Weekly Notices | 1 September 2024

A reflection from David Price

Here we go once more. Another new choir year is about to begin all over again another set of new choristers and gappers arrive and another round of services and events follow a familiar pattern including Michaelmas Carols, All Souls’, Remembrance and before we know it Advent and Christmas!
But what a privilege it is to see these events unfold in new as well as familiar ways; fresh opportunities to enthuse and inspire and the continual effort to build up and sustain our cathedral community.
We’re deeply grateful to those support the work of the music department. We have a particular focus on our Sing Joyfully scheme campaign which was launched in the midst of the pandemic. Under the leadership of our Head of Fundraising , CP we are refreshing this campaign over the last weekend of September when we shall also be welcoming former cathedral choir members to their annual reunion, a special lunch and our first Come and Sing event of the new choir year as part of our Michaelmas Carol Service. Please consider supporting us if you are able.

Daily choral services resume on Thursday 5 September with our adult singers and then we welcome the choristers back the following week
David Price
Organist & Master of the Choristers

Dates for your diary…

Community News 

Portsmouth Cathedral make top 20!

Portsmouth Cathedral has been listed as number 20 on the Top 20 Most Visited Free Attractions of the South East.* In July 2024 the Annual Visitor Attraction Trends in England Survey for 2023 was published. This is an insightful survey that helps collate all data that provides useful information on topics such as visitor trends, accessibility and post-COVID recovery, to name a few. Along with their findings each year lists are published showing the most visited attractions by region. On this list we are in such company as Brighton Pier and the Ashmolean Museum. To read more about the survey and its results, please see here:
*Out of the 1112 attractions that participated.
Richard, our COO, writes, “This is an amazing achievement and testimony to the excellent and warm greeting of our Welcomers and Guides.  The work of Crystal in the shop and all our shop volunteers has transformed the variety of cathedral-specific objects visitors can take with them when as they leave as a last memory of their time with us. 
I am also hugely grateful for the work of our Visitor Experience Manager, Rayne in creating new tour packages and internal signage that are bringing new folk into the Cathedral, many for the first time – up to nine bus tours have booked in!! We continue to work with the Cruise industry to have more of those visitors come by to St. Thomas. Rayne’s close work with the university is also starting to bear fruit as we look to support placement of students with us or use their translation services.

This Sunday - Taizé and Evensong Songs of Praise

This Sunday, don't forget to join us for another uplifting edition of our Songs of Praise at our 5:45pm service of Evensong. Led by Canon Angela Tilby, a chance to sing and enjoy some of our favourite hymns and hear how they have inspired individuals from our Cathedral community.

Later on Sunday evening our regular monthly Taizé-style worship is being held in the St Thomas Chapel at 8pm. 

New Fields for Canon Anthony

It was announced  that Canon Anthony Rustell has been appointed to a new post, as interim Priest-in-Charge at Dorking (St Martin) with Ranmore (Diocese of Guildford) from December. 
Dean Anthony writes:

'Since coming to Portsmouth ten years ago, Canon Anthony has made an immense and distinguished contribution to the life of the Cathedral and the wider diocese.   As Director of Mission and Ministry for the diocese, his work has been outstanding and extraordinarily varied.   In relation to the Cathedral, we have appreciated the wisdom and judgement he brought to Chapter meetings, and amongst all he has done in relation to our life and worship, his ministry team colleagues are in awe of his ability to speak eloquently and without notes about any scriptural passage put in front of him.   It has been wonderful that the whole Rustell family have joined in so fully with different aspects of Cathedral life, from Georgianna’s astute contributions to our Finance Committee to Katharine, Elizabeth and John’s singing in the choir.    We will really miss the whole family, and assure them of our thanks, prayers and good wishes, as they make the move to Dorking later in the year.'

Canon Anthony's farewell service at Portsmouth is being planned for Advent Sunday.  

Further details of how we will mark Canon Anthony’s service to the Cathedral community and wider Diocese will be published in the Notices in due course.

Food Bank donations over summer

During the summer holidays many families in Portsmouth will not be able to give their children proper meals. The food bank is an essential lifeline. Please donate canned or dried foods through the basket on the north corridor. Personal cleaning items like toothpaste and household materials like toilet paper are also needed. Thank you for considering this outward witness of our faith.
You can make donations to the collection point in the North Cloister.

Fairtrade Fortnight

This year marks the 30th anniversary of Fairtrade.  In addition to an exhibition at the Cathedral and Fairtrade Breakfast on Sunday 15 September all are welcome at a special service 4pm Sunday 8 September at St Mary's, Fratton details here.

Introducing ChurchSuite

We are excited to share that Portsmouth Cathedral is implementing a new church management system called ChurchSuite. This system has been successfully used by many churches both locally and nationally, including Harbour Church and Bristol Cathedral, to streamline daily operations and improve communication.
ChurchSuite will significantly reduce the time spent on administrative tasks, allowing us to focus more on our ministry and community outreach. One of the first areas where you will notice a change is in how we manage our volunteer rotas. Volunteers will soon receive an email from ChurchSuite, inviting you to access our online rota management system. Please be assured that this email is legitimate—it is not phishing or junk mail.
We believe that ChurchSuite will be a valuable tool in enhancing our day-to-day processes. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Dean Anthony to take part in the Great South Run

Having cheered on participants in the Great South Run as they passed the Cathedral and Deanery, I have (rashly) decided that this year I will have a go myself!  To spur me on, I will also be raising money for the National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS).  When our third child was born with a hearing impairment, it was a worrying time as we had no experience of deafness in children and were fearful of what life would be like for him.  Discovering the NDCS was a real lifeline for us. 

They provided invaluable support and advice, as well as helping us to see how our son could thrive and reach his potential.  Although there were many obstacles to overcome, he has grown into a flourishing adult, and we are so grateful for the part the NDCS played in this.  I want to help support the NDCS in continuing its vital work with deaf children and their families.
On Sunday 20 October I’d grateful for your cheers and waves, and if you felt able to sponsor me as well that would be hugely appreciated.  My fundraising page can be found here.

We’re looking for a new Cathedral Cycle Champion

Are you interested in

  • promoting the benefits of cycling?

  • championing the work the Cathedral is doing to increase access to sustainable modes of transport?

If you are then your Cathedral is looking for its next Cycle Champion in succession of Hannah Gunga, who has stepped down after three successful years.
Hannah has done an amazing job as our inaugural champion organising cycling opportunities and leading the annual Portsmouth leg of the Cathedral Cycle Route Relay route (Cathedrals Cycle Route challenge | Cycling UK). We are now looking for an enthusiastic successor to further our efforts in this area.
The role involves being an advocate for cycle use in our personal lives and in our journeys to and from the Cathedral.  The Champion works with the staff team to help publicise events.  The Champion will help to ensure that we increase the ability of those visiting and worshipping at the Cathedral to use pedal power to get to and from here (e.g. bike storage, safer routes).
As we look to go from the A Rocha Eco Silver Church status, we achieved in 2023 to Eco Gold status over the next few years, increasing the opportunity to use sustainable means of transportation will be a key element to helping us achieve Gold status, reducing our carbon footprint along the way.
So, are you up to helping your Cathedral in this important role?  If so, please speak with or email our COO, Richard Abraham – richard.abraham@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Fabric Advisory Committee

We are looking for two new members to join Portsmouth Cathedral’s Fabric Advisory Committee (FAC). The committee has eight members. Half are appointed by Chapter. The other half are appointed by the Cathedrals Fabric Commission for England.
Terms last five years, but members are eligible for reappointment. The chair is chosen from among the members.
We will celebrate our centenary in 1927 alongside that of both the City and Diocese and the Fabric Advisory Committee will play a critically important role in ensuring the conservation of our history as we prepare to serve our community for the next 100 years.
More details on the application pack here

Changes to Shop Opening Hours

The shop has moved to summer opening hours. It will be open until 4:00pm from Tuesday to Saturday; Sunday closure remains at 3:00pm.

Charity Quiz Night in aid of the Friends – 7 Oct

Early booking advised! The Costal Family Group, the firm that owns The A Bar, The Briny, Canteen and the 10th Hole will be holding a Quiz and Curry Night on Monday, 7th October 2024 at the 10th Hole.
All proceeds going to support the Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral.
The cost is £12.50 per head or £50 per table.  To find more about how to book a table for this popular event and to support The Friends please click on the link here.

The Word is Near returns 4 September

The Word is Near returns from its summer break on Wednesday 4 September at 10:30am in the Bishop Kenneth Room.
All welcome - if you would like to join us in September to read the upcoming Sunday Bible readings and enjoy discussion and fellowship, do be in touch with Canon Harriet - harriet.neale-stevens@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Meet the Dean – Sunday 8 September

All are invited to the next session in the series of informal chats with Dean Anthony to be held after the 11:00am Eucharist on Sunday 8 September in the Bishop Kenneth Room. 

The Parish Lunch Club - 9 September

The Parish Lunch Club restarts on Monday 9 September.
The Parish Lunch Club restarts on Monday 9 September providing the perfect opportunity to catch up with friends following the Summer break, as our fantastic volunteers create and serve a delicious two course meal followed by tea or coffee.
New members are welcome to join the Parish Lunch Club which runs fortnightly during term time on Mondays and provides a sociable occasion to catch up and meet new friends.  Arrive in good time at Becket Hall for lunch which is served at 12.30pm.
The cost of a two-course hot lunch is £5. New member registration details are taken on arrival. Please make a note of the autumn term Parish Lunch Club dates Monday 9 Sep, 23 Sep, 14 Oct, 4 Nov, 18 Nov, 9 Dec 24. Monday 9 December will be the Christmas meal including turkey, all the trimmings and even a glass of wine, at the final Lunch Club date for 2024.

Exploring the Bible: Mark's Gospel - starting Monday 9 September

Canon Harriet will be leading a new series called "Exploring the Bible", starting in September. We will begin with Mark's Gospel and look to explore more books from both the Old and New Testaments during the year.
Mark's Gospel is thought to be the earliest of the four Gospels. It's written in a style that is direct and "to the point", an exciting and short read. It's an excellent place to start if you have been considering reading more of the Bible and delving into its depths!
Mark's Gospel will run from Monday 9 September, for 6 weeks. We'll meet on the following dates (all Mondays): 9, 16, 23, 30 September, 7, 14 October at 6.45pm in Bishop Kenneth Room.
All are welcome. You don't need to have any prior knowledge to take part, just a readiness to read, and enjoy some discussion. Please bring your own Bible.
If you would like to join, please email Canon Harriet at: harriet.neale-stevens@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Hampshire & IOW Memorial Quilt - starts 9 September

The Hampshire & IOW Speak Their Name Suicide Memorial Quilt is a beautiful ongoing piece of art created with love in memory of people lost to suicide by their bereaved friends and family. This project has been inspired by the quilts made in Greater Manchester and Yorkshire.
The initial quilts are being sewn ready for their unveiling at an event “Let’s get talking about suicide” in Victoria Park, Portsmouth on the 7 September and will then be displayed in Portsmouth Cathedral from 9–27 September.

During the exhibition, there will be a special evensong to remember those whose lives have been lost, and also some times set aside for quiet prayer and reflection as well as other events.
If you would like to make a square for a loved one you can get in touch with the Hampshire and IOW group, by emailing hampshirequilt@gmail.com.

Restorative Training for Portsmouth Churches, Saturday 14 September

Christians across Portsmouth are invited to a Restorative Training Day, which will be delivered by John Swindell of Portsmouth Mediation Service.
Restorative Practice teaches people relational skills, which strengthens relationships and equips people with the skills to positively handle conflict. Restorative Practice follows the biblical mandate of ‘peace and reconciliation’.
These restorative skills will be beneficial to the whole church and for anyone in a leadership role, it will provide them with a restorative approach to leading which has maximum impact but with the minimum stress. 
The day runs from 9:00am to 4:30pm on Saturday 14 September at St Margaret’s Church, Highland Road, Southsea.
For more information and to book, click here:

Ride and Stride 2024 – Saturday 14 September

Portsmouth Cathedral will once again be welcoming Riders and Striders for the annual event in aid of Hampshire and the Islands Historic Churches Trust. 
We also hope to put together a team of Riders and Striders to support the Trust through sponsorship as they visit other churches in Hampshire and on the Isle of Wight that day.   50% of the sponsorship raised is returned to your nominated church so your participation can also help the Cathedral.  If you would be interested in taking part please contact us through info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Anna Chaplaincy - World Alzheimer's Day Coffee Morning – 21 September 

World Alzheimer's Day will be observed on Saturday 21 September.  The day is dedicated to raising awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and combatting the stigma associated with various forms of dementia. 
The Anna Chaplaincy invites anyone affected by dementia including carers, friends and family to join them in the Cathedral Nave for light refreshments and an opportunity to reflect, from 10:30am until 12:00pm.
Alzheimer’s disease is among the most prevalent forms of dementia, which is a set of disorders that disrupt mental function.  It is estimated that 1 in 14 people over the age of 65 and 1 in every 6 people over the age of 80 will be affected by Alzheimer's in the UK.
Anna Chaplaincy – a ministry of the Christian charity BRF – has been established specifically to provide care for older people, especially those living in care homes and sheltered accommodation, and to their families and the staff that look after them.
Anna Chaplains promote the spiritual welfare of older people in the wider community, particularly those facing challenges living independently.  Anna Chaplains are named after the widow, Anna, who appears with Simeon in Luke’s gospel; both are good role models of faithful older people.

Harvest Celebration Barn Dance & Hog Roast – 21 September 

Dig out your checked shirts, brush off those cowboy boots and join us for a for an evening of lively entertainment and traditional dancing lead by the Woodsiders Ceilidh & Barn Dance Band. 
Doors open 6:30pm, dancing commences at 7:00pm with a break for a Hog Roast supper at 8:00pm. 
This is a fundraising event for Portsmouth Cathedral Choir Association
Tickets include Hog Roast or vegan alternative: Adults £20, Children £10, Under 5s and small dogs free, cash bar.

Get your tickets here.

Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral AGM – 22 September

We look forward to seeing many members of the Friends at the AGM on Sunday 22 September. The meeting will be held in Becket Hall at 4:00pm and our President, Bishop Jonathan, will be present. Tea/coffee will be available after the meeting.

More details here.

Just announced: The Fishermen's Mission - Sea Showcase

Portsmouth and our surrounding coastline have a steep history of deep-sea fishing and the industry around it. Come along to an evening including singalong sea shanties, stories, poems, films, crafts and more! Produced and in support of The Fishermen’s Mission.

Learn more and book online →

Worship & Visiting

Every day, Portsmouth Cathedral is open for worship, prayer, and visiting. Unless otherwise specified, services do not require booking. Our website contains orders of service, as well as information about visiting the Cathedral.

Prayers & Intercessions

We pray for Jess, who is to be baptised in the Cathedral on Sunday.

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community:  Chris, Tom, Wendy, Jan, Richard, Zoe, Paul, Gemma, Joan, Geraldine and all in need. 

We continue to pray for the long-term sick, including: Andrew, Gordon, Rosy, John, Alistair, Alison, Jill, Suzy, Philip, Mathai, Graeme and Muriel.

We remember those who have died recently, including: Barbara Kendall, Margaret Wilson (widow of Roy), Yolanda Ralph, Kenneth Gibbons and all whose anniversary falls at this time. RIP

 Upcoming Services & Events

Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

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NoticesPortsmouth Cathedral