Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | Sunday, 27 August 2023

A reflection from David Price

This Summer has whisked by! Or is it because I’m getting old? Childhood summer holidays stretched out ahead of this small boy – giving time to play, to escape school and to go hunting churches near our holiday cottages for interesting pipe organs – I became adroit at knowing where the resident organist hid the organ key.
Next week sees the return of our cathedral choirs – new scholars, new choristers and soon a new Canon Chancellor. We thank all our visiting choirs for helping lead our worship during our own choir holidays, and particularly this weekend, The Peterborough Chamber Choir, who make a welcome return to Portsmouth since their last visit in 2017.
We are immensely grateful to all our summer visiting choirs for the time, effort and expense it means to bring a group of singers, organist and conductor to Portsmouth for a long weekend. We have enjoyed their contributions to our worshipping life and witness.
Our own musicians have a busy new term ahead of them – we look forward to singing Evensong for the CAFA Conference, hosted here in Portsmouth next month; several Cathedral Sing projects out in the diocese, Seafarers' Service, the 10th Anniversary of Cathedral Consort; a BBC Radio 3 broadcast and a tour to Belgium ahead of a busy Christmas schedule. Please do say hello to new members of the choir when they sing their first Sunday services on 10 September. 

David Price
Organist and Master of the Choristers

Community News

Sustainability September

The care of God’s Earth is a core value for all Christians.
Over the month of September, we will take the time to reflect on some of the practical things we each can do to conserve the environment (and lower our energy bills) culminating in our Harvest Sunday services on the 24 September 2023 which will include a visit from the City’s Energy Services team to provide practical tips.

  • In next week’s Notices (3 September) we will share the results of our second annual Warmth Survey where all members of the congregation were asked over the past few months to tell us how the Cathedral felt “warmth-wise” when they came for worship and other activities.

  •  On 3 September, a simple Home Energy Audit one-page questionnaire will be distributed.  Developed by the City Council, the audit is an easy way to see where each of us can lower our carbon footprint (and energy bills) at home. Everyone is encouraged to fill one out and bring it to services on Sunday morning, 24 September for the City’s Energy services team to review with you (more on this below).

  • On the 10 and 17, the first of our monthly Eco Tips will appear providing practical examples of what we can each do in our daily life to better conserve the environment.

  • Harvest Sunday on the 24 September - at the 9:30am and 11:00am services interviews during the services with our own Dr Nick Pepin, Lay Clerk and leading authority on Climate Change and Gareth Williams, the City’s Head of Energy Services.

After each of these services, members of the City’s energy services team will be there to discussyour completed Home Energy Auditquestionnaire with you and to outline practical tips that you can do in your home to decrease your bills and carbon footprint.
Under the leadership of our Climate Change Champion, Sue Ward, we are in the final stages of completing the work to become anEco Church Silver Cathedral.  It is hoped to gain this designation later in the autumn and then onto Gold tsatus.   To learn more about theEco Church website →

Food donations for Harvest Thanksgiving

This September, we will be joining with parishes across Portsmouth deanery, local community groups, schools and others during the Harvest thanksgiving season. Highlighting how we can all support those on the margins by donating with thankful hearts to the various Foodbanks etc, in our city. ‘With Thankful Hearts’ which has been running for the last three years, is based at St Mary’s Church, Portsea and is led by the Revd Canon Bob White, working with a number of churches and organisations in the city. You can find out more here. Donations can be made at any time of the year to any of the food banks listed, as well as at St Mary’s Church from 1 September until 2 October.
A Roberts Centre food bank can be found in the Cathedral cloister.

Ride & Stride

Ride & Stride is the annual opportunity to visit churches in the diocese and raise money for the Cathedral in the process.  You can travel on foot, by bicycle or other means of transport and be sponsored for each church you visit or for completing a certain route. If you are interested to take partfind out more →

Out and About

On Thursday, the Dean attended a Flag Raising in Guildhall Square to mark Ukranian Independence Day and on 10 August, the Revd Catherine said prayers at the dedication of the new memorial plaque in Guildhall Square commemorating those who completed National Service.
Over the summer the Ministry Team and our retired clergy have been helping churches in vacancies and during the holidays.  Canon Anthony and the Revd Richard Owen have provided cover at at St James', Milton and Canon Nick at St Philip's, Copnor.

“I believe in…” Honorary Canon Sermon Series

The next in our series of sermons by the Honorary Canons of Portsmouth Cathedral will be the Venerable Peter Sutton on 3 September, for Evensong at 5:45pm.

August Bank Holiday

On Monday, 28 August, our service times are changed due to the public holiday.  Morning Prayer will be at 9:00am followed by Holy Communion at 9:20am and Evening Prayer will be held at 4:00pm.
The Cathedral will close at 4:45pm after Evening Prayer and the Cathedral Offices will be closed for the day, reopening on Tuesday.

Christmas around the corner…

Donations for Christmas Fair

Whilst you are out and about or at home sorting a few things please keep the Christmas Fair in mind. Getting donations of raffle prizes is much harder in these difficult economic times. One of the best methods I have found is to be bold enough to ask whilst you are already using the services of a company.
Read more →

Christmas Cards in the Shop

We’ve had many requests from the Cathedral congregation, for Christmas cards to be available for purchase earlier in the autumn than we have done in previous years. These cards support the work of the Cathedral and the Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral and will be available for purchase in the Cathedral Shop starting 16 September.

Inquest following the death of Nadjia

At the beginning of August, an Inquest took place following the sad death of Nadjia Carpenter on 18 October 2022.
While the Record of Inquest is not in the public domain, following an approach by Liz Hastings (the Cathedral’s designated professional safeguarding lead) the coroner agreed to share the text with the cathedral. In so doing the coroner stated that he was aware Nadjia worked at the cathedral, but that nothing in the evidence concerned her work or the support that was provided. He was happy to release the Record to help explain the circumstances of her death. 
The Record of Inquest concludes that traumatic events from Nadjia’s past led to acute stress and anxiety in the present, leading her to take her own life. She had not expressed the full extent of her distress to those around her and to all seeking to provide support.
Needless to say,the Record of Inquest makes for profoundly sad reading. We continue to remember Nadjia with great affection and gratitude, and are glad that the memorial bench bearing her name is one of the most popular on the cathedral green.
As the first anniversary of Nadjia’s death approaches, we continue to be in touch with and pray for her family. May she rest in peace.
Anthony Cane,
Dean of Portsmouth

Worship & visiting

Every day, Portsmouth Cathedral is open for worship, prayer, and visiting. Unless otherwise specified, services do not require booking. Our website contains orders of service as well as information about visiting the Cathedral.

Service of Healing and Wholeness

On the first Wednesday of the month at 12:00pm we celebrate a Eucharist of Healing and Wholeness with anointing in St Thomas' Chapel. This service provides a quiet space with Holy Communion to pray for those who are sick or struggling in any way. There is the opportunity to be anointed with oil and time for prayer ministry with one of our ministry team.

The next service is on Wednesday 5 July at midday. We look forward to seeing you there.

Licensing of Readers and Lay Ministers

Chris Nicol, our former Churchwarden, will join the Cathedral Ministry Team following his licensing at the Licensing Service to be held 11:00am on Saturday 1 July.  Please come and support him.

Prayers & Intercessions

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community:Simon, Edward, Margaret, Philip, Judith, Mathai, Nuno, Chris, Carol and all those in need.
We continue to pray for the long-term sick, including:Joseph, Richard, Janet, Anne, Alistair, Yvonne, Renee, Beverley, Rachel, John, Graeme, Peter, Suzy, Sarah, Alison and Jill.
We remember those who have died:Hilary Spurgeon (Lay Canon Emeritus), Paul Bass (Funeral 1:15pm, Thursday 31 August), John Huffell (Service of Remembrance and Celebration 2:00pm, Wednesday 30 August) RIP.

Canon Hilary Spurgeon RIP

It is with sadness that we have to report that Canon Hilary Spurgeon died earlier this morning, after a long battle with cancer. Hilary was a Reader at Binstead and Havenstreet, served for many years on our Readers’ Board, and remained Deputy Warden of Readers and treasurer of the Readers’ Board until her death.  She was a Lay Canon Emeritus of the Cathedral, had also served her parish, deanery and the diocese in a number of governance roles and the Cathedral as a Duty Chaplain, Lay Member of Chapter and of the Cathedral Council. We will let you know details of her funeral as soon as they are available.

Upcoming Services & Events

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Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

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