Weekly Notices | 6 October 2024

A reflection from Nick Ralph

In the Cathedral we frequently pray for peace and there is no shortage of places in our minds in need of prayer when doing so, from Israel, Gaza, and Lebanon, to Ukraine, Myanmar, Yemen, Sudan, South Sudan, and the Sahel war involving Niger, Burkina Faso, and Mali. Some of these are escalating and a cause for great concern so this Sunday, on Trinity 19, we are praying particularly for peace. 

I am not a pacifist. There are times when it is clearly right to stand up against bullies who would challenge our freedoms and restrict either a right to exist or to exist in a particular way. The question of how Christians are to make judgements about the justice of a particular conflict are found in the just war criteria. War is always evil but sometimes it can be seen as the lesser evil to go to war than not to. In other words, there are circumstances when it can be justifiable, including from a Christian perspective, and the criteria can in part be traced as far back as Thomas Aquinas. A simple and very short form of the classic just war criteria are:

  1.  Just cause.

  2.  Lawful authority.

  3.  Right intention.

  4.  Last resort

  5.  Reasonable chance of success.

  6.  Proportionate response

  7.  Right conduct 

Alongside this, with the ‘media/information war’ being such a key feature of many conflicts, we cannot always be sure that what we are seeing on our screens is true. Most of us are not in a position to know the facts, and we will only find that out later, but we can expect our government and leaders to know better, and hold them and where possible, others to account to a similar standard. For that to be effective, good international relationships are a vital andimportant requirement and in all our interests.

We can also pray individually for peace, for those in military service who put themselves on the line to defend us and our shores, and work hard to maintain peace, freedom, and justice, and for those who are current involved in defending freedom, justice and peace, for their safety and their effectiveness.

Almighty God,

from whom all thoughts of truth and peace proceed:

kindle, we pray, in the hearts of all, the true love of peace

and guide with your pure and peaceable wisdom

those who take counsel for the nations of the earth

that in tranquillity your kingdom may go forward,

till the earth is filled with the knowledge of your love;

through Jesus Christ our Lord.


The Reverend Canon Nick Ralph
Residentiary Canon 

Dates for your diary…

Community News 

Legal Service – Monday 7 October 11:00am

The service which will be held at Portsmouth for the first time since 2017 comes from the history of Legal Services which dates back to 1897, when judges prayed in Westminster Abbey for guidance at the start of the legal term, a tradition that continues today.    
His Honour Judge Michael Bowes KC, The Honorary Recorder of Portsmouth and Resident Judge for Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight says ‘As judges and lawyers our duty is to serve our city’s community and we celebrate today among friends in our City’s beautiful Cathedral. We would like to thank: Churchers Solicitors, Wessex Solicitors, Wannops LLP and Bramsdon & Childs Solicitors for their generous support which has enabled us to hold our Legal Service in the Cathedral.’
All are welcome to attend.

More info on our websitehere

College of Canons

We look forward to welcoming the Bishop, Archdeacons, Residentiary Canons, Honorary and Lay Canons for the first meeting of the College of Canons since our new Constitution and Statutes came into force last December.  The College is chaired by Dean Anthony and will receive briefings on the work of the Cathedral and will discuss members roles as ambassadors across the diocese.

Portsmouth Cathedral Institute – Professor Stephen Schneck – Thursday 10 October, 7:00pm

From his unique vantage point as Chair of a major US Federal Body mitigating human rights risks globally, a Presidential advisor and well known academic and media contributor on social justice, social inclusion and climate risks, Professor Schenck will explore these topics live in Portsmouth just a few weeks out from one of the closest fought Presidential elections in US history.

Free for all taking place in The Nave.
See our website for more info.

Specialist Tours start 15 October

After the success of the Summer Specialist Tours, we are excited to announce Specialist Tour Tuesdays. Join us on select Tuesdays at 1pm for a variety of tours around the Cathedral, exploring our history and much much more! 
The first tour will take place on the 15 October, with our Organist and the Master of the Choristers, Dr David Price leading a tour of our Organ. Including a behind the scenes tour of the Trompette de Maris. Please note there are limited spaces on the tour, and they must be booked in advanced. Please be advised that this tour may not be suitable for some, please see the website for more details.
For more Specialist Tour Tuesday's dates, see our websitehere.

Dick Hughes Weekly Yoga

New weekly Yoga and Pilates class at Portsmouth Cathedral, Tuesdays 6:30pm – 7:30pm in Becket Hall.
Join Dickie for an hour of Yoga flow combined with a collection of core, focused Pilates moves. The class is suitable for all abilities, it will enhance flexibility, strengthen your core, improve balance and alleviate stress. Classes are £8 and will run until Christmas. Mats can be provided if needed. Please contact Dickie for more information, or if you have any questions.
Contact Dick directly on WhatsApp on 07950 217327 or viaInstagram

Carbon Literacy Seminar

Wednesday, 16 October at 7:45pm at the Church of the Resurrection, Drayton, PO6 2AP

  • Do you feel overwhelmed by the frequent mentions of the ‘climate crisis’ in the media?

  • Is it really a crisis or just over-blown fear-mongering?

  • Would you be interested in having a better understanding of the science behind climate change so that you can make your own decisions?

Portsmouth Diocese is running a one-hour course on Carbon Literacy with the aim of helping us to understand:

  • what is happening to our global climate and why;

  • how it affects us all;

  • and what we can do to see things change for the better. 

This course will look at the science and history of climate change, with some useful data sources and explainer videos.
You will feel better equipped to talk about climate change and to understand some of the language being used to discuss the issue.
And you will (hopefully) be inspired to find ways of engaging with lifestyle, church and community projects that aim to effect change in a positive way.
Course leader:  Matt Lockwood, Net Zero Carbon Support Officer for Portsmouth Diocese.
So, we can estimate numbers RSVP by 14 October to Miriam Sampsonsampsons@dsl.pipex.com  or text 07880732846.

Great South Run - Sponser the Dean

Thank you so much to all who have sponsored me in raising money for the National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS) by participating in the Great South Run. When our third child was born with a hearing impairment, it was a worrying time as we had no experience of deafness in children and were fearful of what life would be like for him. 

Discovering the NDCS was a real lifeline for us, and I am glad (through your generosity) to help support the NDCS in continuing its vital work with deaf children and their families. Now all I to need to do is carry on training and complete the run! On Sunday 20 October I’d be grateful for your cheers and waves, and if there are any final sponsors out there, that would be hugely appreciated. 

My fundraising page can be foundhere. 

Changes to Services – Sunday 6 October

Please note this Sunday due to the RMBS Memorial Service, there will be no #PompeySundays or 11am Eucharist. The 8am Holy Communion service remains unaffected, and there will be be a 5:45pm an evening Eucharist. 

#PompeySundays will will be meeting at Canoe Lake (outside Cafe Fresco) for a tour of Southsea Green community garden, and an outdoor sing! As the garden can only hold 20 people at a time, the first session will start at 9:30am and then there is a further session at 10am. If you would like to attend, please email Canon Harriet at harriet.neale-stevens@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk as we need to confirm numbers before the day! Many thanks and look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.


Changes to services - Sunday 20 October (Great South Run)

Please note also that the Shop will be closed on Sunday 20 October due to the Great South Run

Please note due to the Great South Run, visiting to the Cathedral may be impacted. The 11am Eucharist will also not be taking place. If you are attending any of our other morning services including #PompeySunday and Holy Communion, you may need to leave earlier due to road closures and parking restrictions.  Our shop will also be closed all day on this date, but you can continue to shop online.

See road closures and other changes here.

Eucharist for Peace

On Sunday 6 October there will be an evening Eucharist at 5:45pm with a special focus on peace and reconciliation, on the eve of the first anniversary of the Israel/Gaza conflict.

Taizé Vigil for Peace

On Sunday 6 October the monthly Taizé service at 8pm will include songs and chants and prayers for peace in our world at this time.

Pet Blessing Service – Sunday 13 October 3pm

Bring your pets along (or a picture of your pet) to this service of blessing and thanksgiving for the animal companions with which we share our lives. The service will be short, with music and readings reflecting the season of Creationtide, with a special emphasis on animals, and will conclude with an individual blessing of each pet present.
All are welcome to stay for refreshments (and treats) afterwards at the West end. Please note that your animals are your responsibility throughout the event. The West doors will be kept open so that people are free to come and go as needed.
We look forward to welcoming you to this service – do bring family, friends and neighbours!

Fabric Committee meets

The Fabric Advisory Committee meets on Tuesday, 8 October for its regular autumn meeting
The Committee will review the fabric and works completed and planned.  The Committee will also review plans following the successful Heritage Fund bid and planned continued Carbon Net Zero Eco work on the Cathedral
To access the agenda please click here.

The Malus Jelly King shares its bounty again

You may not be aware but in the Memorial Garden is a Malus Jelly King Crab Apple Tree…
This tree was donated by Tracy Reid in remembrance of her husband Frank.  Frank was elected as a Cathedral Churchwarden in 2005 and served for several years in this role and many others. Chris Lovett has once again turned the fruit from this tree into a wonderful Crab Apple Jelly, as you can see in the picture above.  We thought it would be lovely to add a jar of “Churchwarden’s Crab Apple Jelly” to a Luncheon Hamper, as a raffle prize in this year’s Christmas Fair. By the way, there are now only 64 sleeps until the Christmas Fair…
Which means there is lots to do.  Ann Wilson has kindly said that she is happy to run the Chocolate Tombola again this year and we are grateful for any donations of chocolate which can be given to Ann, or dropped into the Cathedral office.   The other task which needs focusing on early is gathering raffle prizes, particularly the key prizes which feature on the printed raffle tickets.  If you work for or run a business that is able to sponsor or donate a prize, please get in touch.  Thank you!
Your help with this year’s fair is much needed and there are many ways to contribute towards this fundraising event.  If you would like to volunteer to help organise the event or give a few hours on the day, then please emailvolunteer@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk
Save the date - Portsmouth Cathedral Christmas Fair 11am Saturday 7 December

Chapter Awayday held

Chapter met for its annual awayday on Wednesday, 2 October 2024.
With three new members of Chapter and the enhanced role of Chapter following the Cathedral’s registration as a charity in March 2024, the awayday provided the opportunity to reflect on how these governance changes impact upon its role. Some time was also used to reflect on this renewed Chapter and its role as the strategic body responsible for the delivery of our Vision and Strategy including ensuring continued financial viability.
During the afternoon, Chapter explored its role in the master planning and feasibility process. Chapter looks to conserve and renew the Cathedral and its estate for today and future generations. These are first steps that will lead to wider engagement with the Cathedral community and other stakeholders in 2025 and 2026.
Chapter gratefully acknowledges the support of the Church Commissioners of funding of the master planning/feasibility study process including the costs of this away day.  Chapter would also like to thank the Mary Rose Trust for hosting it for this awayday.

Out and About

Canon Anthony is taking services at Hayling Island and the Cathedral Choir is singing Choral Evensong at St Peter’s Titchfield on Sunday 6 October, as part of the Cathedral’s ongoing support and outreach to the Diocese.

Worship & Visiting

Every day, Portsmouth Cathedral is open for worship, prayer, and visiting. Unless otherwise specified, services do not require booking. Our website contains orders of service, as well as information about visiting the Cathedral.

Sunday 6 October

  • 8:00am - Holy Communion Book of Common Prayer      

  • 11:00am - Royal Marines Band Service Memorial Day Service sung by the Cathedral Choir (Boys). (Music starts from 10:30am)

  • 5:45pm - Eucharist for Peace (congregational) 

    • The Cathedral Choir (Girls) is singing 6.30pm Evensong at St Peter’s, Titchfield

  • 8:00pm - Taizé Vigil for Peace

Prayers & Intercessions

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community:  Sue, Betty, Pauline, Marc, Elizabeth, Chris, Tom, Wendy, Gemma, Zoe, Paul, baby Joy and all in need.  

We continue to pray for the long-term sick, including: Richard, Alistair, John, Alison, Jill, Suzy, Rosy, Philip, Mathai, Graeme, Muriel and Geraldine.

We remember those who have died recently, including: Joan Benning (Burial of Ashes - 3pm Monday 7 October), Philippa O'Brien, Joan Eddings RIP

 Upcoming Services & Events

Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

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