Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | 7 May 2023

A reflection from Canon Anthony

This weekend marks the coronation of a new king, and many of you will be watching the service at Westminster Abbey on television, and celebrating with friends and family locally. It is an event of huge historical significance for our nation because it takes us back to the roots of who we are and how our nation was formed. Not only is this the first coronation of a monarch in this country for seventy years, but it is also a unique world event in that the United Kingdom is the only nation that still retains much of the coronation rite from the early middle ages (such as the vesting and anointing) which marked the idea of sacral kingship that was prominent in the second half of the first millennium. This event links us with both the coronation of 1953, and also the coronation of previous monarchs going back to the conversion of England by Augustine’s mission in the sixth century.
Central to the coronation rite is the crowning, as the name suggests; but there are also other elements that describe something about what we, as a country and a church, think that monarchy is about. The anointing of a monarch with chrism, and the vesting of the monarch in priestly vestments, implies that to be a Christian monarch is about more than the wielding of sheer power or authority. Instead we are reminded of two important parts of kingship: firstly, the divine origin of the responsibilities and authority of the state in caring for the people; and secondly, that the role of a monarch has to do with maintaining divine order in church and state. The role of monarch is priestly because it has to do with the care of a people, and upholding justice and peace (by enacting laws that enable the people to be righteous). As with ordination, there is something of awe and wonder about the role: this vocation is an enormous responsibility.
In the ordination rite for priests there are two memorable phrases that are addressed to the ordinands. The first is when the bishop says to the ordinands ‘we trust that long ago you began to weigh and ponder all this’. The second is that ‘you cannot bear the weight of this calling in your own strength, but only by the grace and power of God’. Our prayer this weekend is that, as the new king ponders his new role, he has the support and grace of God to enable him to be a wise and holy monarch.
The Reverend Canon Dr. Anthony Rustell,
Residentiary Canon

Community News

THIS WEEKEND: Celebrate the Coronation with us at Portsmouth Cathedral!

Portsmouth Cathedral will be hosting a weekend of celebrations for the Coronation of HM King Charles III, from 5-8 May. Featuring special services, events, and a special live screening of the Coronation itself on Saturday 6 May.
Special services include Fit for a King, a celebration of the Coronation with music and reflections on Friday 5 May, as well as a Civic Eucharist to Celebrate the Coronation on Sunday 7 May, attended by city officials and the sermon will be preached by the Bishop of Portsmouth.

Families and children can enjoy a family trail, which will engage and educate explorers about the rich history of the Cathedral and the monarchy. After the Civic Eucharist on Sunday, the whole community is invited to grab a chair and join The Big Coronation Lunch! Taking place on the Cathedral’s green, it will be just one of many such lunches taking place nationally across the UK.
We are delighted to offer this unique opportunity to witness the Coronation of King Charles III at Portsmouth Cathedral. This historic event will be an unforgettable experience for everyone, and we are pleased to be able to commemorate this special occasion with the whole community. We can't wait to welcome everyone to celebrate with us for the Coronation Weekend.
See our website for the full programme →

Win our Coronation Crocheted Crown!

Have you seen our very own Shop's Crown?  Handmade to fit a child's head, this Crown has been crocheted especially for Portsmouth Cathedral as part of our Coronation display.  However, it is also now available to win if you can correctly guess its weight. Visit the Shop to enter and while there have a look at our range of celebratory products! The draw will take place after the Coronation ceremony on Saturday 6 May, and the winner will be notified as soon as possible thereafter.
Shop our coronation range online →

Coronation Street Party Ploughman's Lunch

Coronation Street Party Ploughman's Lunch is available to pre-order for the street party on Sunday 7 May and help raise money for the Portsmouth Cathedral Choir Association. Pleasecomplete this formif you'd like to pre-order a Ploughman's lunch for Sunday 7 May. 

  • Cheese Ploughman's £7.00

  • Ham Ploughman's £7.00

  • Cheese and Ham Ploughman's £7.50

Pay on the day (cash or card) & collect from Becket Hall between 12.30pm to 1:00pm and proceeds will be supporting the Portsmouth Cathedral Choir Association.

Beating the Bounds – Sunday, 14 May

All are invited to join us for this historic tradition that we are celebrating again this year! Join us on Rogation Sunday, as, following the 11:00am Eucharist, we walk the boundary of the Cathedral parish.
The total distance one way is about 4 miles, with all welcome to join for the whole route or for a portion. At the end, anyone still feeling fit can walk back (about 1½ miles direct) or we will find a bus or share a ride back from the Ferry Port. Please bring drinks and a sandwich; and sun cream if fine, or waterproofs if wet! It is a fun and friendly occasion, enjoying the open air together and discovering more about our Cathedral parish. Do join us!

More information and expressions of interest,please contact Canon Jo.
See the full route and more info →

Friends Quiz Night – Tuesday, 16 May

Friends are invited to attend Choral Evensong at 5.45pm before the quiz. There will be 4 rounds of questions covering the following subjects:

  • Cathedral history, architecture and personalities

  • History & Politics.

  • Sport.

  • Art, Entertainment & Music

Teams of up to 6. Entry fee £10 per team to be paid on the night. If you wish to enter a team please email Jonathan Lloyd (coljslloyd@gmail.com) listing members of your team by 11 May 2022. Non-members are most welcome to enter a team and the prize for the winning team will be a magnum of champagne.

Road Closures & Parking on the West Front - 7 May

Please note, there will be no parking on the West Front on Sunday (this weekend) 7 May, due to services and events being held for the coronation.
There will also be a road closure on Sunday morning between Oyster Street and St Thomas’s Street for a street party at lunchtime. Please make sure your vehicle is moved before the closure takes place, as you will be unable to move your vehicle once the closure has been put in place.

Next opportunity for Confirmation

On Saturday 26 May, the eve of Pentecost, Bishop Jonathan will lead a Diocesan Baptism and Confirmation service here at Portsmouth Cathedral starting at 5:45pm.
We have a number of Cathedral candidates who will be confirmed by the Bishop at this service - choristers and congregation - some who were unable to be at the recent Easter Vigil Confirmation, and some who have come forward as a result of this.
If you are interested in exploring the possibility of being confirmed (and baptised, if you are not already), please speak to either of our CuratesHannahorCatherine, or toCanon JoorCanon Kathryn.

Cathedrals Measure 2021

Portsmouth Cathedral has begun the planning to implement the Cathedrals Measure (2021). This brings all Church of England cathedrals in England under Charity Commission regulation, in addition to the jurisdiction of the Church Commissioners, and strengthens governance and operational frameworks.  
Some of the key changes at Portsmouth will be:

  • As a result of the Charity Commission registration, members of the Chapter will be subject to the oversight of the Charity Commission, rather than just the Church Commissioners

  • The Chapter will become the sole governing body of Portsmouth Cathedral as Cathedral Council will cease to exist and the College of Canons will no longer be part of the “body corporate” nor have any formal governance role.

Chapter will include both executive and non-executive members and the intention is to continue to have elected representatives on Chapter. New Constitution and Statutes have been drafted and there will be a formal consultation in the summer when everyone can comment.

In advance of the APCM which takes place on 25th May, we have prepared some FAQs which we hope will be of interest and help in understanding the changes that will happen under the Measure.
View the FAQs on our website →

Revision of the Electoral Roll

This year's APCM and Parish Meeting will take place on Thursday 25 May and the revision of the Electoral Roll will take place between 24 April and 8 May. During this time, copies of the current Electoral Roll will be available to view in the Cathedral or at the Cathedral Offices. Forms will also be available for new or returning members of the congregation to join/re-join the Electoral Roll.
The revised Electoral Roll will be published, as required, at least 14 days before the APCM and Parish Meeting. Only those on the revised Electoral Roll will be entitled to vote at the APCM. This year's APCM includes the election of three representatives for Deanery Synod in addition to that for our two Churchwardens, one of whom is also elected as a member of Chapter.

However, the Electoral Roll is more than just voting rights, it is also a tangible commitment of each person as to their shared Christian stewardship within our Cathedral Community. If you have any questions, please speak with a member of the clergy or the churchwardens.

The APCM will include a presentation on the 2022 Financial Statements, which were received by Cathedral Council when it met on Wednesday, and will be published next week.  The meeting will also include a briefing on the Cathedrals Measure.


Recruitment of the new Canon Chancellor 

The deadline for applications to succeed Canon Kathryn was Friday, 28 April 2023.  Shortlisting has taken place, and interviews will be held on  Monday, 22 May 2023.  Do hold both those putting themselves forward as well as the interview panel, led by the Bishop and the Dean, in your prayers. We continue to pray for Canon Kathryn as she prepares to take on her new role as Archdeacon of the Meon.

Worship & visiting

Every day, Portsmouth Cathedral is open for worship, prayer, and visiting. Unless otherwise specified, services do not require booking. Our website contains orders of service as well as information about visiting the Cathedral.

Change to Morning Prayer – Saturday, 6 May

Please note that Morning Prayer will be at the earlier time of 8:45am, to accommodate the screening of the coronation taking place from 9:30am onwards.

Prayers and Intercessions

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community:  Nuno, Jan, Jane, Edward, Richard, Chris, Jean, Alan, Margaret, Alistair, Ann, Yvonne,
and all those in need.  
Long-term sick including:  Beverley, Marianne, Renee, Rachel, Hazel, Sophie, John, Graeme, Peter, Rosemary, Sean, Suzy, Andrew, Sarah, Alison, Jill, and Judith.  
We pray for those who have died recently, including:
Doris Sheath and Martyn Gough RIP.  

We are sad to announce the death of the Venerable Martyn Gough on April 28th. Martyn was a Canon of Honour at Portsmouth Cathedral and was Chaplain of the Fleet and Archdeacon for the Royal Navy from 2018 to his retirement in 2021.

Upcoming Services & Events

See this gallery in the original post

Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

Have news or story you’d like to share? Submit a notice 📰

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