Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | Sunday, 1 October 2023

A reflection from Revd Hannah

The start of October marks the beginning of Black History Month, a time to celebrate the invaluable contributions of black people to British theology, economy, culture, and history. It is also a time to repent of the ways in which we as the church, both corporately and personally have excluded, eradicated, and discriminated against the voices and lived experience of black people. 
As part of the Inclusive Church network, Portsmouth Cathedral has committed to ‘celebrate and affirm every person’ and continue to challenge the Church where it discriminates against members of her body. This is a difficult thing to navigate and to put into practice, and yet we at Portsmouth Cathedral have chosen this way of being as an explicit statement of our mission and ministry, and as Gospel-centred people. It means that we become a church so invested in the welcome of all people irrespective of difference. 
The breath-taking artwork displayed in the Cathedral at the moment entitled ‘Threads Through Creation’ depicts a black Adam and a white Eve. Many of the children that I have taken around point to them and say ‘this looks perfect.’ A perfect world where difference was celebrated and affirmed, which feels a long way from where we are today. The exhibition runs until Sunday 15 October and I would greatly encourage you to spend some time with the tapestries, if you have not already seen them. 
We recognise much diversity within our Church body, and particularly within our choirs and within our toddler group. And we lament at ways in which we have not got this right in the past and try harder to be more attentive in our welcome of all people in the future. 
Below is a collect prayer, and I encourage you to use this as you pray your way through this month. There are some other excellent resources approved by the Church of England for Black History Month here
Compassionate God,
who sent Jesus Christ
to deliver us from all manner of injustices and inequalities,
create in us new hearts and enlarged visions,
to see the image of God in every person
irrespective of background, race and ethnicity.
May we be generous in our love of others
as we work towards ending misunderstanding, racism and injustice; creating communities of human flourishing,
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
The Revd Hannah Barraclough
Cathedral Curate

Community News

Curiosities of the Cathedral Museum – Supporting the Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral

Take a fascinating journey after dark into Portsmouth Cathedral's hidden treasures and stories.
We invite you to explore the secrets and stories of Portsmouth Cathedrals rich history. This extraordinary experience is not just a glimpse into the past; it's an opportunity to embark on a thrilling adventure after dark in the Cathedral. Delve into the intriguing heritage of our Cathedral and city, see rarely seen treasures from our archives, or challenge yourself to become a trainee curator with a family friendly interactive trail.
Our team of historians and guides will be on hand to provide insights into the significance of each artifact, from relics to rare manuscripts. Gain a deeper understanding of the Cathedral's role in the history of Portsmouth and beyond.
Tickets on sale from 28 September online and in the Cathedral Shop. All proceeds from this event will support the work of the Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral.
See more and book online →

Cathedrals Measure 2021 – Q&A session

Portsmouth Cathedral is reviewing its Constitution and Statues as it prepares to come under the jurisdiction of the Charity Commission in addition to the Cathedrals Commissioners.  

There will be a Q&A session at 4.00pm this Sunday, 1 October in Becket Hall to learn more about the changes, all are welcome. The consultation period runs until 10 October.
Read more on our website →

Thank you for the jam!

The Jam & Preserves stall will be popular at the Christmas Fair this year, with many of you getting stuck in to making such delights as Plum Preserve! Thank you to these industrious cooks, who are making use of the washed, label free jam jars, that you have donated. If you have any more, please drop them into the white basket in the North Cloister and if you are making then please collect from the same place.
Don’t forget we will be looking for donations leading up to the Christmas fair of Children’s toys (no clothes), Paperback Fiction Books, Jigsaws, Homeware, Glass & China, Chocolate (check the use-by date), Bottles of Spirits, Wine and Fizz, Jewellery and Scarves, other unwanted gifts and unused toiletries, as well as the all-important raffle prizes! Donations for stalls will be collected during the week prior to the fair.
Please contact me, if you have ideas for new stalls, need me to contact a company regarding a potential raffle prize or if you’d like to be involved with planning the Christmas fair. As ever thank you! I would be lost without all your amazing help and enthusiasm! Save the date - Portsmouth Cathedral Christmas Fair 11am Saturday 9 December followed by Carols On The Green at 5pm. Rachael email: rachael.forder@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk


Sustainability Sunday – thank you

Thank you to Nick Pepin and Antonia Craze for highlighting both the global challenges of climate change and how we can act locally to make a real and meaningful difference.

And thank you the congregation for taking part and engaging with the city, and the advice and practical support they have to offer.
As part of our commitment to conserving God’s creation look out for monthly eco tips throughout the year in these Notices.  Next September we will again take time to reflection on environmental and sustainability issues and ways we can individually have a positive impact.

Safeguarding Committee meets on Tuesday

The Cathedral’s Safeguarding Committee meets on Tuesday morning.  The Committee chaired by our COO, Richard, meets regularly throughout the year to review policy, working practices that are designed to help ensure protection of children and vulnerable adults and ensure a continued smooth working relationship with our partners such as with the schools attended by our choristers. 
“The work of this Committee helps to ensure we continuous reflect on our policies and practice as these are important foundation stones underpinning our mission of being that “Beacon and Safe Haven: Anchored in Jesus Christ.” says Richard.
It will be Canon Harriet’s first meeting.  She takes over as Chapter Safeguarding Lead from the Dean on 10 October 2023. 

Fabric Advisory Committee meets on Tuesday

The Fabric Advisory Committee (FAC) meets later on Tuesday morning for its autumn meeting. The Committee will take regular reports and will also review the recently completed Heating Feasibility report designed to start the process of looking at options to help the Cathedral meet Net Zero targets when replacing its ageing heating system.  This study was made possible through the generous support of the Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral.
The Committee will welcome two new members local architect, Ryan Stock of Pritchard Architecture and Dr Tarek Teba, Reader in Architectural Heritage at the University of Portsmouth. It will also mark the first meeting for the newly appointed Cathedral Archaeologist, Alfred Hawkins, in succession of Richard Whinney.
The meeting will also mark the final meeting of FAC stalwart, Deane Clark who has been a valued and faithful member of the committee for over 20 years is retiring from FAC. His knowledge, skill and insight have been invaluable to the committee's work over this time.
See the agenda on our downloads page →


Staff meeting on Tuesday

So, a bit like London buses, you wait and suddenly three meetings come along.
On Tuesday afternoon the staff meet for their regular monthly meeting. These meetings enable the team to share ideas and to highlight work accomplished over the previous month and what lies ahead. At this week's meeting the team will also review the Cathedral’s Risk Register at the request of Chapter. This document both identifies high level risks and ways we work to mitigate risk.

2023 Cathedral Christmas Cards - Now available in our shop!

Pre-order online

Sustainability September Eco Tips

Get rid of plastic bottles and packaging by choosing biodegradable products like loo paper (e.g. from What the Crap?) and soap bars for washing body and hair (LUSH have a great range and cruelty free).

Worship & visiting

Every day, Portsmouth Cathedral is open for worship, prayer, and visiting. Unless otherwise specified, services do not require booking. Our website contains orders of service as well as information about visiting the Cathedral.

Please note that due to the Great South Run on Sunday, 15 October there may be some changes to our services for that day. Please also take into account road closures may affect your journey time, and some car parking options may be unavailable.

Prayers and Intercessions

We give thanks for those ordained Deacon here at the Cathedral on Saturday to serve in this Diocese: Karen, Coleen, Clare, Nicola, Bevaly, Richard and Larry.

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Philip, Tom, Joan, Judith, Mathai, Philip, Nuno, Carol, Chris and all those in need.

We continue to pray for the long-term sick, including: Ian, Janet, Richard, Rachel, Suzy, Sarah, Alison, Jill, Graeme, Alistair, John and Renee.

We remember those who have died: Beverley Thomas, Jack Nisbet, Emma Stanley, Bishop Keith Riglin, RIP

Upcoming Services & Events

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Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

Have news or story you’d like to share? Submit a notice 📰

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