Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | Sunday, 30 January 2022

A reflection from Canon Jo

This Sunday evening there is the opportunity to enjoy our Candlemas Carol service, and then to celebrate Candlemas itself on Wednesday with a Sung Eucharist (both services start at 5:45pm).

Candlemas marks the end of the forty days of Christmas and brings to a close the 'Season of Light'. The infant Jesus was presented in the Temple and was recognised by Simeon as the Light to lighten all people and fulfil all expectation and hope. Simeon had been told that he would not die before he seen the promised Messiah. So as he recognises Christ's presence, Simeon knows he can now face death with confidence and assurance in what lies beyond death, for he has had this proof that God's promises are sure.

Simeon's words 'Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace' are sung at every Choral Evensong. This wonderful song of trust becomes ours as we pray the words each day: we are reminded daily that we too can face the future with confidence that even death, whenever it may come, cannot separate us from God's sure promises and loving purposes for us.

So, Candlemas marks a turning point: the last lights of Christmas now give way to the first far glimpses of the bright joy of Easter, as we turn towards Lent and Holy Week. Our plans for Lent at the Cathedral are taking shape, there will be more details of Lent, Holy Week and Easter available soon - Ash Wednesday is a month away on 2 March.

I have already started to think whether I could give up plastic for Lent this year: not eating any food or buying any items that use plastic wrapping or packaging. I'd be pleased to hear if anyone wants to join me and try this too! Already I know that some things will be hard to get hold of - so I know already that relaxing this for Easter will mean I can enjoy some foods again I won't have been able to get hold of during Lent. (Even if I don't stay totally plastic-free in future, I will have learned how much packaging may be easily avoided for the sake of God's beautiful world.)

Looking ahead from Candlemas towards Easter, we can all say with Simeon: 'our eyes have seen the salvation you have prepared for us' for we have glimpsed something of the light and glory and peace God has given us in Christ.

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Community News

Our 27th annual Muslim Christian Evening took place this past Tuesday, online via Zoom.

Bishop Jonathan confirmed as the tenth Bishop of Portsmouth

Last week Dean Anthony and members of Portsmouth Cathedral’s Chapter travelled to London for the legal ceremony confirming Bishop Jonathan as the tenth Bishop of Portsmouth.

The ceremony took place at St-Mary-le-Bow, Cheapside, which is used for such legal ceremonies as it is built over the site of the historic Court of Arches, the church used from the 13th century as the seat of the ecclesiastical court for our province of the Church of England.

Bishop Jonathan has now formally received spiritual responsibility for our Diocese. He will next pay homage to HM the Queen in February and be formally installed at a special service at Portsmouth Cathedral at 3:30pm on Saturday 12 March. Dignitaries, community leaders, representatives from parish and schools, family and friends will all be invited. The service will also be broadcast, and more details will be available soon.

Read more on the Diocese of Portsmouth’s website →

Confirmation Classes

In preparation for the Confirmation service to be held in the Cathedral on Easter Eve, Confirmation Classes for children and young people will be held on Sundays at 3 pm, starting on 27 February, and continuing on 6, 13, 20 and 27 March, and 10 April. Explorers welcome. Please contact our Cathedral Curate, Catherine, for further details. Any adults wishing to be confirmed, please contact Canon Kathryn.

Open Table Network

The parish of Holy Trinity with St Columba, Fareham, is hosting a meeting to consider plans to create a new worshipping community that affirms LGBT+ people. The idea is that Holy Trinity Church will host this new worshipping community as part of the Open Church Network. Anyone is welcome to join the discussion, which will take place in Holy Trinity church hall, from 2pm-4pm on Saturday 5 February.
For more details, contact the Revd Wendy May Jacobswendymay.jacobs@htscf.org.uk

Farewell to Peter Leonard

Archdeacon Peter will soon be leaving our diocese as he takes up the role as CEO of Family Links. Peter will be preaching at the Cathedral at Evensong on 6 February and there will be an opportunity to offer thanks and good wishes to him, Mark and their family at 3.30pm on Sunday 27 February in All Saints, Ryde.

Contributions to a leaving present can be made by cheque (payable to: Portsmouth DBF) or by bank BACS transfer to sort code: 20-12-83, account number: 40431761, account name: The Portsmouth Diocesan Board of Finance No 1 with the reference CRE021 and the name of your parish (where appropriate) by 18 February.

If using BACS please also email to accounts@portsmouth.anglican.org with details of the amount transferred and that it is for the leaving present

Committee Meetings

The Fabric Advisory Committee meets on Tuesday. The meeting will include a presentation from and discussion with Tom Ashley, Senior Cathedrals Officer and Deputy Secretary of the Cathedrals Fabric Commission for England (CFCE). The CFCE is the planning authority of the Church of England and this visit is part of their commitment to meet with each cathedral’s FAC on a regular basis.

Chapter meets on Friday to discuss the upcoming Peer Review. The meeting will include a presentation from and discussion with Alex McCallion, Director of Works & Precinct of York Minster about their recent works as part of Chapter‘s reflection on ways to mark our centenary as a cathedral 2027.

Agendas for upcoming meetings can be found on ourdownloads page →

Journeying with Christ

We’re pleased to announce our 2022 Sunday Evensong sermon series “Journeying with Christ – a personal pilgrimage with the Honorary Canons of Portsmouth Cathedral.” Throughout the year each of our Honorary Canons will be joining us as guest preacher at our Choral Evensong services at 5:45pm on Sundays.

The next two sermons in this series will be:

  • Sunday 20 February – Canon John Owen, Vicar of Steep and Froxfield

  • Sunday 20 March – Canon Hugh Wright, Vicar of Ventnor on the Isle of Wight

Come to hear their experience about journeys of faith and their wisdom about the pilgrimage through life that we are all on together.

Annual Muslim Christian Evening

Last Tuesday, Portsmouth Cathedral and the Wessex Jamaat celebrated their 27thannual Muslim Christian Evening - the second to be held over Zoom. The communities used mixed break-out rooms and plenary sessions to reflect on the questions, ‘What impact has the pandemic had on your faith?’ and ‘What will you do differently in responding to God?’

The Dean referred to the song ‘Imagine’, noting that national identities and religions are in fact sources of strength, and that through them we are enabled to befriend each other and to celebrate our common humanity.

Sheikh Fazle Abbas Datoo, of the Wessex Jamaat, mourned the losses of the pandemic, but noted that ‘God is with the patient ones’. Dr Mohammadabbas Jaffer spoke for us all in observing that our experiences had been very similar, concluding by saying that as we reach out in love to each other and our communities, ‘the heart is a vessel for none other than God himself’.

There was plenty of time for greetings among friends old and new, and we are all looking forward with hope to meeting in person next year!

Worship and Visiting

Portsmouth Cathedral is open daily for prayer, services and visiting. Booking is not required for services, unless otherwise indicated. You can find out more on our website, where you can also download orders of service.

We continue to take every precaution to reduce the spread of coronavirus. Government guidance on wearing face coverings were relaxed on 27 January, but coverings are still recommended in crowded and indoor spaces where you may come into contact with people you do not normally meet.

We therefore continue to recommend wearing a face covering whilst inside the Cathedral, including when singing as part of the congregation, unless you are medically exempt. We also recommend you remain at a safe distance from other groups. Further information can be found on our Covid-19 information page.

Prayers and Intercessions

All those affected by COVID-19

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Beverley, Richard, Jane, Alan, Stan, Andrew, Amanda, Wendy, Jeff, Derek, Denise, Debbie, Jane, and all those in need.

Long-term sick including: Alison, Christopher, Clifford, Jane, Johnny, Melissa, Jenny, Suzy, Sarah, Bob, Michael, Rita, Izzy, Meriel, Graeme, Clare, Libby and Hilary.

We pray for those who have died recently: David Baird, Jenni Flynn, Hildegard Lowe, Keith Burnham, and John Hopkinson (Cathedral Funeral 1.30pm, Monday 31 January) RIP.

Upcoming Services & Events

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Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

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