday) and all whose anniversary falls at this time. RIP

 Upcoming Services & Events

Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

Have news or story you’d like to share? Submit a notice 📰