Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | 29 January 2023

A reflection from Revd Hannah

On Wednesday we completed the week of prayer for Christian Unity, and I wonder where the week has taken us? Are we united yet?
There is much to do in prayer and action in terms of Christian unity. The inequality, conflict and divide between tradition and theology is vast. In last week’s Sunday morning service with the baptism of Florence, St Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians appealed for a cease of division, claiming that each says, ‘I belong to Paul’, ‘I belong to Apollos’ or ‘I belong to Cephas’ or ‘I belong to Christ.’ The Church’s ecumenical links are often weak and inflexible. Divisions exist; and yet we Christians are called to do something about it.
In the last week, the Church has seen distinctly the tension of unity in the bishops’ response to Living in Love and Faith, an extended process of listening, learning and discernment on questions of identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage. An apology has been issued for the discrimination of the Church towards LGBTQI+ people, an offering of new prayers for same sex couples to be used in Church has been issued and documents amended and suspended. For some, the bishops haven’t gone far enough, and for others they have gone too far. There is much to be done here.
Portsmouth Cathedral is part of Inclusive Church, part of a network of Churches, groups and individuals uniting to promote a church that celebrates and affirms every person without discrimination. We aim to create safe spaces of warm welcome and vibrant worship to which all are welcome, all can find a home, and all can worship God in freedom.
Some of these places are listed below, you would be most welcome to join them with us, and many more can be found on our website here.

God calls us to unity, to belong to one another, to call out the best in one another, to prefer one another. So whether we claim to belong to Welby, or Wimber or Wesley, we strive, pray and discern what unity means for Portsmouth Cathedral and what it means for me and you.
God Bless,
The Reverend Hannah Barraclough,
Cathedral Curate

Dates for your diary…

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Community News

Yoga is now back at the Cathedral, see our What’s On section for monthly dates.

THIS SATURDAY: Trail and hands-on activities celebrate the humble LEGO® brick!

Bring the whole family and discover hidden figures as you explore the beautiful Portsmouth Cathedral through a fun and interactive LEGO®-themed trail. The trail is open 28 January from 12pm to 3pm and it is completely free to participate.
Read more →

A wonderful turn-out for the annual Muslim Christian Evening with Wessex Jamaat

Portsmouth Cathedral was delighted to host the 28thannual Muslim Christian Evening, with our friends from the Wessex Jamaat, on 17 January. This was the first meeting to be held in person since 2020, and the theme for the evening was ‘Vocation in everyday life’. 
The Very Revd Dr. Anthony Cane, Dean of Portsmouth, welcomed everyone and spoke of the joy we experienced at being able to see each other face to face once more. Speaking on the theme, Maya Fatemah described calling as being God’s gift, like a seed within us, which we need to use for good, and Jen Todd spoke of how her faith is based on hope – that through all the choices she makes, God will be with her. 
Sheikh Fazle Abbas Datoo said that we need each other as humans, and encouraged us to build bridges of love, learning from one another and removing misconceptions, and there was a discussion in small groups, over a delicious bring-and-share meal, about how faith was shaping people’s lives. Music was provided by the choral scholars of Portsmouth Cathedral, and the accounts of the Annunciation, from the Bible and the Qur’an, were read. We are all looking forward very much to meeting next year, and to planning for the 30thanniversary event in 2025!

Chapter News

Chapter met on Wednesday evening (25 January) for its first regular meeting of 2023.
Chapter received a presentation from the Cathedral’s new Visitor Experience Manager, Rayne Skora.  Only two months in post, Rayne highlighted work already underway as well as outline plans for enhancing the Cathedral as a place for all to visit, experience and worship in.
Chapter discussed continued next steps in the implementation of the Cathedrals Measure 2021 here at Portsmouth. Liz Snowball, as the Cathedral lead on the introduction of the Measure, provided an update on background work being completed and the efforts of the Working Group comprised of members of both Cathedral Council, Chapter, the COO and Liz. The group meets again on Tuesday and there will be more information about the Measure in the coming weeks and months.
Chichester-based accountancy firm, Sheen Stickland was appointed Cathedral financial auditors for the 2022 audit.  Sheen Stickland carry out accountancy work with over 180 charities and currently are the auditors for Chichester Cathedral.
Reports from the Chancellor, Precentor and COO highlighted the depth and breadth of work being carried out across the Cathedral and into the community by Cathedral volunteers, staff, and Ministry Team.
Highlights included:

  • A return to regular Advent and Christmas services led by Canon Jo with each one very well attended. 

  • Income over this period from collections totalled just under £7,000 which is a great improvement from 2020 and 2021, but has not yet returned  to pre-Covid levels of giving of circa £8,000.

  • Events activities, led by Jemima Crayden, saw revenue of just under £14,000 over the Christmas period including from the CRUK and Gabrieli/ROAR events.

  • Chapter authorised Rosemary Fairfax, BEM, and Rachael Forder to train as the Cathedral’s first two Anna Chaplains.  To find out more about this important chaplaincy please click: Anna Chaplaincy - Diocese of Portsmouth (anglican.org)

  • Matt Hill is the new chair of the Portsmouth Cathedral Choir Association (PCCA). The PCCA does important work in supporting the choir as well as through events like “Seafood on the Green”. Congratulations Matt and many thanks for taking on this important role. 

Highlights of Cathedral Clergy working throughout the Diocese assisting parishes especially where they are in interregna with their Sunday services as well as the Music Team supporting parishes with their music making.

Heating Feasibility Study begins

On 8 February, work begins on the Heating Feasibility Study. This study will inform the heating choices Chapter will have to make over the next few years as the ageing heating system in the Cathedral will have to be replaced with a much more energy efficient system as we work toward Net Zero 2030 targets. The study will look at a whole site heating solution, including the Cathedral and Cathedral House. Costs for such a replacement are in the region of £400,000 - £500,000.
This study has been made possible through the generous funding from the Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral and the Church Commissioners.  To learn more about the Friends and how you can become a memberplease visit our website →

Fairtrade Breakfast – Sunday 19 February

Save the date in your diary - Sunday, 19 February for our Fairtrade Breakfast, taking place at 8:30am, 10:00am and after the 11:00am service. Further details will follow.

NEXT WEEK: National Storytelling Week at Portsmouth Cathedral

Portsmouth Cathedral invites visitors to celebrate National Storytelling Week by creating their own personal story within the walls of the historic Cathedral. From 30 January to 5 February four stations will be set up around the Cathedral where visitors can draw inspiration from the building and prompts provided to create their own unique story.

Diana Villar

Diana’s family invite all those from the Cathedral Community who knew her to a Thanksgiving Service for her life to be held at 11:30am on Tuesday 31 January at the Cathedral.

Worship & visiting

Every day, Portsmouth Cathedral is open for worship, prayer, and visiting. Unless otherwise specified, services do not require booking. Our website contains orders of service as well as information about visiting the cathedral.

Prayers and Intercessions

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Alistair, Lucy, Chris, Martyn, Tom, Beverley, Jude, Don, Jean, Alan, Mags, Rosemary, Margaret and all those in need.
Long-term sick including: Edward, Peter, Graeme, Sarah, Alison, Jane, Jill, Suzy, Andrew, Rachel, John, Babs and Richard.
We pray for those who have died recently, including: Diana Villar (Thanksgiving service at Cathedral Tuesday 31 January 11:30am), John Friars (Funeral at Portchester Crematorium Wednesday 8 February 1:30pm), Arthur Bailey (Funeral at Cathedral Tuesday 23 February 2:45pm), Roy Stickland RIP.

Upcoming Services & Events

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Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

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