Portsmouth Cathedral

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Feeding back on our Cathedral Vision and Strategy Consultation 

On Tuesday 13 April we held an open session for all members of the Cathedral community on Zoom. At the event Dean Anthony and Richard Abraham, Chief Operating Officer, fed back how our community consultation helped to shape the Cathedral Vision statement (Portsmouth Cathedral: A beacon and safe haven, anchored in Jesus Christ) and the six strategic objectives.     

Portsmouth Cathedral: A beacon and safe haven, anchored in Jesus Christ 

  • Our Strategic Objectives 

  • Worship and Music 

  • Growing and Learning 

  • Diocese and Community 

  • Building and Treasures 

  • Partnership and Engagement 

  • Finances and Sustainability 

Two examples that were shared were: 

  • Key words within our vision statement such as ‘beacon’ and ‘haven’ directly emerged from the consultation. They help to articulate that Portsmouth Cathedral is anchored in our locality, whilst being open to all. 

  • The nuance and wording of the strategic objectives was amended following the consultation to reflect both the strong foundation which will support the vision, and our aspiration to build a financially sustainable Cathedral that welcomes and engages as widely as possible.  

Dean Anthony and Richard also responded to some of the most frequently raised questions in the consultation, including: 

  • Why are there six objectives? Response: all six objectives are designed to be mutually supportive and interrelated; they all need to work for the Cathedral to flourish.  For example, for the Cathedral to excel in areas like worship, music or learning, we need to care for our building and treasures, engage widely in the community and we have the finances to pay for our work.  

  • Could ‘Diocese and Community’ and ‘Partnership and Engagement’ be combined? Response: While closely linked to each other, ‘Diocese and Community’ is more focused in our role as the Mother Church of the Diocese while ‘Partnership and Engagement’ is more community-focused where we work in partnership. It is important to have all six strategic objectives to ensure that all areas of our work receive equal focus and are not overlooked.  


Looking forward, Dean Anthony and Richard shared that a master document of all the projects that will support our vision will be published in September 2021.  

There was a lively and productive open conversation about the Cathedral vision, including the vital role and need for volunteers as part of a sustainable Cathedral. Everyone agreed that the Cathedral should continue to find ways to acknowledge and thank our volunteers, and to monitor and share the tremendous impact of our volunteers. The group also discussed financial stewardship ahead of the Season of Generosity that will begin shortly. 

Dean Anthony and Richard both committed to more feedback and engagement events in the future as we work together to ensure our collective Vision is fulfilled over the coming years. 

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