Portsmouth Cathedral

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Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 8th March 2020

Second Sunday of Lent

One of the most significant trends that shapes life in the modern world is a sense of radical interiority: modern people try to find their true selves by turning inwards to reflect upon themselves. Therefore many people will see Lent as a time for interiority: going inward to discover themselves anew.

This trend is worrying because it suggests that what really matters about us is our thoughts. In this account our bodies, other people and the outside world are not significant. It therefore suggests that the world revolves around us.

Many of the political, social and environmental problems that we see in the modern world stem from this construction of our reality. We look at the world as a meaningless void on to which we, as human beings, impose our meanings. We instrumentalise and objectify everything around us and think that it is for us to do with as we please.

Although it is a seductive narrative, because it effectively makes us think of ourselves as being like God, it is harmful and destructive. Our environment has been degraded precisely because human have thought that we had the right to destroy natural habitat and re-order it as farmland. We introduced pesticides and fertilisers because it suited us. We burn vast amounts of fossil fuels because modern conveniences meet our wants.

An older understanding of the world is that we find meaning by aligning ourselves to the order of the world we find around us. If we were to make this the root of our environmental ethics, we might do rather better at caring for the planet. Lent should be a time of reflecting on the outside world, and giving things up in order to live in better conformity with the divine ordering of nature.

The Reverend Canon Dr Anthony Rustell

Residentiary Canon


Becket 2020 Please join us at 6.00pm this evening for our next sermon in the series as part of our 2020 celebrations. ‘Lent: Wilderness and Exile’ with Canon Kevin Arkell from Newport Minster.

The Service List is available in the Cathedral or on the website. Our Lent and Easter leaflet with details of services and events is also available.


Pop-Up Cathedral took its first trip out to the edge of the Diocese on Tuesday. Liss Infant School children followed a pilgrimage walk to the Pop-Up in their playground, and learned about faith, love, hope, peace and being thankful for our wonderful world. Staff and children were very excited about being the first to experience Pop-Up Cathedral. Do come along to our launch event 2.00pm-4.30pm Tuesday 31st March on the Cathedral Green, to see the Pop-Up Cathedral and some of the resources we are using inside.


The Cathedral’s new Strategy and Vision All members of the congregation and Cathedral Community are warmly invited to participate in consultations on Tuesday 10th March 7.00pm and/or Sunday 15th March 12 noon. The draft Strategy and Vision is available on the Cathedral’s website. You can email comments to The Dean at dean@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

The Dean is attending the Commonwealth Day Flag Raising ceremony at the Guildhall on Monday.

Fabric Advisory Committee The agenda for the FAC meeting on Tuesday is on the website and noticeboards.

The ‘Coronavirus’ (COVID-19) The Dean’s summary on national advice relating to the so-called ‘coronavirus’ specifically related to a cathedral context is available on the Cathedral’s website.

Pastoral Care If anyone has a concern or would like to speak to someone, please contact Canon Jo 9275 2335 or Canon Kathryn 9282 3300 extn 229.

Cathedral Shop volunteering opportunities We are looking for new shop volunteers to cover Monday and Friday mornings 10.00am-1.00pm. If you are interested and to discuss further then please speak to our Finance Officer, Nicky Taylor nicky.taylor@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk 023 9289 2965.

Pilgrim Passports are available in the Cathedral Shop priced £5.00, as part of the national campaign for 2020 Year of Cathedrals, Year of Pilgrimage. These have been devised by our Education Officer Sarah Page and Jackie Holderness from Christ Church Oxford. An article has been published in the Church Times.

Bishop’s Lent Appeal The focus of this year’s Lent Appeal is about playing our part as humans in loving God’s creation by prayer, by action, and by giving. Information leaflets and envelopes for donations are available in the Cathedral.

Mothering Sunday If you would like to help make posies then please join the Flower Guild 9.00am Saturday 21st March in the Bishop Kenneth Room.

Easter Egg Appeal Please leave donations of Easter Eggs for children and young people supported by the Roberts Centre and Stop Domestic Abuse Now at the Cathedral Shop. Last day for donations Thursday 2nd April.

Easter Lilies If you would like to donate the cost of an Easter lily (£2.50) in memory of a loved one, please complete a form available in the Cathedral or print from our website. Last day for inclusion is Thursday 9th April.

Volunteers’ Thank You The date for the ‘Thank You Tea’ has been changed from Thursday 4th June to Tuesday 2nd June, 5pm in the Nave.

Holy Dusters volunteers Come and join our friendly and enthusiastic group. We meet most Monday mornings (not Bank Holidays) at 8.30am for an hour, to tidy, dust and help make the Cathedral look attractive and well cared for. 100% attendance is not a requirement. Please contact the Cathedral Offices.

Friends of the Cathedral Don’t forget the Friends’ trip to Highclere Castle (Downton Abbey) and Sandham Memorial Chapel at Burghclere on Tuesday 21st April. Places still available, closing date Wednesday 18th March. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity for a great day out. Booking forms are available in the Cathedral, on the website or you can apply to friends@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.


The Sarum Cycle A painted meditation of the Passion of Christ by Nicholas Mynheer is displayed in the Ambulatory until Easter.

Mediaeval Pilgrimage: faith, fun or folly? 7.00pm Wednesday 11th March. Illustrated talk by Professor Nicholas Orme. Free event, book via Eventbrite.

Lunchtime Live 1.10pm Thursday 12th March with Ensemble Concertante (clarinet quartet). Free with retiring collection and refreshments from 12.30pm.

Silver Screen – ‘The Italian Job’ 2.00pm Tuesday 17th March in Becket Hall. All welcome. Free event, tickets available from the Cathedral Shop.

A Reflective Afternoon in an Emsworth home and garden 2.00pm-4.30pm Wednesday 18th March. ‘Everyday Pilgrimage’ led by Canon Jo Spreadbury. To book a place and to arrange transport, please contact the Cathedral Shop.

Pilgrimage Passion 18th - 21st March. A Lenten exploration of the Passion Story. Four days of music, reflection and journey in faith. Donations welcomed.

Handel’s Messiah 7.30pm Saturday 21st March. Tickets £25.00, £20.00 (concessions), Under 16s £5.00. Available from the Cathedral Shop and Eventbrite.

The Portsmouth Grammar School Gala Concert 8.00pm Wednesday 25th March. Tickets £5.00, Under 18s free. Available on the door and via Eventbrite.

Skittles Evening 7.30pm Friday 3rd April at the Royal Maritime Club, a match between the Cathedral and St. John’s Catholic Cathedral. Tickets £12.00 includes basket meal. Available from the Cathedral Shop.


All those in need including: Bob, Barry, Tim, Derek, Joey, Paige, Nigel, Trevor, Roy, Emrys, Reuben, Neil and Andrew.

And those who have died: Rodney Baker (Lay Canon Emeritus) and Barbara Dines RIP.

For a complete listing of this week’s notices click here