Portsmouth Cathedral

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Enhancing our Biodiversity on Cathedral Green

Earlier this Spring led by our Cathedral Climate Champion Sue Ward, we met with the City Council concerning how we might enhance biodiversity on Cathedral Green. As a member of Eco Church, the Cathedral is committed to taking such actions that will preserve and enhance God’s creation.

The City has agreed to create two wildflower bed ellipses on the South-East grassed area, a wildflower bed beside the main path leading to the West Door, and to start a mowing pattern in late May that will leave a circle of unmown lawn around all the trees.  These steps will increase biodiversity while not interfering with the enjoyment of the Green by the congregation and our neighbours.

Earlier this Spring the city cut the undergrowth around the large tree on the South-West lawn and very kindly did a tidy up of the Green on the day before Bishop Jonathan’s installation. They have also confirmed that they not use any harmful chemicals (pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers) in the management of Cathedral Green.

Chapter would like to thank and acknowledge Portsmouth City Council’s Parks and Open Spaces Team for their efforts – they are very much appreciated.

Find out more about the ways we’re working to reduce our carbon footprint

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