Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | 23 April 2023

A reflection from Hannah Barraclough  

Easter is a multisensory experience.
I wonder whether we can cast our minds back to the beginning of Lent, on Ash Wednesday, when our foreheads were daubed with the jet-black ash as we were called to remember that ‘we are dust and to dust we shall return’. The intimacy and tactile nature of being the priest who reminds each congregant that truth made my body shake and later brought me to tears.
During the 40 days and nights of Lent we have sought to draw close to God through prayer, fasting and through other creative means, and a few weeks ago we experienced the horror and profound joy of Holy Week through sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. Feet were tenderly washed on Maundy Thursday, the last remnants of bread tasted on Good Friday, the blaze of the Easter fire warmed our skin on Holy Saturday and the exuberance of bursting colour surprised us within our Baptism and Confirmation service at the Easter Vigil. During this time, the beautiful white lilies have been slowly opening since their arrival at the altar of repose on Maundy Thursday. A special thank you to Rosemary Fairfax and her team with the Cathedral Flower Guild for their careful and dedicated work.
As a parent and child entered the Cathedral on Wednesday for #PompeyTots she exclaimed ‘it smells amazing in here!’ I reminded her of the lilies and their significance in the paschal mystery of the Easter Story, a sign of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Known as the ‘white-robed apostles of hope,’ white lilies are believed to symbolise the purity of Christ. And so the children during the session at #PompeyTots this week heard stories of Jesus’ resurrection and sung ‘Alleluia’ songs, played musical instruments, and explored in their bodies through smell and taste and play who Jesus is and why we worship him.
Last week in the Gospel reading, Thomas wanted to touch the gaping wounds of Christ, only then he would know him as the risen Lord. This Sunday’s Gospel reading tells of the road to Emmaus and we hear of burning hearts and the taste of the bread and wine, and only then do the two disciples with Jesus really recognise him.
Taste and see. Smell, touch and listen... Our embodied sensory experience of faith is important.
I wonder which sensory experience is the most dominant for you? I wonder whether you might be mindful of that sense the next time you taste the wine, the next time you smell the lilies, the next time you hear the beautiful choral music, the next time you feel the handshake of peace from a neighbour and when you see the beauty of Christ’s new resurrection life in things springing up around you? I hope and pray those sensory experiences will bring you into a deeper relationship with the resurrected Christ in this Easter season.
Alleluia, Christ is Risen!
He is risen indeed, Alleluia!
God bless you,
Hannah Barraclough

Dates for your diary…

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Community News

Celebrate the Coronation with us at Portsmouth Cathedral!

Portsmouth Cathedral will be hosting a weekend of celebrations for the Coronation of HM King Charles III, from 5-8 May. Featuring special services, events, and a special live screening of the Coronation itself on Saturday 6 May.
Special services include Fit for a King, a celebration of the Coronation with music and reflections on Friday 5 May, as well as a Civic Eucharist to Celebrate the Coronation on Sunday 7 May, attended by city officials and the sermon will be preached by the Bishop of Portsmouth.

Families and children can enjoy a family trail, which will engage and educate explorers about the rich history of the Cathedral and the monarchy. After the Civic Eucharist on Sunday, the whole community is invited to grab a chair and join The Big Coronation Lunch! Taking place on the Cathedral’s green, it will be just one of many such lunches taking place nationally across the UK.
We are delighted to offer this unique opportunity to witness the Coronation of King Charles III at Portsmouth Cathedral. This historic event will be an unforgettable experience for everyone, and we are pleased to be able to commemorate this special occasion with the whole community. We can't wait to welcome everyone to celebrate with us for the Coronation Weekend.
See our website for the full programme →

Find out about our links to royalty with a new heritage trail!

In celebration for the Coronation, come and find out about our links to royalty through history! From the 25 April until 8 May, you can learn about royalty who have visited the Cathedral and more. There is even an opportunity to explore further with optional audio experiences but remember to bring your phone and earphones to do so! Also our wonderful volunteers are always keen to share their knowledge with you!

Lunch Club dates for Spring/Summer

Remember that Lunch Club restarts on Monday 24 April, and kicks off with chicken in a white and tarragon sauce or vegetarian quiche, vegetables & new potatoes. If you'd like to join Lunch Club then you can sign up on the day, just come along on any of the following dates at mid-day. Lunch is served at 12:30pm.

  • Monday 24 April

  • Monday 22 May

  • Monday 5 June

  • Monday 19 June

  • Monday 3 July

We’ll also be making a summer outing on Monday 17 July to Redcliffe Garden Centre, departing at 10am. Tickets are £15 and can be booked through the Cathedral Office.

Coronation Street Party Ploughman's Lunch

Coronation Street Party Ploughman's Lunch is available to pre-order for the street party on Sunday 7 May and help raise money for the Portsmouth Cathedral Choir Association. Pleasecomplete this formif you'd like to pre-order a Ploughman's lunch for Sunday 7 May. 

  • Cheese Ploughman's £7.00

  • Ham Ploughman's £7.00

  • Cheese and Ham Ploughman's £7.50

Pay on the day (cash or card) & collect from Becket Hall between 12.30pm to 1:00pm and proceeds will be supporting the Portsmouth Cathedral Choir Association.

Commemorate the Coronation with Souvenirs from Portsmouth Cathedral Shop

The Coronation of a monarch is a significant event in the history of any nation, and the Portsmouth Cathedral Shop is proud to offer a range of souvenirs to commemorate this very special moment in the life of our nation. Our collection includes mugs, tea towels, fridge magnets, decorations, and other items that will help you celebrate this historic occasion in style.
Shop onlineor pop into our store to view the range of Coronation souvenirs today.

Trees planted to mark Her Late Majesty’s reign

To mark the late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, two trees have been planted on Cathedral Green.  A crab apple tree was purchased via the Queen’s Jubilee Neighbourhood grant from the City of Portsmouth that also funded Wild Cathedral.  This tree was planted last week near the memorial to women in the Royal Navy.
A second tree - an oak Quercus palustris ‘Green Pillar’ - donated by a member of the congregation was planted on Tuesday.

Chapter is grateful both for the donations of these trees to mark the unique and long reign of Her late Majesty and for the stewardship of the “Adams” who so expertly planted these trees for us and tend to the grounds especially the Memorial Garden.

Wedding Bells for our Acting Head Verger & Precinct Manager

As noted in Kitty’s Reflections last week, the 29 April marks the day of marriage between Maria and her fiancé, Graham Kidd. 
Should you wish to make a contribution to their honeymoon fund – they are going on a cruise to Norway – please either e-mailaccounts@portsmouthcathedral.org.ukto request bank details, then make a transfer using the reference ‘MMann Wedding Gift’ or put a donation in cash or in a cheque made out to “Portsmouth Cathedral “ in a clearly marked envelope (same reference) then deliver it to the office.  It is important to note that this was not requested by the happy couple but suggested by her colleagues.

Revision of the Electoral Roll

It has been said that ‘the Church is the only society which exists for the benefit of those who are not its members’, and this is a key part of our life in the Church of England.  But it is also important that those of us who have a commitment to the worshipping life of the Church are prepared to stand up and be counted as members of the Body of Christ in our particular place.  If you are part of the Cathedral’s worshipping community, one tangible way you can do this is by adding your name to the Electoral Roll.

This year's APCM and Parish Meeting will take place on Thursday 25 May and the revision of the Electoral Roll will take place between 24 April and 8 May. During this time, copies of the current Electoral Roll will be available to view in the Cathedral or at the Cathedral Offices. Forms will also be available for new or returning members of the congregation to join/re-join the Electoral Roll.
The revised Electoral Roll will be published, as required, at least 14 days before the APCM and Parish Meeting. Only those on the revised Electoral Roll will be entitled to vote at the APCM. This year's APCM includes the election of three representatives for Deanery Synod in addition to that for our two Churchwardens, one of whom is also elected as a member of Chapter.
The APCM will also include a briefing on the Cathedral's progress towards becoming a registered charity under the 2021 Cathedrals Measure, which will change the way in which the Cathedral is governed. However, as mentioned above, the Electoral Roll is more than just voting rights, it is also a tangible commitment of each person as to their shared Christian stewardship within our Cathedral Community. If you have any questions, please speak with a member of the clergy or the churchwardens

Chapter News – 2022 Accounts

Chapter met on Monday evening to review and agree the 2022 Annual Financial Accounts as well as take reports on the operations of the Cathedral
The Cathedral’s’ financial year runs from 1 January to 31 December each year and the approved accounts must be presented to the APCM by the end of May the following year.
Our external auditors, Sheen Stickland, have agreed our 2022 accounts with an “unqualified opinion” and confirmed the Cathedral as a “going concern.” They did, as the Cathedral’s previous auditors have done, highlight the need for increased revenue or decreased expenditure to ensure the Cathedral remains a going concern.
A meeting of Cathedral Council is set for 3 May to receive the Accounts that will then be published two weeks before the APCM. The Annual Review will be an online publication this year and will be published shortly before the APCM on the 25 May.

Worship & visiting

Every day, Portsmouth Cathedral is open for worship, prayer, and visiting. Unless otherwise specified, services do not require booking. Our website contains orders of service as well as information about visiting the Cathedral.

Changes to upcoming to Taizé-style Worship

Please note due to our Coronation celebrations during the first weekend of May, our Taizé-style Worship will take place the week before, on Sunday 30 April.

Prayers and Intercessions

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community:  Jane, Edward, Martyn, Richard, Chris, Jean, Alan, Margaret, Alistair, Beverley, Ann, Yvonne,
and all those in need.  
Long-term sick including: Rachel, Hazel, Sophie, John, Graeme, Peter, Rosemary, Sean, Suzy, Andrew, Sarah, Alison, Jill, and Judith.  
We pray for those who have died recently, including:
Shirley Coward (burial of ashes on Sunday), Doris Sheath, Ray Keele RIP.  

Shirley Coward

Anyone who remembers Shirley is invited by her nieces to attend the Burial of Ashes, if they wish. The short ceremony will take place this Sunday (23 April), after the 11am Eucharist, in the Memorial Garden.

Upcoming Services & Events

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Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

Have news or story you’d like to share? Submit a notice 📰

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