Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | 15 December 2024

A reflection from David Price

I haven’t been able to watch The Snowman for quite a few years – the ending is too upsetting for my sensitive soul! That moment, the morning after when all the magic of the The Snowman, Father Christmas and the North Pole Party have literally melted away is full of pathos. But I’ll have to get over myself and enjoy it for what it is as we stage three performances on Saturday with the Cathedral Choristers and The Solent Symphony Orchestra as we bring the Howard Blake score to life accompanying the Raymond Brigg’s animation. We’ll also join together for some community carol singing.
All this is but a prelude to the activity taking place in a week’s time. There’s more animated fun on Friday 20 Dec with screenings of Frozen and The Muppet Christmas Carol and then our Carol Services start from Saturday 21 Dec at 6.30pm which we then repeat on 22, 23 and Christmas Eve which will also include the Blessing of the Crib. There’s more of course; see our leaflet and website for Coffee and Carols, Christmas Eve Crib Services, Midnight Mass and for Christmas Day itself.
This will be my twenty ninth Christmas as Cathedral Organist at Portsmouth and is wonderful to see how busier, more active and engaged Portsmouth Cathedral has become for this season over time. Multiple Cathedral Carol Services, more school services, concerts, film screenings, trips to sing at our local parishes and places like The Mary Rose Museum are now par for the course. How fortunate we are to be able to share the Good News every Christmas to more and more people each and every year.
Dr David Price
Organist & Master of the Choristers

Dates for your diary…

Community News 

‘Comfort and Joy’ sharing some love at Christmas

Over 22 years ago, at a Portsmouth Housing Association meeting, two people chatted at a coffee break. That short conversation led to the development of the Churches Homeless Action Voucher Scheme. The conversation was around what was a common factor for those who were homeless – rough sleeping, sofa surfing, in refuges, asylum seekers etc. The two factors that were identified lie at the heart of the scheme. The first is that the gift of choice is one we take for granted, but which those who are on the margins do not often have. The gifts generously given by others, may not be what the individual would choose for themselves. The second was that those who are in the margins and homeless are not just a statistic, or a nuisance, or a ‘them’; but they are human beings like us and in each of them Christians believe we see the image of God.
So, the scheme has two elements –the gathering of vouchers or gift cards for £5 or £10so that those who receive them can chose what they have
the sharing of a Christmas card and a personal message, recognising our common humanity.
These two elements have then been shared with local charities and groups who support those who are homeless (this year’s list is below).
Each year we hear of how much this simple scheme means to those who receive the gift cards and greeting and how precious they are.
In a time of ongoing worries and concerns about finance, food, fuel and wellbeing we hope to be able to share this precious gift and greeting with as many as we can.

If you would like to make a donation, please send your Christmas Card (in an unsealed envelope) and gift cards to:
The Deanery office
St Faith’s Church
Crasswell Street
Portsmouth PO1 1HT

Art in Advent

An Advent themed art exhibition by children from our local schools (St Jude's CE Primary School, St George's CE Beneficial School, Portsmouth High School and The Harbour School).

Come and enjoy this art exhibition which will use the whole cathedral space and encourage us to prepare for the birth of Christ at Christmas. Free to visit and all are welcome! Exhibition open Monday 16 December–Thursday 19 December 9am–5pm.

Mulled wine and mince pies every day 3:30–5pm. Candlelit Eucharist for Art in Advent - Thursday 19 December at 4pm - all welcome.

Christmas Fair Update.  It’s only 358 sleeps until…

Just kidding! This year’s Christmas Fair was a fabulous success despite the weather.  Our amazing community came together to raise more than £6,200 for our Cathedral and Choir Association.
The dedicated teamwork of our volunteers, and the generosity of all those who donated items old, new and hand-made meant that the stalls, such as Cakes, Jam & Preserves, Chocolate and Bottle tombolas and more were well stocked, Thank you all! 
A special thanks to the incredible work of all those involved, both before the day and at the fair, on our annual Christmas Raffle which raised a record breaking £1,686!  A special thanks to the anonymous donor of the first prize of John Lewis vouchers, which was an enticing prize appealing to everyone, perfect.  Thanks also to local businesses including abarbistro, Fish Portsmouth, Bransbury Park Butchers, Ruth Waldron, Beauty Retreat, Barbara Tipple, Waterstones, Card Factory, Tony Wood hairdressers, Brasserie Blanc, Nisa Local and Trendy Nails. 
It was a fabulous community event, with some stalls supporting the work of the Roberts Centre, our link Diocese in Ghana, Sunyani as well as the Portsea Men’s Shed and Veteran’s Outreach Support.
Dean Anthony remarked, “It is a real tribute to all our volunteers that such a tremendous total was achieved, despite the adverse weather conditions. Quite apart from the money raised, there was a wonderful atmosphere throughout, both in the Cathedral itself and in Becket Hall. I want to express my thanks, that of Chapter and the entire Cathedral community, to all those involved.”

Dr David Price said “Thank you to all the chorister parents who helped, or donated, to make the super lunches, refreshments and mulled wine such a success. A particular thanks to Susan, Matt and Katherine for the planning that went into Saturday’s event and in creating such a warm welcome in Cathedral House.  These events are a crucial opportunity to raise funds to ensure all our choristers can thrive and enjoy their musical journey with Portsmouth Cathedral Choir. Thank you!”

Cathedral Sing

St Cecilia Evensong
We welcomed nearly 80 children to join with our Cathedral Choir to sing a special Evensong for St Cecilia Day last month. All the children enthusiastically joined in with the Psalm, Magnificat, anthem and final rousing rendition of Vaughan Williams The Old 100th!

Gabrieli ROAR—A Georgian Christmas Tour
We were honoured to be the opening cathedral for this year’s Gabrieli ROAR Tour across eleven cathedrals in England. We welcomed nearly 200 young people to come and sing alongside the Cathedral Choir, The Gabrieli Consort and Players.
The music was a selection of cheery and boisterous carols as would have been sung in parish churches across the nation in the 18th Century—a particular favourite was While Shepherds watch to Ilkley Moor rather than the more common and dull Victorian tune now used.

Brass Rubbing Trail

Explore the Cathedral this Christmas with our Brass Rubbing Trail!
Portsmouth Cathedral is hosting a brass rubbing trail this Christmas. We invite all to join us this festive season to find out more about the Cathedral. For a small fee of £2 per pack, available at the Cathedral Shop from 10:00am to 3:30pm Tuesdays - Sundays, visitors can enjoy this creative experience.
Please note from the 25 December - 6 January the packs will be available to purchase in the Welcome Area of the Cathedral, via money donation or donation unit, as the shop will be closed. The trail will run from the 13 December 2024 - 6 January 2025.

Thank You

Many thanks for my warm send off at the end of November - for the many gifts and cards and for this lovely print of Old Portsmouth to remember my five years here.
Whilst I have ceased my operational responsibilities, I will be working in the background on handover and a couple of national church items over the next few weeks.  I will also be back in the Cathedral on the 18th of January 2025 to speak at the Tri-Diocesan Eco Conference.
Again, many thanks for the last five years - it will be amazing to see what happens next.

Interim Chief Operating Officer

We will be recruiting a new COO early in the new year, which means that it might well not be until next summer that a new person can start. Given this, I am very pleased to say that Isabel Merrifield has agreed to take on the role of Interim COO on a part-time basis. Isabel comes with impressive experience and expertise, having been COO at Coventry Cathedral, and subsequently (having set up her own consultancy) Interim COO at Southwark Cathedral, and then Lincoln Cathedral.  

Isabel is currently coming to the end of her work for Lincoln and will be visiting Portsmouth in December to meet key people and learn more about us. She will do some work for us remotely in January, and then ‘in person’ from February until a permanent COO is able to start. As always, this will be a busy period in the life of the cathedral and I’m delighted to have someone of Isabel’s calibre working with us.

Anthony Cane,
Dean of Portsmouth

Update on Services and Choirs

Our Choirs are taking a break from Choral Evensong for rehearsals and other events ahead of the Christmas services. During this time, Evening Prayer will be held at 4pm each day.
We invite you to join us for this reflective service as we continue our regular pattern of worship. For the full schedule of dates and times, please refer to our service list.

Fabric Advisory Committee news

Congratulations to Ryan Stock, Designated Chair of our Fabric Advisory Committee (FAC), on recently qualifying as a RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) Conservation Architect.
Ryan is an Associate Architect at Pritchard Architects, Portsmouth and has been a member of FAC since 2023.
So what is a Conservation Architect? Architectural conservation is a process that prolongs the material, historical, and design integrity of built heritage. Conservation architects specialize in preserving and restoring historic buildings and structures, assessing their condition, developing conservation plans, and implementing strategies to protect and maintain them. The goal is to manage changes while preserving the heritage values.
Dean Anthony says, "Many congratulations to Ryan.  As we begin the process of looking at how to renew the Cathedral Precinct in the lead up to our centenary in 2027 and beyond, Fabric Committee members, as our Cathedral's legal planning authority, play a key role in helping us to conserve and renew the Precinct for future generations.  Ryan's new qualification will be of huge benefit for this oversight work of the FAC."

Worship & Visiting

Every day, Portsmouth Cathedral is open for worship, prayer, and visiting. Unless otherwise specified, services do not require booking. Our website contains orders of service, as well as information about visiting the Cathedral.

Services this Sunday - 
Third Sunday of Advent

8:00am - Holy Communion
9:30am - #PompeySundays
11:00am - Choral Eucharist sung by the Cathedral Consort
2:00pm - Coffee and Carols – Anna Chaplaincy
5:45pm - Choral Evensong sung by the Lay Clerks and Choral Scholars

Prayers & Intercessions

We pray for: Sam and Flavia to be married here on Monday 16 December
We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community:  David, June, Jess, Muriel, Tom, Spencer, Pauline, Elizabeth, Chris and all in need.  
We continue to pray for the long-term sick, including:  Margaret, David, Diana, Jill, Alison, Suzy, Richard, Alistair, Rosy, Philip, Mathai, Graeme and baby Lottie.
We remember those who have died recently, including: Andrew (Andy) SkoraGeraldine Tucker, Sheila Meaden, Susan Morlock, Peter Hamer, Kenneth Reilly RIP.

 Upcoming Services & Events

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Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

Have news or story you’d like to share? Submit a notice 📰

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