Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | Sunday, 17 Sep 2023

A reflection from Canon Jo

There is new light and colour in the Cathedral since last week, with the exhibition Threads through Creation lighting up the interior of this sacred space in a very special way. It is a wonderful interpretation of the first chapters of the Book of Genesis, of the creation of the world and of the Garden of Eden; light emerging from darkness as the universe begins and then the days of creation – the eras of evolution, if you like - waters, trees, birds, fish and animals and finally Adam and Eve and the garden. It’s an extraordinary work of imagination, artistry and skill, the many coloured threads catching the light of morning and evening.  
Do look at it over the next few weeks while it is here: it will repay a number of visits, I think. Meeting the artist and creator of Threads, Jacqui Parkinson, was a great privilege when she came to install the panels here. She said how there are symbolic elements in each panel: there may be images for the Holy Spirit or symbols for the Trinity. So there is great theological depth, as well as bright colours and creatures: a feast for mind and eye and heart. 
Jacqui also said that a lot of the edges of the fabric are left unfinished on purpose… we each of us have unfinished things in our lives and experience. There are often loose threads: life is rarely tidy and neat. Yet faith helps connect us back into the totality of things. Our individual lives are a thread among threads, woven by God: we each carry a unique thread of light and life and hope – and each unique thread comes together to make up the whole. 
This Sunday, a new thread will be woven into the rich tapestry of the Cathedral’s history with the installation of Harriet Neale-Stevens as Canon Chancellor. She brings unique gifts and ideas, and her ministry will be a significant part of our future together. New strands of light and colour will be woven alongside the contributions of so many: volunteers, staff, choirs, ministry team, congregations – and there will be lots of visitors and enquirers and newcomers drawn to discover more about faith through her work here, I’m sure. 
As we welcome Harriet, with her husband Simon and their children Mai and Theo, we give thanks for all the friends and supporters who will be here on Sunday for her installation service, all who have been part of her journey to this point. And Threads helps to remind us that we are all supported not only by our earthly friends but also by the unseen world of angels and archangels. The light and beauty of creation point us to the light beyond the light, the meaning behind the meaning, heaven behind and beyond the beauty of earth.  
Canon Jo Spreadbury

Community News

Thank you for your generosity – 2023 Season of Generosity

This year marked the third year that the Cathedral has run its annual Season of Generosity.  This Season provides us all with a chance to reflect on our gifts to the Cathedral be that our time, our financial support, and our prayers for our collective community.
We are pleased and thankful for the response to this year’s Season especially given the financially challenging times we are living in.  Over the course of the four weeks of the Season, planned giving for this coming year was increased by 5.19%. We are grateful to those who increased their giving and those who sustained at their current levels.
Since 2020 planned giving has increased by over 40% and now this additional 5.19% will help us to continue to deliver on the of the aims and objectives of being that “beacon and safe haven, anchored in Jesus Christ”.
This Sunday during the services the pledge forms will be received, and thanks given to God.
Read more on our website →

A CAFA thank you!

Over this past week, the Cathedral hosted the annual conference of the Chief Operating Officers (COO) and Chief Financial Officers (CFO) who help to lead and conserve the Nation's forty-two English Cathedrals.
Our Chief Operating Officer Richard says, "On behalf of my CAFA colleagues, I just want to thank our team of staff and volunteers who through their efforts enabled us to have a hugely successful conference.  As one of my fellow COO's tweeted afterwards 'Particular thanks to the team at Portsmouth Cathedral who have been generous and welcoming hosts throughout.'  So, my thanks and that of the CAFA Executive to you all and to the congregation for being flexible as we changed opening times and the locations of services and activities to accommodate this conference.  I think we did Pompey proud!"
Read more on our website →

The Enneagram: So I know my type... now what?

Saturday 7 October, 10am–3pm at Portsmouth Cathedral (Becket Hall). Facilitated by Revd Ann Leonard & Revd Catherine Edenborough.
Following on from the Introduction to the Enneagram offered in 2022, this session, led by members of the Diocesan Spirituality team, takes us further into understanding how the system can help us deepen our self-awareness and compassion for ourselves and others. 
We will look at each Enneagram type’s wings and arrows and how they contribute to our motivations and drivers. We will also explore practical things we can do once we know our type to move forward, let go of ingrained behaviours which trap us in unhelpful ways and so come closer to the essence of our type.
The session is suitable for those who have a basic knowledge of the Enneagram and an idea of their type.
Tea and coffee will be available. Please bring your own lunch. There is no charge.  Donations on the day are welcome to cover costs. To book, please email Monisola.Orafidiya@portsmouth.anglican.org - please state your Enneagram type in your booking so that we can plan activities accordingly.
For any queries or further information, please contact Revd Catherine Edenborough catherine.edenborough@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

Sustainability September: Home Energy Audit

Tired of ever increasing energy bills?  Worried about the impact burning unnecessary fuels is having on the environment?  Well here is the opportunity, during Sustainability September, to take a practical look at our own energy use and finds ways to decrease our impact on the climate (and our energy bills).
Paper copies of the Energy Audit form are also available in the Welcome area or online.
Read more on our website →

Annual Warmth Survey: The Results

In heating the Cathedral, we work to ensure a comfortable environment for worshipper and visitor alike whilst making every effort to reduce our carbon emissions and heating bills.  All are important aspects of our work and witness.
Our first annual Warmth Survey conducted in 2022 asked you how it felt in the Cathedral and how the heating might be adjusted to lower our energy use (and bills).  In response to that survey, the Cathedral reduced the heating setting by 2 degrees to 16 degrees and delayed turning on the heating until 1 November. Both actions made a significant contribution to containing our energy bills in a very difficult market.
Read more on our website →

Food donations for Harvest Thanksgiving

This September, we will be joining with parishes across Portsmouth deanery, local community groups, schools and others during the Harvest thanksgiving season. Highlighting how we can all support those on the margins by donating with thankful hearts to the various Foodbanks etc, in our city. ‘With Thankful Hearts’ which has been running for the last three years, is based at St Mary’s Church, Portsea and is led by the Revd Canon Bob White, working with a number of churches and organisations in the city. You can find out more here. Donations can be made at any time of the year to any of the food banks listed, as well as at St Mary’s Church from 1 September until 2 October.
A Rowans Centre food bank can be found in the Cathedral cloister.

Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral

The Annual Meeting of the Friends will take place at 4:00pm on Sunday 24 September in Becket Hall.  The meeting will include the election of new members of the Friends’ Council and an update on Friends’ Projects and the
Members of the Friends are encouraged to confirm their attendance or send apologies online.
The Friends event planned for 3 October has been postponed until Saturday 21 October.  More details to follow.

Installation of Canon Chancellor and Vice Dean

Our new Canon Chancellor and Vice Dean, Harriet Neale-Stevens, will be installed during Choral Evensong on Sunday 17 September.  All are welcome to join us but to assess numbers it would be helpful if members of the congregation could fill in the form here.

Read more about Harriet on our website →

Katie Spencer Concert at the Cathedral

Experience the incredible musicianship of Katie Spencer in the unique setting of Portsmouth Cathedral.
Raised in the East Yorkshire flatlands on the fringes of Hull, Katie Spencer’s landscape has always been that of open skies and widening rivers. The song writing, and most notably her guitar playing stems from a time when the steel-stringed instrument was truly finding its voice. Artists like Joni Mitchell, James Taylor and perhaps most evidently Michael Chapman, flow into her sound, carrying with them the warmth and idealism of the early 70’s folk and songwriter movements. Katie Spencer’ widely celebrated new album, The Edge of the Land (2022), follows her debut release, Weather Beaten (2019) which was praised for its unique song-craft, spell-binding musicianship and crystal sonic clarity.
Having recently been a headline act at the Shrewsbury Folk Festival, this is a night not to be missed.

Sustainability September Eco Tips

Double or triple glazing saves heat loss (and money) and reduces noise. Loft insulation can also you warmer and reduces bills!

Worship & visiting

Every day, Portsmouth Cathedral is open for worship, prayer, and visiting. Unless otherwise specified, services do not require booking. Our website contains orders of service as well as information about visiting the Cathedral.

Prayers and Intercessions

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Tom, Philip, Sarah, Jack, Judith, Mathai, Philip, Nuno, Chris, Carol and all those in need.

We continue to pray for the long-term sick, including: Ian, Janet, Richard, Rachel, John, Graeme, Alistair, Beverley, Renee, Suzy, Sarah, Alison and Jill.

We remember those who have died: Emma Stanley, Peter Walker, Hilary Spurgeon RIP.

Upcoming Services & Events

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Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

Have news or story you’d like to share? Submit a notice 📰

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