Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | Sunday, 23 July

A reflection from Kitty Price

 I am two weeks into the school holidays, and one of the things I have enjoyed doing is getting into some good books. A recent favourite is How to Kill your Family by Bella Mackie. Darkly comedic, it gives you a few tips should you be tempted to break a couple of the 10 Commandments! I've just started Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus. Finding yourself lost in a story is not only refreshing, but it increases your understanding of other people’s lives and the world around us.
That Jesus taught his followers using stories, however difficult they could be to understand, shows that storytelling is one of the best ways to communicate a message. Think of the labourers in the vineyard, the parable of the good Samaritan, and the Lost Sheep. They transport us back two thousand years to the world of Judaism that was about to experience the ultimate plot twist of Jesus’ resurrection and the subsequent birth of Christianity, yet they are just as relevant to our world today.
Over the coming weeks the cathedral will hold the Festival of Storytelling, and I hope that this is something we can all experience. Perhaps it will give you an opportunity to meet somebody new or even someone you already know and exchange some of your stories and start new ones together.
The calligraphy exhibition also reminds me of stories. I often think of the mediaeval monks and nuns who spent years learning how to write calligraphy with an expert precision that eludes me. I think of their stories, what brought them to monastic living, what they were thinking when they wrote out the Bible. It’s all this imagining which often keeps my brain in overdrive.
When Harriet Neale-Stevens joins us in September as our new Canon Chancellor, we will get to know her story and she ours. This will begin a new chapter in the wider story of Portsmouth Cathedral, which joins in the stories of the city, Diocese, nation, and the worldwide, Christian community. Though we may have different theological approaches to our Christian faith, perhaps it is a useful reminder that there are many different types of literature, and we can all be found in the same bookshop. 
Whichever book you pick up, I hope you the find time over the summer to lose yourself in a good story. 
Kitty Price
Cathedral Reader (particularly appropriate title for today!) 

Kitty's Top 10 favourite books so far…

1.       To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
2.     Embers by Sándor Márai
3.     The Christmas Mystery by Jostein Gaarder
4.     Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
5.     Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare
6.     Birds without Wings by Louis de Bernières
7.     Knowledge of Angels by Jill Paton Walsh
8.     The World’s Wife by Carol Ann Duffy
9.     A History of Western Architecture by Sir Bannister Fletcher
10.   The Birth of the Messiah by Raymond E Brown

Community News

Final Events Unveiled for the Festival of Storytelling -  Starting this Monday!

 Portsmouth, July 2023 - The Festival of Storytelling at Portsmouth Cathedral, are pleased to announce the final events as part of its extraordinary programme, promising to enchant and captivate visitors of all ages. Alongside the wider programme featuring free story sessions, hands-on activities and outdoor theatre, the final events encapsulate storytelling and fashion with an after-dark experience; "The Curiosities of the Cathedral Library", and a special exhibition featuring the iconic dress worn by local MP, the Right Honourable Penny Mordaunt, at the Coronation of King Charles III.
Portsmouth Cathedral are pleased to be working with one of our local MPs; Penny Mordaunt, inviting visitors to delve into the enthralling world of storytelling through fashion. At this special exhibition, see a piece of modern history up close, and learn more about the symbolism behind its design and embroidery. The exhibition is part of the Festival of Storytelling and will be on display for a limited time, from Monday, July 24th until Monday, July 31st.
Penny Mordaunt made history as the first woman to assume the role of Lord President of the Privy Council, participating in this historic Coronation. Her intricately designed dress quickly captured the public's imagination, becoming a symbol of modernity and empowerment. Discover how the dress pays tribute to the vibrant city of Portsmouth, with its stunning teal fabric, fondly called 'Poseidon,' a clear nod to Portsmouth’s maritime heritage. Locals are encouraged not to miss this extraordinary opportunity to see this piece of modern history for themselves. Entry to the exhibition and the Cathedral is free, with visitors encouraged to make a £5 donation per visitor.
Curious explorers are also invited to step into a magical world after dark at Portsmouth Cathedral, with "The Curiosities of the Cathedral Library." This immersive adventure will transport you into a captivating realm where stories come to life through a magical blend of light, projection, and sound. As dusk falls, you and your fellow explorers will embark on a journey to help the bumbling Library Apprentice restore order to the library as stories escape their pages. This unique experience features specially designed projections and sound recordings with contributions from members of the Cathedral and local community, creating an enthralling experience for adventurers of all ages. Taking place on 29 July and 5 August, spaces for this popular after dark experience are limited, so people are encouraged to pre-book online to avoid disappointment!
The wider Festival of Storytelling has several events which are free to enter, alongside craft and activity sessions, Dungeons and Dragons nights, outdoor theatre, art pieces created by local schools, plus much more. For more information and to book tickets for selected event, please visit festivalofstorytelling.com.


Season of Generosity

 As we now enter the time of summer holidays, our annual Season of Generosity nears its end for this year. We thank all who have returned their completed Pledge Forms and encourage those who have not had the opportunity yet to consider their giving, to do so
Your financial support of the Cathedral continues to enable us to do so many things including:

  • offering the rich and varied services of daily worship

  • offering world class musical educational and personal development to nearly 50 choristers each year.

  • reaching out across the Diocese to bring the English Choral tradition local communities through Cathedral Sing.

  • investing in energy projects that have cut our carbon footprint by 55% in just a ten year period making your Cathedral the leading cathedral in this area.

  • offering new services and activities from Pompey Sundays, to Pompey Tots to the Portsmouth Institute and so much more

  • providing financial support to local charities such as the Robert Centre, Mind Solent and Stop Domestic Abuse to support for Toilet Twinning which literally transforms life chances in other countries.

It’s an exciting as well as restful and worshipful place to be, Portsmouth Cathedral.  A community anchored in Jesus Christ, but a beacon to its place and its people and a safe haven for all who visit and worship with us. The Season of Generosity asks that we all consider whether you can support our work with a new or increased regular gift. Donations of all sizes make a real difference and are very gratefully received. Please do consider and pass a completed form in the collection plate, pass it to a member of staff or return to the Cathedral Office by 31 July 2023
In early Autumn we will mark the Season of Generosity and give thanks for the response 
Thank you for your support.


Extended Shop Opening Hours

 We’re pleased to announce that our Cathedral Shop will be opening for longer throughout the week starting from Monday 24th July, thanks to our wonderful volunteers.

  • Monday to Saturday: 10:00am-4:00pm

  • Sunday’s 12:00 (on completion of service) -3:00pm.

As always you can also shop online for delivery or collection on our website.


Welcome to two ordinands on placement

 This week and next we are joined by two people doing placements here at the Cathedral. They are both currently Readers and will be among the group of seven ordinands being ordained Deacon here at Michaelmas by Bishop Jonathan.
Bevaly Rackett is from Brading on the Isle of Wight, currently serving at St John's Ryde, and Coleen Jackson is from Hayling, currently serving at Blendworth, Chalton, Idsworth and Rowlands Castle. They already have a breadth of experience from their Reader ministry, and are engaging with the pattern and range of worship and witness we offer here at the Cathedral and the ways we link with our congregations, community and the wider diocese.


Out and about!

 As part of the Cathedral Ministry Team's ongoing support of parishes. Canon Nick will be taking the 9:00am and 11:00am services at St Wilfrid's, Cowplain this Sunday.
Our COO, Richard attended the Hampshire Chamber of Commerce meeting this past Thursday updating them on activities at the Cathedral including the upcoming Festival of Storytelling and our weeklong exhibition of the Lord Prisident of the Coucil’s Coronation Dress which caused some excitement!


Winchester Cathedral team visit

 Members of the Communications, Events and Visitor Experience teams from Winchester Cathedral visited our Cathedral on Monday, 17 July. They met with their counterparts here (Joseph, Jemima and Rayne) to learn more about how and what we do and to exchange ideas.
Digital Marketing Manager, Joseph said “It was wonderful to meet with counterparts and share new ideas and ways of working, this followed on from a visit we recently made to Winchester Cathedral. We’re looking forward to continuing to workclosely with Winchester and other southern cathedrals, and highlight the eclectic characteristics of each to pilgrims exploring the south coast.”
This is part of a regular exchange of best practice across the cathedral network supported by the Cathedral Administration and Finance Association (CAFA), learn more about their work from their website.


Chapter news

 Chapter's last regular meeting before the summer holidays, David Price, Organist and Master of the Choristers gave a presentation on the work of the music department including Cathedral Sing and reports were received from the Dean, Precentor and COO about the wide variety of activities completed over the last term.
Not least amongst these were the joyful ordination of deacons and priests, the wonderful diocesan school leavers’ services (so ably supported by our volunteers), the installation of a new AV system (thanks to funding from the EIG/Benefact Trust), the launch of our eye catching new brand (which was externally launched at a meeting of the Church Commissioners and Archbishops’ Council in June) to our participation in national conferences as guest speakers highlighting the good work being done here to diversity income to support mission and interventions to decrease our carbon footprint by 55% over the past ten years to protect God's world and so much more.
Over the next few months, we look forward to the upcoming Festival of Storytelling from 24 July–13 August, the launch of our new website and our hosting of the national conference of COOs and CFOs of the 42 English cathedrals in September, a BBC Radio 3 live broadcast, to the Choir tour to Belgium in December and so much more.
A financial update was also given highlighting the pressures caused by the rapid inflation of prices over this current year.  Your continued support and pledging for the coming year during this Season of Generosity is very much appreciated.
Dean Anthony commented, “It was truly amazing to hear of the variety of services and activities successfully completed and those planned for the coming months. Your continued financial support and the active engagement of volunteers make all of this possible.  I remain very grateful to my volunteer, staff and clergy colleagues for all they do in continuing to make our Cathedral that beacon in and for our community, Diocese and wider afield.”

Christian Aid Week – Thank you

 Enormous thanks and congratulations to all who helped in any way to raise the magnificent total of £2,600.20 for Christian Aid Week. This includes proceeds from the Cathedral envelope and cash collection, the online e-envelope and QR code, a Cream Tea, a Friends Coffee Morning plus the Gift Aid claimed and thus exceeded our target of £2500. 
Well done, everyone – Sue Ward

CCTV notice

 Between 21-31 July 2023, CCTV will temporarily operate in the Welcome Area. Appropriate advisory notices have been placed in the area to make people aware that CCTV is in operation. We have taken these steps to better secure the Lord President of Council's Coronation dress.

Friends’ Yearbook 2023

 Members of the Friends should now have received the latest  Friends’ Yearbook  In addition to the standard articles from the Bishop, the Dean, the Chair of the Friends’ Council and details of the next AGM which takes place on Sunday 24September, this edition contains Archdeacon Kathryn’s reflection on her three years plus at the Cathedral, a fascination article by Joanna Godfree entitled ‘Let the Building Speak, the story of the Cathedral shop and much more. If you would like to be a member of the Friends, please see the Cathedral website at which contains an Application Form or contact friends@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

Honorary Canons Preaching

 On Sunday 23 July at our 11:00am Eucharist we are delighted to welcome the Venerable Andrew Hillier KHC, Chaplain of the Fleet and Archdeacon for the Royal Navy and a Cathedral Honorary Canon as our preacher.  The service is the annual remembrance of  Henry VII’s flagship, Mary Rose, and commemoration of those who died on 19 July 1545 and we look forward to being joined by members of the Mary Rose Trust and its supporters.
This year’s series of sermonsby our Honorary Canons on the subject of “I believe in...” continues on Sunday 30 July when we welcome the Revd Canon Will Hughes (Petersfield) as our preacher at Choral Evensong.

Worship & visiting

Every day, Portsmouth Cathedral is open for worship, prayer, and visiting. Unless otherwise specified, services do not require booking. Our website contains orders of service as well as information about visiting the Cathedral.

Visiting Choir this weekend: City of London Chamber Choir

We are pleased to be welcoming a number of visiting choirs to Portsmouth Cathedral over summer months, this weekend we’re pleased to be joined by the City of London Chamber Choir for services over the weekend – see our service list for full details.

Prayers & Intercessions

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Joseph, Mathai, Jeff, Nuno, Edward, Chris, Janet, Richard, Carol and all those in need.

We give thanks for the progress and recovery of: Piers and Beatrix.

We continue to pray for the long-term sick, including: Anne, Giles, Alistair, Yvonne, Renee, Beverley, Rachel, John, Graeme, Peter, Suzy, Sarah, Alison, Jill, and Jude.

We remember those who have died, including: Jane Isaac, Alan Williamson, Andrew Geitzen, Marian Pryce RIP.

Upcoming Services & Events

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Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

Have news or story you’d like to share? Submit a notice 📰

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