Weekly Notices | Sunday, 7 August 2022

A reflection from Canon Nick 

This week, I had the joy of marrying here two former members of the Cathedral choirs to each other. It was good to welcome back several former members of the Cathedral’s choral foundation, who have themselves grown up and in some cases married and had their own children, - one only 11 days old. In the Cathedral, as in any local church, we see the whole cycle of life and sometimes this is joyful and sometimes painful, but we cannot escape the realities.

Weddings – well wedding banquets really – get a mention in this morning’s gospel reading in relation to being ready with lamps lit; it also talks about giving alms and treasuring the important things in life, not money or possessions. That message was reinforced by Her Majesty The Queen this week in her message to the bishops attending the Lambeth Conference where she talked about them ‘looking to the future and exploring the role of the church in responding to the needs of the present age’. She also strongly supported their focus on the environment given how climate change is ‘threatening the lives and livelihoods of many people and communities, not least the poorest and those less able to adapt and adjust’.

Last week the England women’s football team won the European football cup final. How great to see the genuine passion, the outpouring of support, and the encouragement to participate more for every young person but especially young girls. It is another reminder that ‘stuff’ isn’t important.

Many are worrying about money and have reason to be concerned about the rising bills and we can all see the effects of climate change on our own environment as well as that of others around the world. These are not unreasonable things to be concerned about but simply to despair doesn’t help anyone. We need to get informed, collaborate and build networks of people who will take action to solve these issues, whether big and international or small and local. Those who can, should seek ways in which they can support those in the greatest need – locally the Roberts Centre is a good place for that, internationally there are a variety of agencies.

At the same time, we all need times to celebrate with those who celebrate, whether weddings, conferences, or sport, and we should try to find ways to help others share that celebration too.

The Reverend Canon Nick Ralph,
Residentiary Canon

Highlights this week...

  • Portsmouth & Hampshire Art Society Summer Exhibition – continues until Wednesday (10 August)

  • A chance to have your say about our communications with you – take part in our survey today

Upcoming dates for your diary…

  • The Wild Cathedral Sensory Garden – Daily from 16 August to 3 September

  • Late Nights at The Wild Cathedral – 26 August & 2 September

  • Yoga at The Wild Cathedral – 20 & 27 August


Community News

Community News

Communication Survey – let us know your thoughts… 

We’re continually looking at ways we can improve how we communicate with our congregation and community. To help us continuing with developing these communications, we would appreciate your time to provide feedback via our Communications Survey. The information gathered from this will be utilised in future communications, and all feedback whether it is good or bad, is most appreciated!

You can complete the survey online (5 mins), or you can collect a printed copy from the welcome desk in the Cathedral. The survey closes on 31 August, and we look forward to your feedback.

Complete the Communications Survey →

The Wild Cathedral – sprouting soon! 

It’s just over a fortnight until the Cathedral will be blooming with our latest project - The Wild Cathedral. On Monday 15 August work begins to transform the Cathedral into an immersive sensory garden experience, open to everyone to explore from Tuesday 16 August, until Saturday 3 September.

If anyone has any crocheted creatures, knitted flowers, or real plants they are willing to donate to the project, please hand these in to the shop by Friday 12 August at 2:00pm. Many thanks to everyone who has contributed!

Learn more about The Wild Cathedral here →

Bishop Festus Visit 

Bishop Festus and his wife Felicia are paying a short ‘private visit’ to Portsmouth following the Lambeth Conference. They plan to be in our Cathedral on Wednesday 10 August from 11:00am – 12:30pm. If you are free, do call in to say ‘hello’ and perhaps join them for a coffee in the Welcome Area.

Learn more about the Sunyani Partnership Link →

Extended summer opening hours 

The Cathedral is now open for longer during the month of August. Until 4 September, the Cathedral will be open from 10:00am until the completion of Evening Prayer/Evensong, around 6:15pm, Monday to Saturday. On Sundays the Cathedral will be open for the 8:00am service and will close directly after the completion of Evening Prayer/Evensong, around 6:15pm. The Cathedral Shop hours have also been extended for this period; click the link below to see more.

See more about visiting the cathedral →

Gavin Simpson RIP 

We were saddened this week to hear of the death of Gavin Simpson, who was a Cathedral Lay Clerk from 1967-1972. Gavin moved to Lancashire to take up the post of Consultant Child Psychiatrist in Rochdale and continued to sing for many years, as a member of the Northern Cathedral Singers, as well as Manchester Cathedral voluntary choir, and several other choral groups. His son writes that Gavin '...always regarded his Portsmouth years as some of the happiest of his life and the Cathedral Choir was a very important part of his life there.'

Advisory: Exterior scaffolding  

From 30 August until 16 September, exterior scaffolding will be erected on the southside of the Cathedral. This is to permit repointing work to be carried out on the southside Nave wall. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Works such as these are essential to sustain our building for generations to come and are made possible by your continued support.

Learn more about supporting the Cathedral →

No Cathedral Notices next week 

Please note there will no Cathedral Notices next week (14 August). You can stay updated with all the latest news, services, and other events via our social media platforms, or via our website.

Help for Ukrainian Refugees 

Our diocese is continuing to work as a partner with the charity Citizens UK to offer accommodation to refugees who are fleeing from the conflict in Ukraine. They were already running a project to sponsor refugees before the Ukrainian crisis, and have partners in Ukraine, Moldova and Poland who can identify refugees and organise transport to the UK.

If you would like to know more, visit the Diocese website or speak to Canon Nick Ralph.

Foodbank Donations

Can you provide breakfasts for a struggling family? Over the school holidays, its never been more important to help families who may rely on school meals.

Our collection bins need filling so please help if you can...

  • Cereals

  • Long-life or powdered milk

  • Tinned food eg. veg, meat, meals

  • Nappies

Please bring your donations to the Foodbank collection point in the Welcome Area during the Cathedral’s daily opening hours.

Worship and Visiting

Portsmouth Cathedral is open daily for prayer, services and visiting. Booking is not required for services, unless otherwise indicated. You can find out more about visiting on our website, where you can also download orders of service.

Prayers and Intercessions

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Tom, Beverley, Richard, Jane, Alan, Amanda, Derek, Lucy, Jean, John, Alistair, Edda, Nina, and all those in need.

Long-term sick including: Alison, Clifford, Christopher, Johnny, Jane, Melissa, Suzy, Bob, Sarah, Izzy, Andrew, Peter, and Rachel.

We pray for those who have died recently: Joyce Walker, Anna Harriman, Martin How, Rita Robinson, Patrick Symes and Gavin Simpson RIP.

We pray for the Lambeth Conference (taking place from 26 July to 8 August) and all the Bishops of the Anglican Communion who are attending, and exploring together the theme: 'God's Church for God's World'.

A prayer from the Community of Hope Weavers':
Gracious God, we thank you that in Jesus you reconcile the world and all who are in it to yourself.

Touch the hearts of those attending the Lambeth Conference
to extend your peace to all, and to work for the reconciliation of all creation.

Bless them with your grace and love as they connect with one another and with you.

May your Spirit of peace hover over their conversations and their resting times, and may your gracious will be done in the life of the Anglican Communion and in the whole of your precious world.

In the name of Jesus Christ, our Prince of Peace.


You can download a prayer guide with themes for the whole conference and prayers from the different Anglican provinces.

Upcoming Services & Events

Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

News or story you’d like to share? Submit a notice 📰