Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | 29 September 2024

A reflection from Canon Jo

Each day at Morning Prayer and the morning Eucharist in the Cathedral, we offer prayers for a variety of situations and needs. We use the Anglican Cycle of Prayer, which names every diocese and province of the whole Anglican Communion across the world. We also use the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer, which mentions every parish of our diocese – and each parish is written to by the
Dean and invited to join us for Choral Evensong or Evening prayer on the occasions they are being prayed for. The Ministry Team have suggested that we also ensure that each road and street in our Cathedral Parish is remembered and prayed for each month. So, we have just compiled a list – in mainly alphabetical order – which covers our whole parish (see below). Our hope is to invite people in the streets we are praying for to let us know of particular concerns and issues that they would like us to pray for.  Canon Harriet has had some lovely ideas about getting children from St Jude's to design prayer cards that we can put through the doors of different streets when we are praying for them, with a prayer and an invitation to come and join us for one of our services that day- or during that week.
We realise that many of our worshipping community live outside our geographical parish, but if you happen to live in the parish, please get in touch if you would be willing to help pop these prayer cards through people’s doors in your street every other month or so. And do come along to Evensong on behalf of those you live near, when your road is being prayed for!
We also pray each month for our neighbouring churches in the Portsmouth Deanery plus a range of community issues, local needs and specific Portsmouth causes (again, see below). We hope in this way that all of you will feel that you, and the concerns close to your heart, are supported by the regular rhythm of prayer that the Cathedral offers. 
See prayers list here.
The Reverend Canon Jo Spreadbury
Canon Precentor

Dates for your diary…

Community News 

Funding secured for a Centenary Project

Portsmouth Cathedral is thrilled to announce that it has been awarded nearly £118,000 by The National Lottery Heritage Fund to transform the visitor experience within the Cathedral. This funding will support the creation of a new dynamic space within the South Tower Transept, combining the shop and welcome area with a new heritage exhibition space. The project will highlight both the rich history of the Cathedral and its deep connections with the city of Portsmouth.
As we approach our centenary in 2027, this project is particularly significant. It not only offers a unique opportunity to showcase Portsmouth Cathedral's history but also strengthens our shared heritage with the city celebrating its own centenary in 2026. The new space will include state-of-the-art display cases, allowing us to present treasured artefacts from our own collection as well as loans from other institutions. This will be complemented by digital and interactive visitor interpretations, bringing the stories of the Cathedral and Portsmouth to life in an engaging and accessible way.
A key feature of the project is the collaboration with the Mary Rose Trust. We are delighted to announce that a curator from the Mary Rose Museum will be seconded to Portsmouth Cathedral for the duration of the project, further cementing the long-standing relationship between our organisations.
Dean Anthony says, ‘I am absolutely delighted at this award, both for the ways it will enhance our welcome to visitors and pilgrims and enable us to showcase our central place in the maritime history of Portsmouth and longstanding relationship with bodies such as the Mary Rose Trust.’
This project not only enhances the visitor experience but also supports the Cathedral’s long-term sustainability. By relocating the shop to a more prominent position and integrating it with the heritage display, we anticipate increased footfall and a more engaging visitor journey. The modular design of the new welcome area and exhibition space ensures flexibility, allowing the Cathedral to adapt to future needs while maintaining the integrity of the historical setting.
The National Lottery Heritage Fund's support represents a significant step forward for Portsmouth Cathedral, paving the way for future projects and further strengthening our ties with the local community. Using money raised by National Lottery players, The National Lottery Heritage Fund supports projects that connect people and communities with the UK’s heritage. Thanks to National Lottery players, we will be able to preserve our heritage, ensure our heritage is as accessible as possible, support our organisational stability and contribute to our ongoing Carbon Net-Zero work.
Dominic Jones, CEO of the Mary Rose Trust says, “We are delighted to support such an important project in our City. The Mary Rose Trust already has a very close relationship with the Cathedral of the Sea, we have an unknown crew member from the Mary Rose entombed in the Cathedral and carry out an annual remembrance and commemoration of those who died on 19 July 1545. There is a such a rich culture of history and heritage in Portsmouth Cathedral and delighted we can support this project and look forward to seeing the impact it will have for culture, heritage and our community in the future”
The project is set to begin in October 2024, with the new space expected to open ahead of Advent 2025. We look forward to welcoming visitors to explore and celebrate the rich heritage that unites Portsmouth Cathedral with the city and beyond.

Solent Symphony Orchestra presents Orchestra Unwrapped: A Family Concert

Presented by the Solent Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra Unwrapped is a lively and engaging concert for everyone—whether you’re a seasoned classical music fan or attending your first symphony. With something for every generation, from primary school children to grandparents, this is the perfect family event to enjoy together.

Tickets £16 with under 18's just £5! Combined family tickets also available. 

Learn more and book online →

Musicians this weekend…

There’s a lot of activity this weekend for our musicians…

We look forward to helping lead the music and liturgy at Saturday morning’s Michaelmas Ordinations, then our Annual Gathering of Former Choristers takes place with a dinner in the evening. We shall welcome nearly 30 former choristers from the 1970s through to the present day!
On Sunday the Girl Choristers will sing in the morning but return again in the evening to join the Boy Choristers (who will have just sung the Michaelmas Carol Service) for the first of three CD recording sessions. We have been invited to record the cover CD for the BBC Music Magazine Christmas edition. This magazine has a circulation of tens of thousands and so we are pleased to have been asked to contribute.

Word is Near Update

Please note that there will be no Word is Near this week (Wednesday 2nd October). We meet again on Wednesday 9th October.

Portsmouth Black History Project

As part of Black History Month, the Very Rev Dr Anthony Cane, Dean of Portsmouth, has interviewed Marie Costa, organiser of the Portsmouth Black History Project which seeks to unearth and share the stories of black people who have lived in and contributed to the life, culture and success of the city of Portsmouth and the surrounding areas. He also spoke to Vida Newton, who came to the UK from the Caribbean in the 1950’s and settled with her family in Portsmouth. The video is available on our YouTube channel and can be used in services and with groups. A longer version of the interview will be published shortly, which gives more information about the project as well as sharing more stories of the experiences of black people in Portsmouth. If you would like to get involved with or contribute to the Portsmouth Black History Project, do contact Marie Costa.

Carbon Literacy Seminar

Wednesday, 16 October at 7:45pm at the Church of the Resurrection, Drayton, PO6 2AP

  • Do you feel overwhelmed by the frequent mentions of the ‘climate crisis’ in the media?

  • Is it really a crisis or just over-blown fear-mongering?

  • Would you be interested in having a better understanding of the science behind climate change so that you can make your own decisions?

Portsmouth Diocese is running a one-hour course on Carbon Literacy with the aim of helping us to understand:

  • what is happening to our global climate and why;

  • how it affects us all;

  • and what we can do to see things change for the better.

This course will look at the science and history of climate change, with some useful data sources and explainer videos.
You will feel better equipped to talk about climate change and to understand some of the language being used to discuss the issue.
And you will (hopefully) be inspired to find ways of engaging with lifestyle, church and community projects that aim to effect change in a positive way.
Course leader:  Matt Lockwood, Net Zero Carbon Support Officer for Portsmouth Diocese.
So, we can estimate numbers RSVP by 14 October to Miriam Sampson, sampsons@dsl.pipex.com  or text 07880732846.

Exploring the Bible: Mark's Gospel

Canon Harriet is currently leading a series called "Exploring the Bible". We are looking at Mark's Gospel and will explore more books from both the Old and New Testaments during the year.
Mark's Gospel is thought to be the earliest of the four Gospels. It's written in a style that is direct and "to the point", an exciting and short read. It's an excellent place to start if you have been considering reading more of the Bible and delving into its depths!
Mark's Gospel began on Monday 9 September, and runs for six weeks.  The group will meet on the following dates (all Mondays): 9, 16, 23, 30 September and 7, 14 October at 6:45pm in Bishop Kenneth Room.  You can join at any time so if you missed the last few weeks, you are still very welcome.
All are welcome. You don't need to have any prior knowledge to take part, just a readiness to read, and enjoy some discussion. Please bring your own Bible.
If you would like to join, please email Canon Harriet at: harriet.neale-stevens@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Dick Hughes Weekly Yoga

New weekly Yoga and Pilates class at Portsmouth Cathedral.

Join Dickie for an hour of Yoga flow combined with a collection of core, focused Pilates moves. The class is suitable for all abilities, it will enhance flexibility, strengthen your core, improve balance and alleviate stress. Classes are £8 and will run until Christmas. I can provide a mat if needed. Please contact me for more information, or if you have any questions.
Tuesdays 6:30 – 7:30pm in Becket Hall
Contact Dick directly on WhatsApp on 07950 217327 or via Instagram

Fairtrade Breakfast

Many thanks to all who celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Fairtrade Foundation with help and support for the FT Breakfast on Sunday September 15th.
We raised £250.30 to be shared between the Foundation and the cathedral. Fairtrade is making a big difference in places which most need our support. Buy it whenever you can!! 

It’s only 78 sleeps until…

It’s only 78 sleeps until our annual Christmas Fair, and only 9 until St Michael's Day! Why are these two dates related?
According to legend when St Michael expelled Lucifer from heaven, Satan landed in a Blackberry Bush and cursed it!  Leading to the tradition that Blackberries should not be harvested after the feast of St Michael on the 29th of September.   So, there are only 9 days left to harvest Blackberries, perhaps for use in jam making.  Donations of which will be gratefully received for the Jam & Preserves stall, at the Christmas fair. 
Another Scottish tradition for Michaelmas is to make St Michael’s Bannock bread, a scone like cake incorporating rolled oats that, coincidentally, teams well with Blackberry Jam.  I intend to try to make a Bannock bread this year as well as baking for the Cake stall at the Christmas Fair. Your help with this year’s fair is much needed and there are many ways to contribute towards this fundraising event, making jam and baking are just two of them.  If you would like to volunteer to help organise the event or give a few hours on the day, then please email volunteer@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.
Don’t forget if you need or have jars, you can drop and collect them from the basket in the lower cloister, please only leave clean jar with metal lids. Thank you and if you are making anything in preparation for the fair, please send a picture.

Out and About

The Cathedral's Safeguarding Committee meets on Monday 23 September. The meeting chaired by the COO brings together the Dean, Canons Jo and Harriet with Heads of Department on a regular basis to review policy and practice and ensure that the cathedral provides an environment where everyone feels safe, valued and respected.  The INEQE audit at Portsmouth will be In early June 2025.  The audit is as part of the next round of independent external safeguarding audits of dioceses, cathedrals and palaces.
More details about INEQE can be found here  Church of England - Ineqe Safeguarding Group
“Safeguarding is integral to how we operate as a Cathedral and is at the centre of proving a safe place for worshipper, visitor, volunteer, staff and ministry team alike.  As well as these regular meetings, safeguarding is a standing item for all Senior Management Team and Chapter meetings as we continue to review what we do and how we do it and look to strengthen it.” says our COO, Richard
For more information please visit our Safeguarding page here.

Out and About in the Diocese

Canon Anthony is taking services on Hayling Island on Sunday as part of the Ministry Team’s commitment to parishes in vacancies.

Building Works

Scaffolding on the southside of the Nave is in place while re-pointing work is underway. 

The works are funded by Chapter as part of its ongoing commitment to the maintenance of the Cathedral's estate and is made possible through the continued financial support of the congregation.

Changes to Sunday Services – Sunday 6 October

Please note some service and visiting changes on Sunday 6 October, due to the Royal Marines Band Memorial Day Service. After the 8:00am Holy Communion service, the Cathedral will be closed until 10am.

We look forward to welcoming the Royal Marine Band Service for their annual Memorial Day service honouring fallen comrades and the important role of the Musicians of the Royal Marines in peace keeping roles worldwide.  Music from 10:30am. 

#PompeySundays instead, we will be meeting at Canoe Lake (outside Cafe Fresco) for a tour of Southsea Green community garden, and an outdoor sing! As the garden can only hold 20 people at a time, the first session will start at 9.30am and then there is a further session at 10am.
If you would like to attend, please email Canon Harriet at harriet.neale-stevens@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk as we need to confirm numbers before the day! Many thanks and look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.

Eucharist for Peace

On Sunday 6 October there will be an evening Eucharist at 5:45pm with a special focus on peace and reconciliation, on the eve of the first anniversary of the Israel/Gaza conflict. Preacher: Canon Harriet

Taize Vigil for Peace

On Sunday 6 October the monthly Taize service at 8pm will include songs and chants and prayers for peace in our world at this time.

Charity Quiz Night in aid of the Friends – Monday 7 October

Early booking advised! The Costal Family, the firm that owns The A Bar, The Briny, Canteen and the 10th Hole will be holding a Quiz and Curry Night on Monday, 7 October 2024 at the 10th Hole.
All proceeds going to support the Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral.
The cost is £12.50 per head or £50 per table.  To find more about how to book a table for this popular event and to support The Friends please click on the link here.

Portsmouth Cathedral Institute – Professor Stephen Schneck – Wednesday 10 October

From his unique vantage point as Chair of a major US Federal Body mitigating human rights risks globally, a Presidential advisor and well known academic and media contributor on social justice, social inclusion and climate risks, Professor Schenck will explore these topics live in Portsmouth just a few weeks out from one of the closest fought Presidential elections in US history.

Learn more here →

Pet Blessing Service – Sunday 13 October 3:00pm

Bring your pets along (or a picture of your pet) to this service of blessing and thanksgiving for the animal companions with which we share our lives. The service will be short, with music and readings reflecting the season of Creationtide, with a special emphasis on animals, and will conclude with an individual blessing of each pet present.
All are welcome to stay for refreshments (and treats) afterwards at the West end. Please note that your animals are your responsibility throughout the event. The West doors will be kept open so that people are free to come and go as needed. We look forward to welcoming you to this service – do bring family, friends and neighbours!

Worship & Visiting

Every day, Portsmouth Cathedral is open for worship, prayer, and visiting. Unless otherwise specified, services do not require booking. Our website contains orders of service, as well as information about visiting the Cathedral.

Sunday 29 September - Michael And All Angels (Eighteenth Sunday After Trinity)

  • 8:00am, Holy Communion    

  • 11:00am, Choral Eucharist sung by the Cathedral Choir (Girls)                

  • 1:00pm, Baptism

  • 5:45pm, Michaelmas Carol Service sung by the Cathedral Choir (Boys) with Come and Sing

  • Voluntary: Alleluyas Preston

Prayers & Intercessions

We pray for those ordained here on Saturday: Karen, Coleen, Clare, Bevaly, Richard and Larry;
We pray for: Christopher to be baptised on Sunday.
We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community:  Sue, Betty, Pauline, Marc, Elizabeth, Chris, Tom, Wendy, Gemma, Zoe, Paul  and all in need.  
We continue to pray for the long-term sick, including: Richard, John, Alistair, Alison, Jill, Suzy, Rosy, Philip, Mathai, Graeme, Muriel and Geraldine.
We remember those who have died recently, including: Joan Benning (Burial of Ashes - Monday 6 October 3pm - Memorial Garden), Philippa O'Brien. RIP.

See this gallery in the original post

 Upcoming Services & Events

See this gallery in the original post

Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

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