Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | Sunday, 16 July

A reflection from Canon Jo

There is a book by Iain McGilchrist about how our brain works, and how we can regain a saner and healthier perspective on the world. Called ‘The Master and His Emissary’ (referring to the left and right hemispheres and how they interact) it is a substantial read – but there are a couple of shorter summaries now available: ‘The Divided Brain and the search for meaning’ and ‘Ways of Attending’.
McGilchrist tells a fascinating story about the importance of music for our wellbeing and our mental health. There was a French monastery where chanting the psalms was curtailed in the 1960s after Vatican II, and the monks found themselves listless, exhausted, irritable and prone to illness. A medical expert was brought in to try to diagnose their ills, and when the abbot was persuaded to reinstate chanting, the community found itself reinvigorated and renewed.
Music is important for our spiritual health, as individuals and communities. So it is a great treat that the Lunch Club ‘summer special’ on Monday 17th from 12noon onward in Becket Hall will include a singalong of favourite songs and hymns, before a ‘high tea’ style lunch. All are welcome to come along.
There are conversations taking place about having an informal singalong more regularly, and perhaps a ‘songs of praise’ style simple service occasionally, as part of our offer to invite people to share in the joys and benefits of music and singing. This will fit well with the outreach that our Cathedral Anna Chaplaincy will look to make possible.
Even in the stress of exams, some of our A-level choristers said how important it was for them to have the outlet of singing still, and it is wonderful to see how well people recall songs across the years. Songs can recall us and restore us, almost miraculously sometimes, even in cases of dementia when music stimulates something very significant and positive within us.
So come along and singalong on Monday if you want. And look out for further singing opportunities to come.
The Reverend Canon Jo Spreadbury,
Canon Precentor

Community News

Season of Generosity 2023

 The Season of Generosity, our annual period where we invite everyone from our cathedral community to consider their giving.
Your continued support of the Cathedral with God’s help make the amazing things we do here for and with the community possible. For example, starting on the 24thof July and over the following three weeks we will have our Festival of Storytelling designed and created in-house by our own Events Manager, Jemima Crayden. During the Festival we will see 42 different story sessions, workshops plus live performances of Sense and Sensibility and an immersive experience as participants are invited to explore the curiosities within our walls. 
The vast majority of these events are free or cost £1 to participate in a workshop and are designed to work with the City’s objective of providing summertime family-friendly activities in this time of hyper-inflation.  Your continued financial support for your Cathedral makes this all possible.  Also do please come and enjoy all the activities yourself and with your families! See what the staff and volunteers of your Cathedral community have developed for the benefit of all in Portsmouth
This past week you should have received a letter from the Dean explaining more about the Season of Generosity. You can also learn more about how your gift makes a difference, and why your continued support is so vital, by visiting portsmouthcathedral.org.uk/generosity
The Season of Generosity asks that we all consider whether you can support our work with a new or increased regular gift. Donations of all sizes make a real difference and are very gratefully received. Thank you to all those who have already returned your pledge forms.
Please do consider and place a completed form in the collection plate, pass it to a member of staff or return it to the Cathedral Office.
In early Autumn we will mark the Season of Generosity and give thanks for the response
Thank you for your support.

Extended Shop Opening Hours

 We’re pleased to announce that our Cathedral Shop will be opening for longer throughout the week starting from Monday 24thJuly, thanks to our wonderful volunteers.

  • Monday to Saturday: 10:00am-4:00pm

  • Sunday’s 12:00pm (on completion of service) -3:00pm.

As always you can also shop online for delivery or collection on our website.

Chapter news

 Chapter's last meeting before the summer holidays, David Price, Organist and Master of the Choristers gave a presentation on the work of the music department including Cathedral Sing and reports were received from the Dean, Precentor and COO about the wide variety of activities completed over the last term.
Not least amongst these were the joyful ordination of deacons and priests, the wonderful diocesan school leavers’ services (so ably supported by our volunteers), the installation of a new AV system (thanks to funding from the EIG/Benefact Trust), the launch of our eye catching new brand (which was externally launched at a meeting of the Church Commissioners and Archbishops’ Council in June) to our participation in national conferences as guest speakers highlighting the good work being done here to diversity income to support mission and interventions to decrease our carbon footprint by 55% over the past ten years to protect God's world and so much more.
Over the next few months, we look forward to the upcoming Festival of Storytelling from 24 July–13 August, the launch of our new website and our hosting of the national conference of COOs and CFOs of the 42 English cathedrals in September, a BBC Radio 3 live broadcast, to the Choir tour to Belgium in December and so much more.
A financial update was also given highlighting the pressures caused by the rapid inflation of prices over this current year.  Your continued support and pledging for the coming year during this Season of Generosity is very much appreciated.
Dean Anthony commented, “It was truly amazing to hear of the variety of services and activities successfully completed and those planned for the coming months. Your continued financial support and the active engagement of volunteers make all of this possible.  I remain very grateful to my volunteer, staff and clergy colleagues for all they do in continuing to make our Cathedral that beacon in and for our community, Diocese and wider afield.”

Christian Aid Week – Thank you

 Enormous thanks and congratulations to all who helped in any way to raise the magnificent total of £2600.20 for Christian Aid Week. This includes proceeds from the Cathedral envelope and cash collection, the online e-envelope and QR code, a Cream Tea, a Friends Coffee Morning plus the Gift Aid claimed and thus exceeded our target of £2500. 
Well done, everyone – Sue Ward

Want to try the tango?  - The Divine Dance, 22 July

 Ever wanted to learn the Argentine tango? Now is your chance. On Saturday, 22 July the Cathedral is having a day celebrating the Argentine tango and looking at how it connects to our spirituality.
If you want to give the dance a try, come to the absolute beginners’ lesson from 10:30am to midday.  No experience necessary and no need to book with a partner.
From 2:30pm–4:00pm the Revd Catherine Edenborough will be leading a session on the links between tango and spirituality. Many people think of the tango as a sexy dance, but we will find that it is a sensual and deeper experience than you might imagine!
In the evening, the nave will be transformed into a tango salon and the dance floor will be open to experienced tango dancers from 7:30pm-11:30pm. If you are curious about the tango and would like to watch the dancing, there are limited seats for observers too.
Learn more and book tickets →

Festival of Storytelling - We Need Your Books!

 As part of the Festival of Storytelling we will be creating reading corners and book related art from donated books. From Tuesday 11 July to Sunday 23 July, a donation point will be in the North Cloister for books to be collected. We are collecting books appropriate for all age ranges and in any condition.
Thank you – you can learn more about the festival here →

Grateful thanks to our retiring Head Guide

Cathedral Guides, staff and friends gathered on Thursday afternoon in Becket Hall for High Tea including prosecco to mark the retirement of Margaret Wilson as our Head Guide.  Led by the Dean, thanks was given both for her leadership of the Guides over the past six years and that she will remain on as one of our valued guides! In finest Star Trek fashion, Margaret wished that we all “Lived Long and Prospered!”
The Dean was also delighted announced that Jonathan Randall had agreed to become Head Guide.
If you’re interested in becoming a Guide, learn more here or speak with Jonathan or one of our guides. It really is an amazing opportunity to learn about the life and history of the cathedral and parish and to then engage with our visitors who come from the four corners of the Earth. You can also get in touch with our Volunteer coordinator if you’re interested in volunteering in other capacities at the Cathedral.

Calling All Volunteers: Let's Make Jam for Christmas!

 Summer is here, and with it comes an abundance of delicious fruits ripening under this glorious weather we've been enjoying.  Making Jams and chutneys can be a creative and fun experience.  Why not get together with friends and create something infused with creativity, whether it's experimenting with unique flavour combinations, adding special ingredients like spices or herbs, or creating beautifully designed labels and packaging. The attention to detail and the artistic expression involved add a touch of magic to homemade products, making it even more appealing to potential buyers.   Our goal is to prepare a variety of delectable jams, preserves and chutneys ready for our much-anticipated Christmas Fair on December 9th. The funds raised from the sale of these delightful jars will go towards supporting the mission of our Cathedral Church.

Canon Jane Isaac RIP

David and Thomas would like to thank everyone who has sent the wonderful messages of support which they have received following Jane’s death.  Her ashes will be interred in the Cathedral’s Memorial Garden at a date to be announced.

Friends’ Yearbook 2023

 The Friends’ Yearbook has now been published and copies will be delivered in the post to members over the next few days. In addition to the standard articles from the Bishop, the Dean, the Chair of the Friends’ Council and details of the next AGM which takes place on Sunday 22nd September, this edition contains Archdeacon Kathryn’s reflection on her three years plus at the Cathedral, a fascination article by Joanna Godfree entitled ‘Let the Building Speak, the story of the Cathedral shop and much more. If you would like to be a member of the Friends, please see theCathedral websiteat which contains an Application Form.

Worship & visiting

Every day, Portsmouth Cathedral is open for worship, prayer, and visiting. Unless otherwise specified, services do not require booking. Our website contains orders of service as well as information about visiting the Cathedral.

Visiting Choir this weekend: City of London Chamber Choir

We are pleased to be welcoming a number of visiting choirs to Portsmouth Cathedral over summer months, this weekend we’re pleased to be joined by the City of London Chamber Choir for services over the weekend – see our service list for full details.

Prayers & Intercessions

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Joseph, Mathai, Jeff, Nuno, Edward, Chris, Janet, Richard, Carol and all those in need.

We give thanks for the progress and recovery of: Piers and Beatrix.

We continue to pray for the long-term sick, including: Anne, Giles, Alistair, Yvonne, Renee, Beverley, Rachel, John, Graeme, Peter, Suzy, Sarah, Alison, Jill, and Jude.

We remember those who have died, including: Jane Isaac, Alan Williamson, Andrew Geitzen, Marian Pryce RIP.

Upcoming Services & Events

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Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

Have news or story you’d like to share? Submit a notice 📰

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