Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | Sunday, 24 April 2022

A reflection from David Price

I was invited to give a reflection during Choral Evensong at St Matthew’s Westminster last month. On the way up to London I realised that the last time I’d travelled there was to play a Sunday Organ Recital at Westminster Cathedral in March 2020, barely a week before Lockdown One.

One of the features of London churches is that you never quite know who will be your audience. After the third bishop, a retired Dean and a Supreme Court Judge walked in to take their places in the congregation my previously calm state and quiet confidence was more than a little ruffled; and not for the first time I reflected on the skill and insight of my own wife Kitty as a regular preacher in the cathedral (and elsewhere) as well as our Dean and Canons and the rest of the Cathedral Ministry Team.

But we are all called to help spread the Good News and to communicate our Christian faith. Not just by preaching, but by witness, good works, philanthropy and support.

The next few weeks and months at the cathedral show many manifestations of how we might do all this. Sunday’s focus on our new Season of Generosity, the new Portsmouth Institute Lectures, our welcome to many pilgrims, tourists and visiting groups like The Cathedral Organists’ Association, The Royal Benevolent Trust, HMS Glamorgan Association and our new Lord Mayor as well as visitors to ‘Cathedrals at Night’ in May. And in June we will mark and give thanks for the remarkable Christian witness and service of HM The Queen – truly as example to us all.

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Community News

Season of Generosity 2022

This Sunday sees the beginning of the Season of Generosity, an annual period where we invite everyone from our cathedral community to consider their giving.

Over the next three weeks we will be exploring generosity in our sermons as well as welcoming Toilet Twinning to share how Portsmouth Cathedral's financial support of their work is making a difference in communities around the world.

We also invite you to consider whether you can support our work with a new or increased regular gift. Donations of all sizes make a real difference and are very gratefully received. This year we are also sharing how you can include a gift to Portsmouth Cathedral in your will and ensure your generosity lives on far into the future.

This week we are sending information about the Season of Generosity to everyone on the electoral roll. Booklets are also available in the cathedral welcome area, or find out more at portsmouthcathedral.org.uk/generosity

Thank you for your support.

The Big Draw - 9 and 10 May, 10:00am-2:30pm

Come and join students from Highbury College and other local schools for The Big Draw – a school and community art project being held over two days in the Cathedral Nave. We will be designing bunting (which will be displayed in the ambulatory) on the themes of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, the Queen’s Green Canopy, sea pollution, and ‘dots’, as well as making badges. All welcome are welcome to join.

Jubilee Celebrations of Royal Proportions at Portsmouth Cathedral

Next week we’ll be sharing full details of our weekend of Jubilee celebrations at the Cathedral. Featuring events, concerts and more taking place across the bank holiday weekend from Friday 3 to Sunday 5 June.

Ahead of the announcement of our full programme, subscribers to Cathedral Notices are invited to enjoy priority booking to our special ‘Platinum Proms by the Sea’ with the Solent Symphony Orchestra, Saturday 4 June at 7:30pm. Enjoy a classical proms style concert in Portsmouth Cathedral’s Nave, with many familiar classics with a royal theme.

Click here for priority booking →

Did you see us on ITV?

The Cathedral’s Good Friday children’s worship and Easter Garden featured on ITV Meridian news, watch it on the ITV News Meridian website.

Lunch Club returns on Monday 9 May

We are delighted to announce that thanks to a new cooking team of Rachael Forder and friends, and to our existing volunteers, Lunch Club can restart, meeting on the new day of Mondays, starting on 9 May, at 12:30pm in Becket Hall. Our aim is to meet every two weeks, but this will have to be varied slightly during the summer term.

Additional dates are 9 and 23 May, 13 and 20 June, and 4 July. We will restart in the autumn on 12 September.

The cost of a two-course hot lunch is £5. All are most welcome. Existing members will be contacted directly, but if you have not been before, please contact the Cathedral Office, by Friday 6 May, if you would like to attend the first session.

Find further information on our website →

Portsmouth Cathedral Institute upcoming events

We’re pleased to announce new dates for our Portsmouth Cathedral Institute events, home to high quality research and public debate about the most important questions of ethics, the common good and human flourishing as they relate to the city of Portsmouth.

The 2022 Robert Dolling Lecture: 23 May, 6:45pm

‘Fr Dolling, Anglo-Catholics and the Conquest of the Slums’

Revd Professor Mark Chapman, Professor of the History of Modern Theology (University of Oxford) and Vice Principal, Ripon College Cuddesdon.

Six Works that Changed the World: 6 June–11 July, 7:00pm

Portsmouth Cathedral Institute host a series of short talks on six theological works that changed the world. Join speaker for short presentations introducing a short book, sermon or address which significantly changed how we think theologically.

Speakers will assume no prior knowledge of the work, or the author and it is not necessary to read the works in advance. It is hoped you will be inspired to go away and read more afterwards. After the short presentation there will be time for questions and discussion.

All Portsmouth Cathedral Institute events are free to attend and open to all.

Find out more on our website →

Education Volunteers

As we look forward to welcoming school parties back to the Cathedral in due course, and to the primary school Leavers’ Services and workshops in the summer, we would love to recruit some more people to our Education Department, to work with our existing wonderful volunteers. If you are interested in this role, please speak to Canon Kathryn.

Help for Ukrainian Refugees

Our Diocese, working with Citizens UK, has committed to finding 50 hosts for Ukrainian refugees, together with others to befriend and support. If you would like to know more, visit the Diocese website or speak to Canon Nick Ralph.

Welcoming a new Volunteer Coordinator and Records Management Assistant

We are delighted to announcement the appointment of a new Volunteer Coordinator and Records Management Assistant, Nadjia Carpenter.

Nadjia comes to us from the Yorkshire Building Society having previously worked at HM Treasury in London. She is a member of the congregation, coming regularly to Pompey Sundays with her son.

Nadjia will work closely with Canon Kathryn and Liz Snowball on both aspects of her new role. She will, of course, be interacting with members of the team and the congregation as she works to support our wonderful volunteers and recruit additional volunteers. Nadjia will also renew and strengthen our practice of how we hold and manage our records, and will help us with our induction processes including safer recruitment.

The Chief Operating Officer, Richard, says “I am delighted to have Nadjia joining the Cathedral Team. With her skills and experience she will help to better support and coordinate the work of our volunteers and help to ensure a more streamlined approach to records management. She begins with us on 27 April 2022.”

This is a one year post funded through the Cathedrals Sustainability Fund. We remain grateful to the Church Commissioners for their continued funding and support of our work.

Revision of Electoral Roll

The Electoral Roll is now being revised until 5th May. A list of the names of those currently on the roll is now on display in the Cathedral or can be viewed in the Cathedral Offices. You can also check if your name is on the roll by contacting the Electoral Roll Officer, Terry Ward through twingb@yahoo.co.uk. If any of your details have changed in the last year please contact Terry or the offices to ensure that we have the correct details for you.

The Electoral Roll is the register of the church’s voting members; baptised adults (over 16 years) who live in the parish, and those who have worshipped (or would have worshipped), regularly, at the Cathedral for at least six months are eligible to join. If you qualify to join, we encouraged you to show your commitment to the Cathedral’s life and mission by joining the Electoral Roll. Application forms are available in the Cathedral or through the link. They must be received before 5th May to be included on the roll before the Annual Parochial Church Meeting which takes place on 24 May 2022.

Read more on our website →

Election of Churchwardens, Chapter and Cathedral Council members

At the Cathedral's Annual Meetings on 24 May at 7:00pm, there is the opportunity to elect our Churchwardens, and two members of Chapter (the Cathedral's governing body).

One of the Chapter members must also be a Churchwarden. Sheila Picton, who has served as Churchwarden for six consecutive terms of office, stands down at the election as required by the Churchwardens Measure. We are indebted to her and Ronald Rabbetts, for all they do in enabling our life and work, and to members of Chapter for their vital role in overseeing our overall strategy, and key decision making. We are also grateful to members of Council for their role in the Cathedral’s current governance structure which is due to change next year under the 2021 Cathedrals Measure.

You are invited to consider if either of those roles might be for you - and if so, to discuss this with Dean Anthony. He would be delighted to have several conversations, with a whole variety of people!

There is also an opportunity to stand for election as one of our congregational representatives on Cathedral Council. If you would be interested in this role please contact Dean Anthony or the Chair of Cathedral Council, Kate Branigan.

Cathedral Shop

Please note the shop will be closed for an Easter break from Maundy Thursday 14 April and reopen on Tuesday 26 April. Orders can be placed online but they won't be processed until after the break.

Current Vacancies

We are currently recruiting for an Assistant Verger and Precinct Officer. We have readvertised this position with new salary options; please share this opportunity with your wider networks.

Find out more and apply on our website →

Foodbank Donations

Many families are feeling the struggle of the recent cost of living crisis, your support of the Roberts Centre Foodbank has never been more important. Donations of food and toiletries are particularly needed at the moment and greatly appreciated by those using the service.

Please bring your donations to the Foodbank collection point in the Welcome Area during the Cathedral’s daily opening hours.

Worship and Visiting

Portsmouth Cathedral is open daily for prayer, services and visiting. Booking is not required for services, unless otherwise indicated. You can find out more about visiting on our website, where you can also download orders of service or find our Covid-19 visitor information.

New time for Morning Prayer

From this Monday (25 April), Morning Prayer will revert to its pre-pandemic time of 7:40am, with a service of Holy Communion following at 8:00am. And after more than two years of live-streaming Morning Prayer, first from the homes of the Ministry Team and then from the Cathedral itself, we have taken the difficult decision to cease doing this.

We would like to express grateful thanks to all who have prayed with us in this way, especially during successive lockdowns. and also to the small core of people who have stayed with us as the numbers doing so (very understandably) have got smaller and smaller. All comers will of course be extremely welcome to join us in St Thomas's Chapel as we begin the day in prayer.

Prayers and Intercessions

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Beverley, Richard, Jane, Alan, Amanda, Wendy, Derek, Denise, Debbie, Jane, Margaret, Rachel, Lucy, Martin, Susan, Caroline, Tom, Jean, and all those in need.

Long-term sick including: Alison, Christopher, Clifford, Jane, Johnny, Melissa, Jenny, Suzy, Sarah, Bob, Michael, Rita, Izzy, Graeme, Clare, Libby, Hilary, Andrew, and Peter.

We pray for those who have died recently: Evelyn Small, Colin Garner, Mona Elliott, Stan Hoare, Fred Middleton, Gordon Jones, Roy Purnell, and Irene Williams

Upcoming Services & Events

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Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

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