Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | Sunday, 25 September 2022

A reflection from Canon Anthony

In the church’s life autumn is a time of beginnings and endings. A new term begins in September, and a new liturgical year at the end of November. We mark the end of the agricultural year at harvest, and the conclusion of all things with All Saints’ and Christ the King. This year events in our national life, with the end of one reign and the beginning of another, make this time particularly significant for us.

Harvest marks a moment when we remember that the world exists to exhibit the goodness of God through its fruitfulness. God has created an environment that is both beautiful and full of richness. We live in a world in which we very easily take for granted the things that we rely on to sustain our lives and society. We often forget the vast complex of structures and networks that allow us to eat food, drink clean water and provide our fuel and heating.

At a time in which there is a great deal of insecurity in the world and in our nation, where many are worried about how they will afford the basics of life, it is appropriate to consider the resources that we have and how we use and share them. Harvest time rightly makes us to reflect on the matter of how God shares his goodness with us, and how we might share our money and time for the sake of others.

The Reverend Canon Dr. Anthony Rustell,
Residentiary Canon

Community News

Harvest Sunday – With Thankful Hearts

Due to the recent death of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, our harvest service will now be rescheduled for later in the autumn. If you would still like to donate to the city harvest campaign ‘With Thankful Hearts’, donations can be brought to the Cathedral after any of our morning services on Sunday 25 September.

Toddler Group has returned as #PompeyTots

Toddler Group, now known as #PompeyTots, started again on Wednesday 14 September, and will continue to meet during term time every Wednesday at 2:00pm. We begin with a short welcome, bible story and song time in St Thomas’s Chapel, then move to the hall for play and refreshments. Babies, toddlers and pre-school children and their big people are welcome!

Read more and enquire →

2021 Cathedrals Measure Update

At Chapter on the 14 of September, the Dean updated members on the preliminary work being undertaken. A delegation of the Dean, Canon Kathryn, the Chair of Council (Kate Branigan, KC), a member of Cathedral Council (Dr. Bryn Hughes), the Dean’s EA (Liz Snowball) and the COO (Richard Abraham) all met virtually with Katie Clark from Church House who is our lead person for the Measure.

Further discussion with the wider Foundation (College of Canons, Council and Chapter) as well as staff, volunteers and external stakeholders will take place leading up to our inclusion within the Measure in late Summer 2023.

Christmas Fair

We are pleased to announce that Nadjia Carpenter, our Volunteer Co-ordinator and Records Management Assistant, will co-ordinate the Christmas Fair scheduled for Saturday, 10 December 2022.
Our volunteers are vital to the success of the Fair, and in the coming days Nadjia is looking forward to meeting both new and existing volunteers to discuss the structure and operation of this important community event and fundraiser for the Cathedral. Whether you have volunteered at the Christmas Fair for years or you want to do so for the first time this year, please do email Nadjia to be included in this kick-off meeting. (Nadjia.carpenter@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk)

Cathedral Safeguarding Committee meets

This Committee chaired by the Chief Operating Officer, meets on Thursday, 29 September 2023, the agenda of this meeting may be found on our downloads page.

The Chapter Safeguarding Lead is Canon Kathryn Percival Kathryn.Percival@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk and the Lay Safeguarding Representative is Marian Pottinger laysafeguardportsmouth@gmail.com.

Meet the Dean – Sunday 25 September

The next opportunity to for any members of the Cathedral community to meet with Dean Anthony over a cup of tea or coffee will take place on Sunday 25 September from 10:10am to 10:40am (after Pompey Sundays) and at 12.15pm (after the Sung Eucharist). Our Vision and Strategy speaks of embedding ‘learning and feedback in all that we do’, and this is a chance to offer comments, questions and ideas relating to any aspect of Cathedral life.

The final 2022 date will be Tuesday 22 November at 10:30am.

Cathedral Flower Guild at St Faith’s Flower Festival

The Cathedral Flower Guild are taking part in the Flower Festival at St Faith's Church 'All God's Gifts Around Us ' from 23–25 September. The Flower Festival has been many months in the planning by St Faith's arrangers and the Cathedral Flower Guild are looking forward to working with other church flower arrangers from around the diocese.

Upcoming Friends events

The Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral Annual General Meeting will be held this Sunday, 25 September, at 4:00pm in Becket Hall. The Friends’ Council hope as many members will be able to attend the meeting as possible and look forward to welcoming Bishop Jonathan to his first meeting of the Friends as President. Friends are asked to confirm their attendance by emailing friends@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

We’re also pleased to announce this year's Christmas Card. featuring a winter scene of the Cathedral by Norman Elford, will be available to purchase at the AGM and through the Cathedral Shop in due course.

Please note for your diaries that the next Friends coffee morning will take place at 11:00am in Becket Hall on Tuesday 11 October 2022.

Learn more about the Friends here →

Portsmouth Cathedral Club relaunches – 6 October

Portsmouth Cathedral Club will be returning, last meeting in 2020. It is an opportunity to hear from interesting speakers, and meet other people over refreshments. Taking place on the first Thursday of every month until December, starting on 6 October at 2:30pm in the Bishop Kenneth Room. This month, we will be hearing about some interesting village churches with wall-paintings or engraved windows.
Find out more and enquiry here →

Help for Ukrainian Refugees

Our diocese is continuing to work as a partner with the charity Citizens UK to offer accommodation to refugees who are fleeing from the conflict in Ukraine. They were already running a project to sponsor refugees before the Ukrainian crisis, and have partners in Ukraine, Moldova and Poland who can identify refugees and organise transport to the UK.

If you would like to know more, visit the Diocese website or speak to Canon Nick Ralph.

Foodbank Donations

‘New to you’ The Roberts Centre is going to launch a ‘New to you’ project – which will include pots and pans, crockery, cutlery, household goods – not furniture (good enough that you would give them to someone you cared about). If we cut down the amount spent on essential bits and bobs that redirects outgoings to the basics like food and heating.

‘Layers’  - the Roberts is launching – children and young People - Layers. We have asked for coats for some years but since the advent of central heating we as a society have stopped wearing layers of clothing. We are potentially back to those days. Do you know people who might turn off their heating who might benefit from having more layers – given not charged for?

Toiletries – we are in need of Toiletries, can you help?

Please bring your donations to the Foodbank collection point in the Welcome Area during the Cathedral’s daily opening hours.

Worship and Visiting

Worship & visiting

Portsmouth Cathedral is open daily for prayer, services and visiting. Booking is not required for services, unless otherwise indicated. You can find out more about visiting on our website, where you can also download orders of service.

Prayers and Intercessions

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Tom, Beverley, Richard, Jane, Alan, Amanda, Derek, Lucy, Jean, Alistair, John, Nina, Pauline and all those in need.

Long-term sick including:Alison, Clifford, Christopher, Jane, Melissa, Suzy, Bob, Sarah, Izzy, Andrew, Peter, Rachel and Graeme.

We pray for those who have died recently:Anna Harriman, Martin How, Rita Robinson, Patrick Symes, Gavin Simpson, Yashwant Gunga and Barbara King RIP.

Upcoming Services & Events

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Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

Have news or story you’d like to share? Submit a notice 📰

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