Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | 14 May 2023

A reflection from Canon Jo

This Sunday is traditionally known as Rogation Sunday from the Latin rogare meaning ‘to ask’. Since medieval times there has been a tradition of ‘beating the parish boundaries’ and asking for God’s blessing on the crops and industry within. Today we no longer rely on our immediate land and its produce for our needs, but this is not so for the many thousands of peoples who are helped by Christian Aid.
Christian Aid Week, which runs from 14-20 May this year, reminds us that so many communities are now suffering the results of global warming, losing their lands and livelihoods to rising seas, floods, drought, deforestation etc., and that all of us contribute to these losses in some way, through our own activities, wants and needs.
One way that Christian Aid works with communities is to help them develop and grow drought-resistant crops, which they can both eat and sell for a fair price. This is the message on the Christian Aid envelopes, which will be delivered throughout the parish this week, and which are available in the Cathedral. You can also learn more of Jen’s story - and more about Christian Aid’s mission to work for justice and dignity for all peoples - by watching the Christian Aid film being shown this week in the Welcome Area.
It’s easy to be moved to give generously when huge natural or man-made calamities occur, like earthquakes and wars, but it is the charities working quietly in the background, helping to provide for the daily needs of so many, that also deserve our help and prayers. Christian Aid Week is a vital fund-raiser. We are aiming to raise £2,500 at the Cathedral this year. You don’t need a GCSE in maths to work out that if 250 people gift aided £10, or 500 gave £5, we would meet the target and more.
So please give, via the Cathedral website, the envelope or by using the QR code on the envelope. Ask your friends as well. Share on Facebook and if you are ‘beating the bounds’ on Sunday, think also of those who have lost their boundaries and livelihoods. We have so much to be thankful for and, as Christian Aid reminds us:
With every gift. Every action. Every prayer. Every one of us can change lives.
Canon Jo, Carole King and Sue Ward

Donate to Christian Aid

You can donate using envelopes available from the Welcome Area, or donate online from our E-Envelope page.

Dates for your diary…

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Community News

This Saturday: Cathedrals at Night – Eurovision Celebration

Portsmouth Cathedral will be hosting a special evening to celebrate all things Eurovision, as part of the nationwide Cathedrals at Night campaign. This Saturday (13 May) is a chance for visitors to explore the Cathedral after-dark alongside a special Eurovision evening, including a screening of the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest.
Cathedrals at Night is an annual event that takes place across the UK organised by the Association of English Cathedrals, inviting people to explore their local cathedrals after-dark. This year, Portsmouth Cathedral is hosting a night to remember, with a family friendly atmosphere perfect to celebrate Eurovision. The event is free for all to attend and giving visitors an opportunity to experience the Cathedral in a different light.
Visitors can simply turn up on the night between 7:00pm and midnight. The competition screening will start at 8:00pm, so visitors are advised to arrive early if they want to catch the whole show (and get a good seat)! Refreshments and a limited bar will be available throughout the evening, with a portion of the profits going to the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. The DEC (Disasters Emergency Committee) is a UK-based charity that helps people affected by disasters and conflicts around the world.
See more →

This Sunday: Beating the Bounds – 14 May

All are invited to join us for this historic tradition that we are celebrating again this year! Join us on Rogation Sunday, as, following the 11:00am Eucharist, we walk the boundary of the Cathedral parish.
The total distance one way is about 4 miles, with all welcome to join for the whole route or for a portion. At the end, anyone still feeling fit can walk back (about 1½ miles direct) or we will find a bus or share a ride back from the Ferry Port. Please bring drinks and a sandwich; and sun cream if fine, or waterproofs if wet! It is a fun and friendly occasion, enjoying the open air together and discovering more about our Cathedral parish. Do join us!

More information and expressions of interest, please contact Canon Jo.
See the full route and more info →

Installations – 14 May

The Cathedral is proud to have longstanding links with the Royal Navy. In Portsmouth, this is part of a whole series of ways in which we exercise our role as ‘mother church’ of the diocese. Another is the way we which we support new diocesan initiatives, such as the emphasis Bishop Jonathan has encouraged on the brilliant work of Anna Chaplains in supporting older people emotionally and spiritually.

As part of Choral Evensong this Sunday 14 May, these different dimensions of Cathedral ministry come together in a striking and significant way, as we install the Venerable Andrew Hillier (Chaplain of the Fleet) as an Honorary Canon, and Debbie Thrower (pioneer founder of Anna Chaplaincy) as a Canon of Honour. We look to forward to welcoming them and their supporters, and to praying for them and the vital chaplaincy work they lead. Do join us on Sunday evening for this special act of worship!
Anthony Cane, Dean of Portsmouth

Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral

Unfortunately, the Quiz Night arranged by the Friends for Tuesday 16 May has been postponed due to lack of entries.

Friends are invited to attend the Ascension Day Eucharist at 5:45pm on Thursday 18 May when the Patron of the Friends, Bishop Jonathan, will be present.  The service will be followed by a tour of the Memorials in the Cathedral by the Head Guide, Margaret Wilson.  The tour will be followed by a gathering in a local hostelry.

More details about the Friends, how they support the Cathedral and how to join here.

Ascension Day – 18 May

We celebrate Ascension Day on Thursday 18 May with an early Eucharist at 8:00am, as well as a Choral Eucharist at 5:45pm. Forty days after Easter, we remember how Christ was taken up into heaven, and we give thanks that he shows us the destiny and dignity of all humanity, and promises his Spirit to help us and guide us. The final ten days of Easter follow, which lead up to Pentecost on Sunday 28 May. 

With the national Thy Kingdom Come prayer initiative between Ascension and Pentecost, you might like, during this time, to think about one or two people in particular you want to pray for, asking that they may come to know the love of Jesus more fully in their lives. We will have the Diocesan prayer map once again in the St Thomas Chapel, so do come to have a look at this and reflect and pray for the churches and congregations that we serve as a Cathedral.

"I Believe in..."

Another two of our Honorary Canons will be coming to preach as part of our Sunday Evensong sermon series: "I Believe in...". On Sunday 21 May, the Sunday after Ascension, Canon Hugh Wright from Ventnor on the Isle of Wight will be preaching on "I Believe in Heaven". Then on Sunday 18 June we will be joined by Canon Bob White from St Mary's Fratton. Choral Evensong is at 5:45pm.

Mayor Making

Dean Anthony will be attending Mayor Making on Tuesday having been invited by the new Lord Mayor, Councillor Tom Coles, to again be Chaplain to Portsmouth City Council.  We look forward to welcoming the Lord Mayor and other members of the Council when they join us at the Cathedral on Sunday 21 May for the Annual City Service at 11:00am, in addition to #PompeySundays at 9:30am.

Makers Market at Portsmouth Cathedral – 29 May

We’re pleased to be hosting a Makers Market taking place on Bank Holiday Monday 29 May from 10:00am-3:00pm. Come and enjoy a day of shopping, supporting local makers and creatives, with over 30 local artisans, each with their own distinct style and creative vision.
See more →

The Divine Dance - Tango at the Cathedral – Saturday 22 July

A day to discover and celebrate the Argentine tango and how it connects to our spirituality.  As well as being a joy to dance, the tango can reveal insights about our connection to the divine in and around us.   

Whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced dancer, this is an opportunity to dance the tango in a beautiful setting and explore how it links to our spiritual side. 

Find out more and book online →

Next opportunity for Confirmation

On Saturday 27 May, the eve of Pentecost, Bishop Jonathan will lead a Diocesan Baptism and Confirmation service here at Portsmouth Cathedral starting at 5:45pm.
We have a number of Cathedral candidates who will be confirmed by the Bishop at this service - choristers and congregation - some who were unable to be at the recent Easter Vigil Confirmation, and some who have come forward as a result of this.
If you are interested in exploring the possibility of being confirmed (and baptised, if you are not already), please speak to either of our Curates Hannah or Catherine, or to Canon Jo or Canon Kathryn.

Cathedrals Measure 2021

Portsmouth Cathedral has begun the planning to implement the Cathedrals Measure (2021). This brings all Church of England cathedrals in England under Charity Commission regulation, in addition to the jurisdiction of the Church Commissioners, and strengthens governance and operational frameworks.  
Some of the key changes at Portsmouth will be:

  • As a result of the Charity Commission registration, members of the Chapter will be subject to the oversight of the Charity Commission, rather than just the Church Commissioners.

  • The three bodies that currently form the governing corporation of Portsmouth Cathedral – Chapter, Cathedral Council and the College of Canons – will change. Chapter will be reconstituted as the sole governing and oversight body for the Cathedral.

  • The Cathedral Council will cease to exist and the College of Canons will no longer be part of the “body corporate” nor have any formal governance role.

Chapter will include both executive and non-executive members and the intention is to continue to have elected representatives on Chapter. New Constitution and Statutes have been drafted and there will be a formal consultation in the summer when everyone can comment.
In advance of the APCM we have prepared some FAQs, which we hope will be of interest and help in understanding the changes that will happen under the Measure.
View the FAQs on our website →

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

This year's APCM and Parish Meeting will take place on Thursday 25 May after Choral Evensong.  The Electoral Roll has now been revised and is on display in the Welcome Area. 

This year's APCM includes the election of three representatives for Deanery Synod in addition to that for our two Churchwardens, one of whom is also elected as a member of Chapter.  We would like to thank Chris Nicol, who is not standing for election again, for his contribution as Churchwarden over the past year.  If you would like to know more about the duties of Churchwarden please speak to the Dean.  Nomination forms are available through the Cathedral Offices or at the link below.
The APCM will also include a presentation by the Chief Operating Officer, Richard Abraham on the Annual Report and Accounts 2022, a report on Deanery Synod and a briefing on the Cathedral's progress towards becoming a registered charity under the 2021 Cathedrals Measure.

The 2022 Annual Report and Accounts are on display in the Cathedral and available on line together with the draft Minutes of the last meeting and nomination forms here.

Apologies for the meeting can be made here.

Worship & visiting

Every day, Portsmouth Cathedral is open for worship, prayer, and visiting. Unless otherwise specified, services do not require booking. Our website contains orders of service as well as information about visiting the Cathedral.

The Venerable Martyn Gough RIP

We are sad to announce the death of the Venerable Martyn Gough on 28 April. Martyn was a Canon of Honour at Portsmouth Cathedral and was Chaplain of the Fleet and Archdeacon for the Royal Navy from 2018 to his retirement in 2021.

Prayers and Intercessions

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community:  Nuno, Janet, Jane, Edward, Richard, Chris, Jean, Alan, Alistair, Yvonne,
and all those in need.  

Long-term sick, including:  Renee Beverley, Marianne, Rachel, Sophie, John, Graeme, Peter, Rosemary, Suzy, Andrew, Sarah, Alison, Jill, and Judith.  

Those who have died, including: Martyn Gough RIP.

Events and Special Services

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Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Have news or story you’d like to share? Submit a notice 📰

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