Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | 5 March 2023

A reflection from Canon Anthony

Lent is a reminder of the incarnational nature of the Christian faith. At the beginning of his ministry Christ resisted temptation both mentally and physically in his fasting in the wilderness.

In order to properly keep this time of preparation for Easter, the church has also been called not only to mentally reflect on matters of faith and life, but also to do something as an actual change in life. Therefore, Christians fast and keep a time of abstinence as a symbol of their belief that faith is something that is lived outwardly in the world.

As we begin this season of Lent, it is not too late for each of us to reflect on how we might spend the next forty days and use this time as an opportunity to change our lifestyle for the better. In a modern world in which we are constantly bombarded with messages about how to fulfil a consumer lifestyle, Lent is a precious moment to step back and ask how we spend our time, money and talents.

Dates for your diary…

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Community News

Solent Symphony Orchestra present Spring Classics – This Weekend

This Saturday, The Solent Symphony Orchestra invites music lovers to its upcoming Spring Classics Concert. Featuring the talented Alexandra Peel, winner of the 2022 Portsmouth Music Festival Concerto Award, this is sure to be a musical extravaganza. The programme includes Mozart - The Magic Flute Overture, Bruch - Violin Concerto No 1. and Brahms - Symphony No 2 in D Major. Tickets can be booked online, or from the Cathedral shop, a limited number of tickets will also be available on the door.
See more and book online →

Appointment of Learning and Schools Officer

We are delighted to announce the appointment, following interviews, of Diana Hutchins as Learning and Schools Officer.
Diana who will join the team in mid-August said“My name is Diana Hutchins and I am very excited about my appointment as the Learning and Schools Officer at Portsmouth Cathedral, after a 32-year career as a qualified and practising Infant School teacher.
I am married to Richard who is a Vicar in the Portsmouth Diocese and we have two sons who are both at university.
My heart is to see children of all ages connect with the Christian faith, expressed through my leadership of Sunday Children’s work and Messy Church in my local churches. The Cathedral is uniquely placed in our Diocese to reach out to church and non-church schools and their children, and I relish the opportunities to come.

I look forward to meeting and getting to know you all when I take up the post in mid-August."



Chapter meets on Wednesday 8 March for a routine business meeting including reports on Liturgy and Music, Learning and Engagement and Safeguarding alongside an update from the Chief Operating Officer on Cathedral operations. On 11 March, Chapter will be considering Cathedral finances and draft documentation as the Cathedral continues towards the implementation of the 2021 Cathedrals Measure which will see all cathedrals come under the jurisdiction of the Charity Commission alongside that of the Church Commissioners. Chapter is most grateful to the Jerusalem Trust for their grant over the next two years that has helped to make this recruitment possible.
See the agenda for Chapter on our downloads page →

Choir Sweden Tour 2023

The Cathedral Choir (boy choristers) recently returned from a tour to sing in Sweden. This trip marked a couple of important milestones – it was our third trip to Sweden, the thirtieth foreign tour for our choir but the first since 2020 when the pandemic and then associated rules and regulations stopped all such things.
Read full blog →

Easter Lilies In Memoriam

Remember a loved one this Easter, donate £5 for an Easter Lily that will form part of our beautiful floral display at Easter, there name will also be included in our Easter Lily Memorial Book.
The date for the name of your loved one to be entered in our Easter Lily Memorial Book is 1 April 2023, you can donate in person at the Cathedral using the forms at the Welcome Desk, or you can also donate online →

Cathedral clergy – around the Diocese

This Sunday (5 March) the Revd Catherine Edenborough will be presiding and preaching at the 8:00am and 10:00am services at St James' Milton, which is currently in a vacancy.

Help our flower team for Mothering Sunday

Would you like to get-involved with our Cathedral Flower Team to help make posies for our Mothering Sunday services. Pop-by Saturday 18 March, from 9:00am in Bishop Kenneth Room.  Whether it’s something you’ve never tried before, or you’re a green-fingered expert, come and meet the team who help regularly fill the Cathedral with wonderful flora.
If you would like to learn more about volunteering with the Cathedral visit our website →

Fairtrade Fortnight 27 February–11 March

There has never been a greater need to buy fairly traded products than now. Climate change threatens us all but for the producers of coffee, cacao, bananas and many other essentials in the global south, its impact is far worse. Production is under threat from rising temperatures and fierce weather. 
The Fairtrade mark means producers not only receive a fair, regular price for their goods and a community premium, but are also helped to develop more sustainable farming methods with more resistant crops, so preserving their livelihoods and communities.
Please make it one of your Lenten resolutions to use Fairtrade goods as much as possible. You will be helping to safeguard the presence of coffee, bananas and chocolate (and so much more) on our supermarket shelves!  We have had our Fairtrade Breakfast but the need to support Fairtrade goes on.

Bags for the Roberts Centre

At this time of great need, we are asked to increase our donations to the Roberts Centre Food Bank.  Morrison’s have kindly donated some carrier bags for us to fill with donations, and Terry Ward will be making the bags available after our Sunday services.  Please take a bag and fill it with donations, and bring it back either later Sunday, or on a future Sunday during Lent. (Terry will be collecting the donations on Monday mornings.)

Taizé this Sunday

Our regular Taizé-style service will be this Sunday at 8:00pm. Taizé-style worship offers peace, quiet and reassurance: and an encounter with God in the singing and stillness.  We meet in the Cathedral in St Thomas’ Chapel to join in Taizé songs and chants and be led in prayer with a time of quiet reflection and meditation. The service usually lasts about 40 minutes. 

Memorial Bench for Nadjia Carpenter

The death of Nadjia Carpenter, our Volunteer Coordinator, in October 2022 brought and continues to bring much sadness to the Cathedral Community. In her short time with us, Nadjia was a vibrant and valued member of the Cathedral team and wider community.
The Cathedral is marking her life with a new circular wooden bench that will be located around an existing small tree on the South West part of Cathedral Green. We hope that the bench will be installed by the end of May 2023.
If you would like to contribute towards Nadjia’s bench, visit our website →

Worship & visiting

Every day, Portsmouth Cathedral is open for worship, prayer, and visiting. Unless otherwise specified, services do not require booking. Our website contains orders of service as well as information about visiting the Cathedral.

Prayers and Intercessions

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Chris, Martyn, Alistair, Lucy, Tom, Beverley, Jude, Don, Jean, Alan, Margaret, Ann, John, Renee and all those in need.  
Long-term sick including: Graeme, Sarah, Alison, Jane, Jill, Suzy, Andrew, Rachel, John, Richard, Edward, Peter, Rachel, Rosemary, Sean and Yvonne. 
We pray for those who have died recently, including: Rosie Wilson (Cathedral Memorial Service 11am, Tuesday 25th April), Arthur Bailey, Margaret (Marnie) Linington (Cathedral Memorial Service 2.30pm Tuesday 7th March), Jean Wilsdon (Funeral 12noon Wednesday 8th March at Portchester Crematorium), James Matthews and Anne Powell (Cathedral Memorial Service 2pm Tuesday 28th March) RIP.  

Upcoming Services & Events

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Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

Have news or story you’d like to share? Submit a notice 📰

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