Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | Sunday, 19 September 2021

A reflection from Canon Kathryn

One of the many striking images from Covid was the sight of empty supermarket shelves as we approached the first lockdown. At the time, it served to reinforce just how weird everything felt. But it also compelled many of us to think, as we never had before, about logistics and supply chains, as we recognised the fragility of human structures, and realised how much we in the developed world rely on their smooth operation.

The last parishes in which I ministered were in a semi-rural setting, surrounded by fields and farming, but even so, people expressed a sense of disconnection with the processes of food production. Here, boats leave the Camber to reap the harvest of the sea, but likewise, unless we are directly involved with these activities, we are often inclined to take them for granted. Covid has provided us with a vivid reminder of our dependence on the world’s resources and our interdependence with each other. And this reminder can also serve to make us deeply thankful for all that we have, because it is only once we perceive our own vulnerability that there is room for us to recognise the grace of God: as King David says (1 Chronicles 29) and as we often say at the offering of the bread and wine in the Eucharist, ‘All things come from you, and of your own do we give you’.

It is in this spirit of gratitude that we are participating in Portsmouth’s citywide harvest campaign, With Thankful Hearts. Working in partnership with the city’s other Church of England churches, we invite you to bring donations of non-perishable food to our Harvest Festival services this Sunday. Your donations will be shared with local food banks, pantries, and larders who provide meals and support to those who are experiencing food poverty, and will help to carry them through the winter months.

Meanwhile, to help us make that connection with our food producers, Ruth Charles, who serves the South Coast ports for the Fishermen’s Mission, will be interviewed at Pompey Sundays this week about the lives of those who work in fishing and the nature of her ministry. And to help us explore further that spirit of dependence on God and interdependence with each other and our world.

Our new Eco Discussion Group will be studying Ruth Valerio’s book Saying Yes to Life (available from our shop) on Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm via Zoom, starting on Tuesday 28 September, do join us.

The Reverend Canon Kathryn Percival,
Canon Chancellor and Vice Dean

In Tune with Heaven: An Evening with Catherine Bott and David Price – 29 September, 6:45pm

Portsmouth Cathedral is delighted to present In Tune with Heaven: An Evening with Catherine Bott and David Price. Join us in the beautiful and historic surroundings of Portsmouth Cathedral’s nave for this very special event with renowned soprano and broadcaster Catherine Bott as she interviews Portsmouth Cathedral’s Organist and Master of Choristers David Price about his passion for music and career as an organist and choral director.

The evening will mark David’s 25th anniversary at Portsmouth Cathedral and all proceeds will support the Cathedral’s new fundraising campaign – Sing Joyfully – which aims to raise the funds for our choirs to flourish over the next 25 years and beyond.

Tickets include a glass of wine or soft drink and doors open from 6:45pm with the conversation beginning at 7:15pm. The event will conclude by 8:30pm.

Find out more and book online today

David Price playing at St Pauls Cathedral this Sunday

This Sunday (19 September), our very own Master of Choristers and Organist David Price, will be playing a live recital at St Paul’s Cathedral. ‘Organ Giants’ celebrates 150 years of the Willis Organ, recitals will be in-person only, though some recitals will be available online at the St Paul's YouTube channel.

Find out more on the St Paul’s website

Sunday Refreshments

We are delighted that refreshments after the 11.00am Sunday Eucharist are now resuming. For now, these will be cold drinks including sherry and a non-alcoholic alternative. Many thanks to Sue Ward and her team; if you would like to help by volunteering to serve refreshments, please contact Sue.

With Thankful Hearts – Portsmouth’s Citywide Harvest 2021

As mentioned in the reflection above, Portsmouth Cathedral are pleased once again to be participating in the citywide harvest, With Thankful Hearts. A year ago people were invited to reflect on their experiences of lockdown and as a sign of our thanks for all the support and care that we had received to donate food or money to support those who provide food to those on the margins.

As with last year’s campaign, this renewed invitation to donate coincides with the season in which we as churches celebrate Harvest Festivals and give thanks to God for all the gifts he has given us by sharing some of those gifts with others who are in need. This practice stretches back through history into the Old Testament and can be traced over thousands of years. This year we will be collecting donations on Sunday 19 September at our harvest services.

Find out more

Cathedral welcomes essential new grant

Portsmouth Cathedral is delighted to welcome a further three-year grant from the Cathedral Sustainability Fund for a fully funded Events Manager post. This new position will work closely with the Visitor Experience and Volunteer Manager (currently being advertised for, and also funded by the CSF) and play a vital role in growing cathedral income, encouraging more people to visit and raising our profile across the city.

Dean Anthony comments: “We are incredibly grateful to the Cathedral Sustainability Fund for their continued commitment to Portsmouth Cathedral. The Fund now supports four members of our team, which is testament not only to our pressing need for financial support but also their belief in our plans to continue turning the Cathedral’s finances around, and deliver on our Vision and Strategy.”

Find out more about careers on our website

Help us find our two new team members!

Recruitment is continuing for two vital new posts: a three-year Visitor Experience and Volunteer Manager and a one-year Records and Information Governance Consultant. Both posts are 100% funded by the Cathedral Sustainability Fund.

The application deadline for both posts is 26 September 2021. Please help us to find some brilliant candidates by sharing these opportunities with friends, family and wider networks.

Find out more about careers on our website

News from Chapter

Chapter met on Wednesday evening primarily to review and approve the 2022 budget for recommendation for receipt by the Cathedral Council on 6 October 2021. A full update will be provided to the congregation after that meeting together with an opportunity to meet and discuss.

Chapter discussed the outcomes of the recent very positive SCIE Safeguarding audit which is due to be published next month. An updated action plan will be shared with the Cathedral Community in October. Diversity and Equality in the workplace and the terms of reference of the Finance and Investment Committee that will become the Finance, Risk and Audit Committee in due course were discussed with both items scheduled for review and decision at Chapter’s November meeting.

Chapter continues to monitor the 2021 budget against target. It remains a challenging year to meet the objectives of the budget in terms of revenue and spending.

Chapter also received an informative presentation from Malina Green, our Head Verger, as part of its regular series of presentations from Department Heads.

News from the Fabric Advisory Committee

The Fabric Advisory Committee met on Tuesday. Progress on the ongoing Quinquennial Inspection was discussed by the committee with a final report outlining works needed over the next five years expected for its November meeting. The committee also noted progress made on commissioning a new Conservation Management Plan, this is an important document alongside the quinquennial findings in helping us to ensure the planned conservation of the Cathedral for future generations. The vacancy for an Archaeological Adviser, following the retirement of Richard Whinney, was also discussed and the post will be advertised in the coming weeks.

During a physical walk through and around the Cathedral, the committee noted works completed during the pandemic and future works requiring attention, and alongside a report from the Digital Marketing Manager discussing the installation of additional live streaming cameras and control system made possible via a grant from the Allchurches Trust.

Details of current applications to the FAC and Cathedrals Fabric Commission for England are here.

Around the Diocese

Last week, the Dean attended the relaunch of Christ Church Gosport on behalf of Bishop Rob.

The Ministry Team and those involved in lay leadership roles are attending a Clergy Day or Lay Conference on Thursday as the future of our diocese and our Live | Pray | Serve vision is discussed.

Canon Anthony is providing ongoing support at All Saints, Ryde during the vacancy.

National Meetings and Conferences

Canon Jo attended the annual Precentors’ Conference at St. Edmundsbury Cathedral, and our Shop Manager attended the Cathedral and Church Shops Association conference in Shrewsbury.

This coming week, the Chief Operating Officer and Finance Officer are participating in the Cathedral Administration and Finance Association (CAFA) conference in London. The Head Verger will also be in London for the annual Deans’ Vergers Conference.

Lunch Club:  can you help?

We are hoping to restart the Cathedral’s popular Tuesday Lunch Club, but we are in great need of volunteers, and if we don’t have enough people to help, we won’t be able to go ahead. If you would consider volunteering, please contact Canon Kathryn.

Worship and Visiting

Portsmouth Cathedral is open daily for prayer, services and visiting. Booking is no longer required for services, unless otherwise indicated.

New pattern of service times

The new pattern of prayer and worship is now in place as we continue to emerge from Covid restrictions.

  • Morning Prayer is said by the ministry team each Monday to Friday in the Cathedral and livestreamed at 8:00am, followed by a Eucharist at 8:30am, only in the Cathedral (not livestreamed).

  • A Midday Eucharist takes place on Wednesdays only (not livestreamed).

  • Evensong and Evening Prayer (when a choir is not present) are at the new time of 5:45pm in the Cathedral. Some Evensong services will be livestreamed.

Find out more on our website and download orders of service.

We continue to take every precaution to reduce the spread of coronavirus, including encouraging the wearing of face-coverings, checking in with the NHS Covid-19 app and remaining at a safe distance from other groups.

Find out more on our Covid-19 information page.

Prayers and Intercessions

All those affected by COVID-19

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Trevor, Derek, Clare, Mervyn, Beverley, Richard, Aaron, Jane, Alan, Libby, Lesley, Hilary and all those in need.

Long-term sick including: Alison, Graeme, Christopher, Clifford, Jane, Johnny, Melissa, Andrew, Jenny, Suzy, Sarah, Bob, Michael, Rita and Izzy.

We pray for those who have died recently: Chris Ahern, Sharon Farrand, Ken Appleford, Jeannette Dowle, June Bryant and Jean Battye RIP.

Upcoming Services & Events

Annual Christmas Fair returns | 4 December 2021

Led by Ann Wilson and a group of dedicated volunteers, the much-loved Cathedral Parish Christmas Fair returns later this year. The Fair will take place on Saturday, 4 December 2021 – so put it in your diaries!! More details to follow via the Notices in the coming weeks. If you would like to volunteer or make things for the stalls, please email info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Toddlers group worship is back | Wednesdays, 2:00pm

We are delighted to announce the return of Toddlers group worship, on Wednesdays at 2:00pm. We start with a service in the St. Thomas's Chapel, and then go over to the Becket Hall for playtime. At the moment we ask parents and carers please to bring snacks for the Toddlers, but we will provide tea and squash.

If you have any queries or need further information, please contact Canon Kathryn.

Lunchtime Live: Rhidian Jones | 23 September, 1:10pm

We’re pleased to welcome Rhidian Jones, organist of All Saints' Church in Marlow, to play our splendid Nicholson organ. His programme features early composers such as Gibbons and J. S. Bach alongside the more contemporary music of Simon Preston.

Find out more

Heritage Open Days 2021 Tours | 18–19 September

Portsmouth Cathedral is joining hundreds of locations opening their doors as part of Heritage Open Days (HODs), which launches nationally today! Invite your family and friends to join us for free tours and digital content you can explore on your phone from 10 September.

Find out more and book online

PCCA: Harvest Celebration Barn Dance | 18 September, 6:30pm – CANCELLED

The Portsmouth Cathedral Choir Association are sorry to share that this year’s barn dance will no longer be taking place. If you have purchased a ticket online you will receive your refund automatically.

Thank you for your understanding.

Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral Coffee Morning | Friday 24 October, 11:00am-12:30pm in Becket Hall

Please join the Friends at the first event in the Autumn programme as they help raise funds for Macmillan as part of the World’s Greatest Coffee Morning. Entry £5.

The full autumn programme has now been emailed to Friends. If you would like to know more about Friends Membership, please contact friends@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or come along to the Coffee Morning.

New:  Eco Discussion Group | Tuesdays from 28 September, 7:00pm

In anticipation of the COP26 summit, we will be studying Ruth Valerio’s book Saying Yes to Life (available from the Cathedral Shop). The book is founded on the premise that as people made in the image of God, we are entrusted to look after what he has created. Valerio imaginatively draws on the Days of Creation from Genesis 1 as she relates their themes to environmental, ethical, and social concerns. The sessions will be held over Zoom, and the link will be sent with the email version of the notices.

Alice Hume: Interactive Weaves Exhibition | Daily from 21 September until 7 October

An exhibition of the of interactive community weaves created over the summer in collaboration with the Hotwalls Studios Artists to share skills, raise awareness of sustainable materials and build culture and community in Old Portsmouth.

Find out more

Halabja: In the Golden Days | Daily from 14 October until 3 November

Before it was the target of a devastating chemical weapons attack by the Iraqi Army in 1988, Halabja was renowned for its beauty and place as a centre of Kurdish culture. In this major new exhibition, Gulan presents a colourful celebration of Kurdish culture including costumes, jewellery and a landmark new art commission to be installed in the cathedral nave.

‘Halabja: in the Golden Days’ is part of the Journeys Festival International 2021 and is free to visit.

Find out more

Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

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