Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | Sunday, 23 May 2021

A reflection from David Price

Veni creator spiritus
Come Holy Spirit, come from thy bright heavenly throne, our souls inspire.

This great hymn of praise might possibly be the only plainsong hymn still regularly sung at large diocesan services. We shall sing it at the enthronement of our new bishop. The deeply ancient plainsong melodies still have the power to move and inspire, even though they may be well be written by composers 1000 years long dead, the names of which we will never know but passed down to us from their abbeys and monastic houses.

My first experience of plainsong profoundly moved me, and learning from world authority, Dr Mary Berry in settings as disparate as Notre Dame de Paris to a draughty church hall in Cambridgeshire I was shown how its simple beauty connects people ‘singing with the spirit and understanding also’. Our services in January, February and March with the restrictions on who and how many sang, gave us the opportunity to sing plainsong daily. It was lovely to see how many people who wrote in to say how prayerful they found these moments to be. We continue to use plainsong on many days of the week.

All Western music finds its roots in plainsong, or Gregorian Chant, not least the music of jazz. We are pleased to be singing the Portsmouth Jazz Mass composed for us in 2018 by Will Todd on Sunday morning for the City Service when we welcome the new Lord Mayor and members of city council and staff for prayers at the beginning of a new ‘political year’.

Tuesday sees our own annual opportunity to review our own worshipping life and mission at the APCM at 7pm via Zoom (see notices for details on how to join). Please do try and join with us to contribute to the debate, to vote and to be updated on cathedral activities.

Guide our minds with Thy blest light, with love our hearts inflame.

Dr. David Price,
Organist & Master of the Choristers

Community News

#PompeySundays – starts this Sunday at 9:30am

#PompeySundays will begin in person at the Cathedral on Pentecost Sunday, 23 May, and then continue weekly. All are welcome, especially families, young people, and those new or returning to faith. Do bring your own refreshments to this café-style service.

You can book a space for this service from our usual Sunday services booking page.

City Service – Sunday 23 May, 11:15am

This Sunday we look forward to welcoming the Lord Mayor, Her Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant, and City Councillors at our morning Eucharist. We also welcome The Venerable Jenny Rowley, Archdeacon of Portsdown as our guest preacher.

The service starts at the slightly later time of 11:15am, spaces for this service can be booked online.

‘Cathedral of the Sea’ delivers new experiences for Visitors and Explorers 

We are delighted that the whole Cathedral is now open to all visitors. Our opening hours remain the same, 10am-2pm Monday to Saturday and 12noon-2pm on Sundays. Do encourage your friends and family to visit and try out our new visitor app with its self-guided tours and interactive experiences. Our new shop merchandise is proving popular, with a wide range of religious and non-religious gifts, including our own bespoke ‘Cathedral Collection’, as well as cards, books and homeware from local and ethical companies.

We are once again able to invite visitors to view works of art, including the maquette of round-the-world yachtsman Sir Alec Rose, by Vincent Gray, which was placed in the Welcome Area in April.

Read more about these new experiences on our website.

Some changes you might notice include:

  • Lunchtime Live has now resumed in person. Most recitals will be in St. Thomas’s Chapel or the Quire.

  • The Cathedral Shop will be open from Tuesdays to Sundays during our opening hours. The shop will be closed on the first Wednesday of the month between 11.45am and 12.45pm for the service of Wholeness and Healing.

  • Midday Communion will move to St. Thomas’s Chapel, except for the service of Wholeness and Healing on the first Wednesday of the month which will continue in the Nave.

  • There will be a one-way system around the east side of the Cathedral, please help to maintain social distancing by following the route which is clearly marked by stickers on the floor.

  • Everyone visiting the Cathedral now needs to check in with the NHS Covid-19 app or by leaving your details with the volunteer on the door. Previously only one person per group needed to check in.

Cathedral Annual Review

We are delighted to be publishing an Annual Review for the first time. The review provides a snapshot of all aspects of the Cathedral’s life during 2020 as well as our highlights and the challenges we have faced.

Find our Annual Review is available on the website here.

Online Annual Church Meetings: Tuesday 25 May, 7.00pm 25 May.

Join us for this important opportunity for the whole Cathedral community to gather to discuss Portsmouth Cathedral’s work over the past year, and to vote for your elected representatives to our Cathedral governance committees.

Elections - Churchwardens and Congregational Representative to Cathedral Council

Both our Churchwardens are elected annually and Sue Ward, who has served three terms as Churchwarden, will not be standing. Shirley Grayson-Smith and Nick Speller come to the end of their current four-year terms of office as congregational representatives on the Cathedral Council at the meeting. To vote for the election of Churchwardens, either your name must be on the Cathedral Electoral Roll, or you must be resident in the parish and have your name on the register of local government electors. For the congregational representatives, only those on the Electoral Roll may vote. The revised roll is now on display in the Ambulatory and eligibility can be checked through the Cathedral Offices.

The role of Churchwarden, which is not the same as that in a parish church, involves acting as a conduit between Chapter and the congregation, and assisting with the organisation of services including the coordination of the sidespeople, who, with the welcomers, form such an important part of the Cathedral’s welcome. One of the Churchwardens is also elected as a Lay Member of Chapter and both are appointed as Lay Canons. During the past year, Sue and our other Churchwarden, Sheila Picton, have played a vital role in coordinating the many volunteers who have given so generously of their time to keep the Cathedral open. If you would like to know more about the role please speak to the Dean, one of the Canons, or Sue and Sheila.

There are two Congregational Representatives on Cathedral Council. The Cathedral Council will continue to be an important part of the governance of the Cathedral until the Constitution and Statutes are changed under the 2021 Cathedrals Measure. Until that time Council will continue to receive the Annual Accounts and the budget and will be involved in the discussions on how the Chapter engages with the congregation and wider community after the changes.

Nomination forms for both roles are available from the Cathedral Office or on the website. They can be returned at any time before the meetings on 25 May. A report on Deanery Synod is available on our website, a report about our volunteer activity during the year and update from the Churchwardens is on the website.

Apologies from those unable to attend can be sent via the Dean’s EA liz.snowball@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

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New Cathedral Cycle Champion

We are delighted to announce that Hannah Gunga has agreed to take on the role of Cathedral Cycle Champion.

One of her first roles is helping organise and participate in the Portsmouth leg of the Cathedral Cycle Route Relay route (Cathedrals Cycle Route challenge | Cycling UK), that passes through our Cathedral on the 19 and 20 June 2021.

On the 19th we welcome cyclists to Portsmouth from Chichester. On the 20th, riders set out from Portsmouth bound for Winchester Cathedral.

If you would like to become involved in welcoming these pilgrims-on-a-bike to our Cathedral or become a pilgrim cyclist yourself, then please email info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk for more information.

So far about 10 members of the congregation have signed up to cycle to Winchester – more are most welcome.

But we do not want this to be a one-off event. We are exploring the idea of creating a new Cycling and Walking Group within the Cathedral community welcome to all ages and abilities.

We are at the ideas stage so if you would like to become part of that discussion then this is the time to join Hannah and others in creating this new group of fun, fellowship, and fitness.

A few of the ideas so far include cycling or walking out to various parts of the Diocese -- arriving at churches in time for an evening service on a Saturday, walks on the Downs and exploring Shepherd churches along the way, and advocating for ways to increase use of bikes in and around Portsmouth and as a means to come and go from the Cathedral. If you would like to join Hannah and others, please email info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Annual Accounts for 2020

Cathedral Council meets on Monday to receive the 2020 Annual Accounts which were approved by Chapter last month and are available on the website alongside those from previous years. The Council agenda is also available on the website.

Cathedral auditors, Haysmacintyre, noted the progress that has been made over the past 12-18 months to reduce expenditure while increasing revenue. They said that while better placed than it would have been, the Cathedral still has financial challenges ahead as it moves to balance its budget. An overview of the Accounts alongside the management accounts will be presented at the APCM.

Your chance to contribute to the SCIE Safeguarding Audit

As part of the Church of England’s commitment to good safeguarding practice, it has commissioned the Social Care Institute for Excellence to carry out independent safeguarding audits of every diocese and cathedral. The diocesan audits were completed in 2019, but the cathedral audits were paused last year because of Covid-19. The process for cathedrals has now restarted, and Portsmouth Cathedral’s audit will be carried out over two and a half days on 22-24 June.

The audit will be a collaborative process, and we welcome it as an opportunity to review and improve our policies and provision in this vital area. Our audit will be a ‘hybrid’ as we start to emerge from Covid: the auditors will visit us, but all surveys will be conducted electronically, rather than face-to-face.

It is important that as many people as possible have an opportunity to provide safeguarding feedback. If you wish to complete a survey, please find it online here.

Please note that this survey is for completion by adults only. There is a separate survey for children which will be circulated to choristers and can be made available on request. All surveys should be submitted by Friday 28 May.

If you, a member of your family, or a friend, have ever had a safeguarding response from the Cathedral, and would like to speak to our auditors, you can be given the opportunity to do so during the audit. If you are a survivor of abuse or consider yourself to be at risk of abuse, you are also welcome to request a conversation with the auditors, which would be held in advance of the audit. For further information, please contact Canon Kathryn or email SCIE directly: learningtogether@scie.org.uk

A reminder that the Chapter Safeguarding Lead is Canon Kathryn, and the Lay Safeguarding Lead is Marian Pottinger. Further details on safeguarding at the Cathedral can be found on our website Safeguarding pages.

Season of Generosity – thank you!

A huge thank you to everyone who has responded so positively to the Season of Generosity by setting up new regular gifts, increasing current giving, or committing to continuing your existing support. Every donation is valued and directly supports our mission and ministry. Thank you.

If you are still thinking about donating and want to find out more, visit our website, or speak to our Head of Fundraising and Events, Sophie Henstridge-Brown.

Chorister Installations

Last Sunday we were delighted to install and promote several choristers who had had to wait for these recognitions due to the pandemic. Congratulations to probationers Casper, Jasper, Hugh, Claude and Daniel as they moved up to Pro-Choristers; and to Fraser, Arty, Ryan, David, Noah, Daniel, Oliver and Fraser who received promotions.

We also said farewell and thanks to Jake who completed six and half years in choir. This Sunday we install girl choristers Evelyn, Katharine and Elsie into the Choral Foundation at Evensong. We thank them all for their dedication to choir throughout the past year and for the skills they offer to God in this place.

Find out more about the Cathedral’s Music department on our website.

Accommodation for our Scholars

We are looking for accommodation for three of next academic year’s Choral and Organ Scholars from September 2021 through to July 2022. If any members of community are able to help, please be in touch with music@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk to discuss rent and any questions.

Worship and Visiting the Cathedral

Portsmouth Cathedral is now fully re-open for prayer, services and visiting. Please continue to book for our Sunday Services online (limited spaces available for those without a pre-booked space), regular weekday services do not need pre-booking. Most of our services are broadcast on our live page and Facebook. Find out more on our website and download orders of service.

We continue to take every precaution to reduce the spread of coronavirus, including the mandatory wearing of face masks, except for those with exemptions. Everyone visiting the Cathedral now needs to check in with the NHS Covid-19 app. Find out more on our Covid-19 information page.

Changes to online Compline

During the pandemic, we have been pleased to offer a daily online service of sung Compline at 8.30pm. As we now start to emerge more fully from pandemic restrictions and many of us return to our previous routines, the congregation joining for Compline has understandably reduced. We have therefore taken the decision to end Compline to coincide with the planned final easing of restrictions in June.

During the Thy Kingdom Come period of global prayer from 13-23 May, Compline will be replaced with a sung Taizé service. Compline will then resume weekly on Wednesday evenings, concluding on Wednesday 16 June.

In June we will be sharing a recorded service of Compline with our Cathedral musicians which will be available on our website.

Prayers and Intercessions

All those affected by COVID-19

We give thanks for the recovery in health of Mercedes, Amanda and Phil.

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Trevor, Derek, Clare, Izzy, Michael, Stuart, Dave, Reuben, Linda, Mervyn, Beverley, Richard, Aaron, Muriel, Christopher, Jane and all those in need.

Long-term sick including: Alison, Graeme, Christopher, Clifford, Jane, Johnny, Melissa, Andrew, Jenny, Bishop Peter, Suzy, Sarah, Bob, Michael, and Rita.

We pray for those who have died recently: Jeffrey Beadle, Malcolm Williams and Graham RIP.

Upcoming Services and Events

Thy Kingdom Come – concludes this Sunday

Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray from Ascension to Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus.

We will be joining this international movement with special online Taizé style services in place of Compline from Ascension on 13 May through to Pentecost on 23 May.

Find out more about Thy Kingdom Come and their prayer resources on their website.

Sunday Refreshments via Zoom – Sunday, 6:30pm

Join us for our weekly Sunday Refreshments hosted on Zoom – catch up with other members of the congregation and our ministry team.

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Lunchtime Live - Thursday 27 May, 1:10pm

Join for Lunchtime Live back in the Cathedral where we welcome violinist Fumi Otsuki back to Portsmouth, along with pianist Sarah Kershaw. Their programme focuses on the musical relationship between Delius and Grieg, featuring music by both composers and a few of their contemporaries.

The recital is free; donations are welcome. Please note that no refreshments will be served at Lunchtime Live this term, find more information and catch up online on the Lunchtime Live page.

Bible Discussion Group - Thursdays, 7:00pm

This week the group will look at 1 Samuel 4-6. New members are always welcome: you do not need to have attended the group before.

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