Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | Sunday, 13 February 2022

A reflection from Canon Anthony

Until the 1960s Septuagesima Sunday was a major turning point in the Christian year, although these days you would scarcely notice it at all under its new name of the Third Sunday before Lent. Traditionally this was the Sunday on which the colour changed from green to purple, and a mini-Lent began as a preparation for Lent proper. This was not a time of complete Lenten observance, and the Gloria was still sung on a Sunday, but the readings appointed reminded Christians that they should prepare themselves to run the race of Lent and life with an assurance of the generosity of the grace of God.

I am not proposing that the liturgical changes of the past sixty years should be undone, and that we should return to the traditional Christian calendar, but I do think that mini-Lent made an important theological point. Christian life has a teleological focus, a finishing line which we all race toward. To run well means having discipline, virtue, character and the will to win. Anyone who has been watching the Winter Olympics will be aware of how athletes often demonstrate such behaviours in their training so that they are ready to compete.

There is often a good deal of talk about values in our current public discourse: companies, political parties and other organisations are keen to put some well-meaning, but often empty, words on their stationary. Many of us are quite sceptical about the extent to which the organisations exhibit these values, and often they are about an exercise of power or control: making claims about yourself and telling others how to behave, even if you do not keep the rules yourself. Rather better than that is to speak of virtues: those things to which we subject ourselves in order that we become a people of character and excellence.

The Reverend Canon Dr. Anthony Rustell,
Residentiary Canon

Community News

Lent, Holy Week and Easter at Portsmouth Cathedral

Journey with us through Lent and Holy Week as we follow Jesus' path to his death on the cross and his glorious resurrection on Easter Day. This year we are offering several different ways for you to make your own pilgrimage through Lent and Holy Week, with our programme of seasonal services, concerts and events.

Visit our website to find details of what’s on during the Lent to Easter season, and make sure to follow us onFacebook, Twitter and Instagram to stay updated with the very latest announcements and updates.

Introducing our Holy Week Preacher

We are delighted to welcome Canon Tim Schofield as our Holy Week preacher this year. Tim was Canon Precentor of Chichester Cathedral until his recent retirement, and continues to be in demand as a spiritual director. He was a music teacher before ordination, and served as a priest in Devon before his Cathedral appointment.

Read more on our website →

Handel’s Messiah returns to Portsmouth – priority booking now open!

After almost a two-year absence, we welcome you to join us in the intimate surroundings of Portsmouth Cathedral for an authentic performance of Handel’s oratorio by Portsmouth Cathedral Choirs and The Capelle Baroque Orchestra. Conducted by Portsmouth Cathedral's Organist and Master of the Choristers, David Price, this special concert is played with authentic instruments of the time in which this piece was composed, giving even more depth to this already moving piece.

Priority booking for subscribers to our Cathedral Notices is now available using the code found in you email version of Cathedral Notices until Monday; be sure to book your tickets which range from £18 to £22, special rates for concessions and under 16’s.

Click here for priority booking →

Fairtrade Fortnight and Breakfast

Join in with us for Fairtrade Fortnight. From Monday 21 February we will be doing our part to raise awareness of the amazing changes Fairtrade organisations make in the world. This year’s Fairtrade Fortnight theme is 'Choose the World You Want' with a focus on what we can do to tackle climate change and make choices that support Fairtrade organisations in their aim to work together towards eco-friendly Fairtrade standards.

On Sunday 27 February we will be hosting a Fairtrade Breakfast. Come and join us in the Cathedral Nave at the times below to sample some Fairtrade breakfast goodies. There will also be some wonderful Fairtrade products on offer in our Shop. Any donations from the breakfast will go to the Fairtrade Foundation.

Breakfast Times

  • 8.40am to 9.30am

  • 10.15am to 11am

  • 12pm to 1pm

More information about Fairtrade Fortnight and causes can be found on the Fairtrade website →

An update on face coverings

We are aware that Government Covid regulations have changed (from 27 January) and we regularly keep our own Cathedral policies under review, considering both Government and Church of England advice for our specific context. Face coverings are no longer required by law, but the government ‘suggests that you continue to wear a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces where you may come into contact with people you do not normally meet’.

At the Cathedral we will continue (for the time being at least) to encourage the wearing of face coverings and social distancing, while warmly welcoming all who come, including those who do not wish to wear coverings. The ministry team will continue to wear face coverings when moving around the building.

Places available to join the 12th Portsmouth Rainbows and Brownies

Portsmouth Cathedral hosts the 12th Portsmouth Rainbows and Brownies in our community space Becket Hall on Monday evenings. Weekly activities give girls the chance to try new things, have adventures and develop confidence and skills for life through fun games and activities. Currently there are spaces for girls aged 4–7 to join Rainbows, and girls aged 7–10 to join Brownies.

To register your interest, visit the Girlguiding website and select ‘12th Portsmouth (Cathedral)’ as your unit choice.

Worship and Visiting

Portsmouth Cathedral is open daily for prayer, services and visiting. Booking is not required for services, unless otherwise indicated. You can find out more on our website, where you can also download orders of service.

We continue to take every precaution to reduce the spread of coronavirus. Government guidance on wearing face coverings were relaxed on 27 January, but coverings are still recommended in crowded and indoor spaces where you may come into contact with people you do not normally meet. We therefore continue to recommend wearing a face covering whilst inside the Cathedral, including when singing as part of the congregation, unless you are medically exempt. We also recommend you remain at a safe distance from other groups.

Further information can be found on our Covid-19 information page.

Prayers and Intercessions

All those affected by COVID-19

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Beverley, Richard, Jane, Alan, Stan, Amanda, Wendy, Derek, Denise, Debbie, Jane, William, Patricia, Margaret, and all those in need.

Long-term sick including: Alison, Christopher, Clifford, Jane, Johnny, Melissa, Jenny, Suzy, Sarah, Bob, Michael, Rita, Izzy, Meriel, Graeme, Clare, Libby, Hilary and Andrew.

We pray for those who have died recently: Hildegard Lowe, Keith Burnham, Mervyn Banting, Danny McCauley and Jean Palmer RIP.

Upcoming Services & Events

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Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

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